To People who Play Fair



  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27

    I don't play fairly with survivors who t bag, flashlight clickers, just survivors who are annoying and likes to annoy the killer. Therefore, I always tunnel, I always use NOED and other unfair perks.

  • InsidousEqualWin
    InsidousEqualWin Member Posts: 36

    I don't play fair I play fun

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    In my opinion, players who do those things are being really rude. There's nothing wrong with NOED either, I use it as killer in case someone is AFK and needs to go to the gate, but then again I'm a bit of a baby lol. I enjoy NOED and DH matches a lot, I just don't think it's fun to get slugged and face camped, that's all. So I appreciate players who don't constantly blind the killer if they aren't saving anyone, teabagging to provoke the killer, clicking your flashlight to mock the killer, and I also appreciate killers that don't face camp and slug and endlessly tunnel one person. That's all. Good luck in future matches and have fun!!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Haha, I've been there! I just like it when people don't constantly click the flashlights and teabag

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    U feel bad when a survivor dies on the hook but do u also feel bad when the killer gets zero kills?

    U feel bad for survivors becuz u are survivor main, but do u also feel bad for killers? When the exit gates are open, and all 4 of u are at the gate, do u ever return to the killer to give him a free kill? Becuz u felt bad for him?

  • PotatoBunny
    PotatoBunny Member Posts: 4

    That makes the two of us... good to know! I'll tell everyone now lol

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Well actually yes, I do. I always leave my items with them if they played well and got some kills in, and if they had a hard time I almost always wave at them to kill me, and if they're stubborn I let the EGC take me. I appreciate good killers, and I want everyone to have a good time. That's why I made this post-- I appreciate the people that do stuff like that, and I wouldn't make a post saying this stuff if I didn't go through with these actions. The last thing I want to do is make someone's experience awful. I'm not going to lie and say I've never teabagged, but I reserve those butt dances for those blissful escapes from very skilled killers. All in all, if I think you deserve the points, you're more than welcome to have them! So yeah, I hope I still don't seem super entitled, I genuinely care about how the other players feel, no matter what side they're on :)!

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    My rules for DBD Nec

    Ver chase the unhooked and always let the last survivor out.

    That last one is just because it always comes around. I had a Killer remember me once so he let me live to repay the favor.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    What a lovely thing to do!! Even when I die, sometimes I spectate and laugh my arse off when the killer and survivor become friends and just look for the hatch or play around! Good luck in future matches and have fun :)!

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I’m a killer main, I’d rather lose by playing fair rather than being cheap and face camping, tunneling, ect.

    As a survivor I don’t usually use too many sweat perks or t bag. I don’t like giving killers a reason to be toxic to me.

    I’ve had to turn my messages off recently because I’ve been getting very toxic messages every game (as both killer and survivor!) Even though I feel I play pretty nice. I’ll give survivors hatch or even let killers who “lost” kill me.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    @megswifey You are almost too nice and wholesome to be on this forum. I love your contribution, please don´t get corrupted by all the toxicity down here too much, we need more people like you. Much appreciated!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    OMG!! I do the same thing, but I turned off the ability to message me because I'm horrified of getting death threats lol! Also, I love your username, GF is hella fine <3! Good luck in your future matches, and I hope they are more fun than your recent ones :)!

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    This made me smile! I am always worried it seems like a sneaky charade or fake personality, but I promise I genuinely hope everyone has fun, haha! I have had good and bad experiences, but dbd has helped me through a super tough spot in life and it's moments like these that keep me going! I hope you're next matches are great and that you don't get any hate either! Good luck and have fun :)!

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    It is important to remember that the people on the other side of the avatar are actual people. And no matter how many times someone brings out the good old "GG EZ", you do not have to be like them.

    This game often breeds hostility like rats, and i'm always impressed by the people who can rise above it. Being decent doesn't mean you have to let yourself get walked over, it just means you can take pity on the newbies from time to time, and reward the people who give you a decent run for your money.

    Always ignore the cheap shots, because they are always designed to make the offender feel better about themselves, never give them that. We need more people like you, because the games where i feel i genuinely feel like i had a good game win or lose, with a random person will always be a salve to the dozen or so games where someone is trying to prove they have a massive E-Peen either in game or in chat.

    You don't have to throw every game to be decent, but a little now and then, goes a long way for the people paying attention.

    I wish you all the luck in your games and hope the toxicity continues to slide off you!

  • Larikal
    Larikal Member Posts: 54
    edited October 2020

    When i'm playing as a killer i play by my own rules... i just love to freak the hell out of survivors xD. Once survivor was escaping from me, climbed to 1 floor in building, i chase him, prepare to make that special demogorgon leap to catch him before he fall down... i failed, he fall down and i flied through half map xD. After that i keep playing, finally i catched someone, hook him, then i climbed to the floor at house and wait. Someone unhooked him, i waited 3 seconds and jumped in that direction. I hit the guy who was on hook before xD. I hooked him again since it was already end of the game. And he wasnt even mad or anything - he laugh that he just saw something big flying with high speed at him and before he realized it was me it was too late xD

    When i play as survivor i love when killers can scare me too! How many times Mayers just keep watching me and when i realize that after few seconds i cant stop thinking "how long he's been there?"

    Why i love to scare others? Bcs thats the reason why i picked this game. And probably also most of the people. I mean - if you dont like horror movies then why would you choose this game over League of Legends, Call of Duty or other PvP esport games? :D

    EDIT:/// It doesnt even have to be a big scare, even small things can be scary too - you hide in locker, killer walks around... will he check your locker or not? I remember once i was chased by killer on forest map, i run to the place where there are like 5 lockers and i hide in one of them. Killer came right after me and he checked first locker. Empty. Checked second locker - empty. Checked last locker - empty, checked middle locker - empty. And he walks away. Hint - i was in that last locker he didnt checked (probably he tought that i escaped somehow and that he wasted too much time). I dont need to tell you how nervous i was in that moment xD