How to play exceptionally good as survivor and get banned (hopefully) in the process

csebal Member Posts: 31
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

I love the killer gameplay in this game for the very simple reason that you always win. If the survivors are weak, you hook and sacrifice them - win, however if they are exceptionally good, like the example below, you have a few good chases, hopefully hook them a few times and they escape - you still win (at least I like the chase experience myself)

Enter our antagonists, four friends, all playing Claudette, with a fully decked out build, all with flashlights at start

When I saw the all Claudette team, all of them with flashlights at the start, I knew this is going to be a fast match, however what I never anticipated is the match taking a little over an hour.

After a roughly 15 minute whack-a-mole around a single building, where I was chasing around 3 of them with little success, I decided to start recording.. Did not want to stream directly, so I can protect their identity, so the video you see below is my playing back onto twitch the recording I made :) no, I am not a pro streamer and I do not have any video editing software, so I decided this is the easiest.

Here is roughly what you are going to see:

  • them finishing their first generator while I have already spent about 15 minutes playing whack-a-mole with 3 of them.
  • the fourth person joining the "fun" and about ~15 more minutes of my trying to catch them.
  • a few minutes of me trying to be creative, by faking a disconnect and eventually me fleeing to my cellar.
  • at this point, I literally gave up and just wanted them to finish the gens so I can move on.. didn't happen, they came after me.
  • We spend the next 10-15 minutes in my cellar, me trying to ignore them, while they were taunting me
  • Eventually some trickery ensues and I manage to get some hooks and even sac one of them
  • once they are down to 3, they do some more gens, but still not in a hurry to go anywhere
  • I make it out of my cellar, giving up waiting, figuring that with only 3 of them left, I now have a better chance of chasing them down and saccing them and eventually I get there, but all in all it takes a little more than an hour for what should have been a 8-10 minute survivor victory


  • the following video might contain erratic killer gameplay, seal clubbing and extreme levels of toxicity. You can learn a lot about how to evade killers, but please.. do not - I repeat - DO NOT learn their style of how to act towards killers. That is highly toxic and an example of behavior that is or at least should be bannable.

I strongly believe that this sort of behavior is inexcusable and should never be tolerated. Especially not, when the other party can be held hostage.. I had the choice of waiting them out, trying to drive them away, or disconnecting, getting my penalty for doing so.

A report will be sent to the devs with names included, so they can take appropriate action.

Post edited by csebal on


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I noticed you got better with the hits towards the end. So since this match propably wasn´t exaclty fun, it may make at least for a good learning experience!

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Now that´s the spirit, keep your head high, it takes time but you´ll get there ;-)

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    As obnoxious as people like this can be, especially when you’re new, I’d rather face this kind of team than a squad that races to finish the gens as fast as humanly possible.

    You learn a lot from matches like this. I remember being a baby Hag and getting matched with a team that played with me like this - they’d run in, 360 me over and over, and when I finally got a hit they’d run away to Self Care and rinse and repeat. I could never catch them and at the time I didn’t understand why. Now, teams like this make for the the most fun matches for me. :)

    I don’t know whether this is bannable, and I’m not sure I agree that it should be. The matchmaking should be improved so that new players don’t have to deal with it though. It does feel bad at the time. Nothing makes you learn survivor tricks faster, though.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I can't see the video due to how old my laptop is but if what you're writing is reflected on it (and I am sure it is) then it seems like it was a really bad/frustrating match and I for one wouldn't blame you for DC'ing, I mean if you tried to DC. I am sorry, I can't see how you're playing and I play Bubba so wanted to give you a few tips even thought I am not the best... sorry

    What I can tell you is this, if a player is walking closer to you it might be because they have Sprint Burst which gives them 3 seconds of 150% speed instead of the usual 100% with the chainsaw you sprint at 130% at base, but it last a bit longer than Sprint Burst if you use your tokens correctly.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    i was gonna suggest he change his gamer tag to Mr whiff.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Aah come on, we´ve all been there at one point in time, like every new Killer^^ it´s why till this day everytime I see a Claudette I wanna jump into the game and bash her face in with my fists till no one can recognice her body anymore, but I got way better at controlling those urges. They just won´t get hatch.

