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Is there anyway to deal with killers tunneling and facecamping?

Hey ima surv main on ps4 and I've been playing for 3 weeks now and the lower in rank i go the more im experiencing tunneling and facecamping. It's making me lose a ton of rank and points because i rarely get to play the game once im caught the killer Ethier sits in my face or ignores everyone and goes straight for me.Even if i manage to duck off he'll still ignore the 3 people running infront of him to search for me. Is there anyone to combat this or does it get better because at this point im going to keep getting de ranked and finish with low bloodpoints not to mention being a map decoration the whole game isn't that fun.

Best Answer


  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    You just need more experience. It's as simple as that.

  • dakarai47
    dakarai47 Member Posts: 4
    Tsulan said:
    Please ignore that troll post above.
    If you disconnect to often, you'll get temporary banned. 

    Regarding your problem. Have you tried doing nothing for the first 30 seconds of a match? Don't do gens, don't run, don't vault over obstacles. Just hide. That way you won't be the first one to get caught. 
    Thanks for the tip i will definitely try this out!
  • NoodleEmperor
    NoodleEmperor Member Posts: 12

    work gens.

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2018

    i like to start a gen as fast as possible and after about 5 seconds i go to another place, if the killer finds it they often will spend time checking around it

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Use Empathy, the best perk for selfish players in the game. Game starts? Hide! Someone gets hit close to you? Hide! Someone gets hit/hooked in the distance? That's the time to start doing gens. It's okay, other survivors will go for the save, you just make sure you only work on a gen that's away from the killer.
  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    Some other tips would be that many killers run nurses calling a perk that lets them see someone healing don't heal close to a killer if you hear the terror radius music stop healing and keep your head down. Try and hang by pallets for safety. Killers will often go for the weakest target so focus on making em pay for chasing you by improving your evasion.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 699

    There's not much you can do about either sadly, except for get better at hiding from the killer, which will just take time. Tunneling is an annoying but permanent part of the game just because of how much sense it makes. If I've hooked you once and haven't touched the Survivor next to you yet, I'll go after you every time. Hooking you again increases my odds of sacrificing you, increasing my points gain. Also depending on the perks I have, going after you may be to my benefit. (Obsession based perks mostly)

    Face Camping is annoying, but just think of it like this. When a Killer face camps you, more often than not they are trying to make you rage quit by killing yourself on hook, hitting you and nodding their head to help them in that effort. NEVER ######### ON HOOK!!! It's exactly what a Killer wants. The longer you are on that hook, the more time other survivors have to repair gens. Killers have to fight against the clock, killing Survivors as quickly as they can since Survivors have all the time in the Entity's realm. I won a game a few weeks back against a Piggy where I repaired a generator and opened an exit gate by looping between three gens til I fixed one and hid near an exit gate until I saw the Piggy check the area and leave. I than went to the gate, opened it for a few seconds and hid again.

    When a Killer face camps, they risk losing precious time, time Survivors need to repair gens. So if you wanna give the Killer the middle finger, milk your time on the hook for all it's worth. I know that doesn't help prevent face camping, but it's the best I got. Try to hide from the Killer, try to escape the Killer, and when all else fails milk your Struggle points for they're worth. And when you play a game where you get face camped and two generators pop while the Killer hits you like the blood filled pinata you are, you'll know I am right.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Borrowed Time & Deliverance.

  • Cass
    Cass Member Posts: 47

    Face camping isn't fun gaming. I don't get why killers do it, seems so boring. And for survivors Its annoying as ######### to hang until you die. I want to play, not to be bored.

    Tunneling is pretty effective. I hate it too when I play survivor because many games you die so fast. You can try to prevent it by not healing up in front of the hook or hide near the hook. Like others said try not to throw yourself on gens right away but maybe scout a bit and look for totems, so you aren't the first one who gets spotted by the killer.

    Killers tunnel because of getting players out of the game asap (three strikes out) and because of Mori. I did it too when playing Killer but I changed my playstyle. With Pig its fun to not tunnel but trying to baptism the survivor who unhooked (as kind of punishment). Also I unlocked Make Your Choice on all killers to motivate me chasing the unhooking survivor who has exposed status.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Cass said:
    Face camping isn't fun gaming. I don't get why killers do it, seems so boring. And for survivors Its annoying as [BAD WORD] to hang until you die. I want to play, not to be bored.

    Tunneling is pretty effective. I hate it too when I play survivor because many games you die so fast. You can try to prevent it by not healing up in front of the hook or hide near the hook. Like others said try not to throw yourself on gens right away but maybe scout a bit and look for totems, so you aren't the first one who gets spotted by the killer.

    Killers tunnel because of getting players out of the game asap (three strikes out) and because of Mori. I did it too when playing Killer but I changed my playstyle. With Pig its fun to not tunnel but trying to baptism the survivor who unhooked (as kind of punishment). Also I unlocked Make Your Choice on all killers to motivate me chasing the unhooking survivor who has exposed status.

    Face camping hasn't existed for a long time. Normal camping pays off 9 times out of 10 thanks to Survivors feeling entitled to the unhook and thus stopping all generator progress.