  • SirBDog
    SirBDog Member Posts: 31

    I think the problem might be a little more on you. Just judging from the first 5 minutes of your game I watched, (I don't want to be like this) but you shouldn't have taken 90% of those hits. I don't want to simply say "get good" but they were just bullying you for not being as experienced. You could've gotten so many pick ups for free by just not slugging so they can unbreakable or get to a more advantageous position, and just face the wall - no flashlights. You could've spent an hour researching these kinds of things instead of having to get bullied for an hour.

    I personally would've killed for this game, and just for no gens to get done ever, and everyone to be right on top of me for a hit. This is ideally what you want as a killer and it's way better than getting supreme gen rushed. I'm talking 4 bnps maxed out tool boxes and the best perks for doing gens

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    While I think it sucks what happened, this isn't holding the game hostage or bannable IMO. They were playing the game and things were happening. You even got a kill.

    If they hid the whole time and didn't do gens then that I would say is holding the game hostage because they aren't even playing. But getting chased is playing the game.

    Really you should have just slugged them all. Picking them up when they have flashlights like that was just not a wise decision.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    A SWF Bully squad. That is as rare as a day that ends in Y.

    Something about just sticking it the killer and making the game as long as possible makes them so happy. They were probably mad at the end when you killed one of them

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'm gonna be the odd one out and call out that you got 31,000 blood points, 1k from a perfect game.

    The SWF is just a memory now, but those bloodpoints are forever.

  • 913babygirl
    913babygirl Member Posts: 1

    I don't think they should be penalized for playing well. I think they spent a lot of time playing dbd and it would be wrong for dbd to penalize people who have spent a lot of time playing their game. They have invested a lot of time supporting dbd. One would think that's what dbd would want. I think some of y'all are crybabies. Just get good and match their skill level or go play fortnite or something. If you can hang with the big boys don't play with their game. It's clear they were swf. If you can't keep up dc and accept the penalty for not being as good. The killers clearly have an advantage as for as being faster then the survivors. Use that to your advantage. Find ways to get what you need done instead of whining about what others do or don't do. This should have been a teachable moment instead of finger pointing. How hard you practice shows. The way you shut someone up is beating them at their own game not tattle telling. "Oh they were to good and their friends were really good too their so toxic". I can't take sensitive people that game that's the worst. I would have wanted to play them over and over again until I got just as good as them. I know some of y'all are sensitive so let me say this I'm not trying to be rude just saying what I would tell myself. Things don't always go your way, sometimes you get a raw deal but this was no raw deal this was Claudette at her finest or worst lol.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    I commend you for staying I. That match I would of either gone and stood in a corner facing opposite way of I would of dcd

  • csebal
    csebal Member Posts: 31

    Everything you say is invalidated by that one screenshot I posted from the 19 minute mark in the video. When you see the opponent giving up and instead of closing the match, you keep on hitting them, that is a disqualification in EVERY sport out there. This is not even a sport. this is just a game. If you cannot think of it as one, then maybe it is you who should not play it.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    "I love the killer gameplay in this game for the very simple reason that you always win."

    Oof that was a rough awakening

    These kind of matches are nightmare fuel for newer players and the most fun you can have when you get more experienced.

    Still think the killer should be able to open the door at any time tbh

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    If they're not doing gens you can kill them. Pallets are limited. It's not their fault they got matched with you lol.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    I'm a 2.5k hour player who's currently low ranked because I rarely play survivor and when I do I usually mess around with friends and don't pip. Guess I should get banned. Nothing is stopping him from killing them there, guess every killer I've ever ran around for extended periods should report me so I can get banned.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    I'm a 2.5k hour player who's currently low ranked as survivor because I rarely play it and when I do it's usually me and friends messing around etc and therefore not pipping. Guess I should be banned then.

    There is nothing stopping him from killing them. Suppose I should be thankful for every killer I've ever ran for an extended period seeing as they haven't reported so I can get my oh so justified banned.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Yes the BM is disgusting to watch. I bet they nutted all over their pants because they found a brand new player they can humiliate.

    If and when the "new and improved" MMR goes live, haven´t they planned to address this? Like, a multiplier, increasing with every member of a party and some form of protection for new players? Matches like this can´t be what BHVR has in mind for new players trying Killer, can it?

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I doubt it.

    Know why?

    They fixed it in the past. If you grouped up as an SWF group, you'd be put against a killer of the same rank as the highest ranked person in your party, not the lowest.

    A few people complained because their queues were longer and 'oh I'm just teaching my lowbie friends the game. Yes, they have full meta perks and 1000 hours experience a piece, just ignore that please.'

    Similarly, killers had the same protections, meaning that a rank 13 killer would not be put up against a rank 1 survivor. This was completely removed too.

    This won't be fixed.

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    And that means we should get banned because I'm not at a high rank because of the ######### ranking system?


  • CoopaTroopa006
    CoopaTroopa006 Member Posts: 11

    I feel bad for you man

    Swf groups really do make this game terrible

    That's sort of why I left this game

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    So good survivors who can 360 and do techs are running a newbie/mediocre killer on shack. Don't really looks like they hold the game hostage, because they actually did gens

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 136

    I'm approaching 1k hours in DBD and I remember having matches like these when I was still brand new. It was terrible. There was a huge gap between me and the survivors playing against me. Ironically, it felt like I was fighting to get some downs while they had the easiest time of their life looping tiles I didn't know how to run. This was before the map changes so seeing insane setups on maps like Coldwind and McMillan wasn't something out of the ordinary.

    One thing I'm gonna tell you is don't do the same mistake I did. Don't let people like this discourage you from playing the game and getting better, and I'm positive you will. Can you imagine how satisfying it'd be to meet them again in the future and decimate them? Now that's a goal to work toward.

    There's a lot of educational killer content on YouTube that helps as well. If you have friends who can play with you, invite them to put to practice what you're trying to learn. If not then I can gladly join a custom match ^^

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    He could have slugged them all then. The fact they were around means they weren't holding the game hostage. If they were hiding the whole time that'd be a different story (although he does have Whispers).

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Except that they were presenting themselves to him and he could have killed them. He just failed at it.

    Holding the game hostage is when you put someone in a situation where they can't end the game no matter what. Example, body blocking a survivor in the corner and going AFK. THAT is holding the game hostage because they literally can do nothing but DC. He could have done something here, he just didn't have the ability to do it.

    Again if they were hiding it would be different because then they are neither doing objectives nor engaging with the killer. But they were literally in his face all game.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Yeah, if you picked up boxing for a month and went up against Mike Tyson. All you gotta do to end the fight is to knock him out. He´s standing right there so you could easily do it right?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Again they were in his face all game. That's like saying the killer held the game hostage by never hooking anyone but the survivors were so bad at the game they couldn't finish a gen.

    The situation sucks but it's not a hostage situation. He could have done something, he just lacked the ability to do it.

    Also he killed 1.

    Was he bullied? Yes. Was he held hostage? No.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2020

    If he gives you a free hit and you put your all into it, yea the average person could probably knock him out after wailing on him. The human head can only take so much, doesn't matter if you've been punched once or 1000 times, enough blows to the head will do damage of some kind. Given enough time (and lack of making HUGE misplays like picking up when there are 2 flashlights around) he could have slugged all 4 of them. That was entirely in the realm of possibility.

    Not to mention there is a timer in boxing.

    Awful analogy is awful.

  • xevra
    xevra Member Posts: 35

    none of this is really bannable it sure was toxic of them but if this is bannable I expect to see some slugging killers who leave all 4 members down on the ground for the bleedout to be banned aswell

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    That´s a huge "if". These guys didn´t let him just knock them down. You seem a bit delusional about the situation at hand, friend.

  • xevra
    xevra Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2020

    if you never hook anyone and just slug right from the start you render those perks useless and who wants to spend 10-15 mins on the ground waiting to bleed out? and for your situation there are perks you coulda ran to counter what happened lightborne-bamboozle-brutal str to name a few

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited October 2020

    They didn't let him kill one of them either I'm sure.

    Either you should have just played scummy and tried to down them all or just actually went AFK. I guarantee if you were gone for more than 30 minutes they would have left.

    The fact the game was being played means it's not a hostage situation. A hostage situation is when, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, the game will not end. They were engaging with you. You had plenty of opportunities to get them, you just failed at it. Yea it sucks, but the possibilities were there. Case and point, you killed 1.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Yeah right, because obviously when you start playing DBD you have these unlocked on all of your Killers and are experienced in countering such scenarios. Makes total sense bud.

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