Seriously, SOMETHING needs to be done about gen times.

Found a survivor less than 20 seconds into the game, and finished the chase in less than a minute. Yet, three gens popped by the time I got the survivor hooked and I would be able to use PGTW. In the end, I only managed to net one kill using NOED, and that was only because the person let go on first hook. Furthermore, in the endgame chat, I was flamed on all sides by this obvious swf for using NOED, despite them all using tier 3 meta perk builds. I was also accused of tunneling, even though all four of them were running near identical Claudette cosmetics. Three of them had brought maxed out toolboxes, one of which with a BNP.
At this point, why even try to play? The game is in a horrible state right now.
Gen speeds aren't the problem, it's potential minimum chase time. It's fine to lose 1, 2 or even 3 gens before your first hook, but if every survivor plays safe after that and they have the pallets for it? You're screwed.
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I'm sorry you had a rough match. Those survivors seem pretty boosted.
That said, as a rank 1 killer main I have to disagree. The last thing this game needs is to force survivors to spend even more time holding M1. That's pretty boring if they're not stacking toolboxes. What the game needs instead is more tools for the killer to regress gens.
I would also recommend avoiding lobbies with 3-4 toolboxes. The result is pretty obvious.
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The problem is Solo. If they make gen times any longer than they are now, Solo would suffer and end up causing people to quit.
It sucks as Killer but there really isn't much they can do. I suggest you focus on the 3 gen strategy and protect them as much as you can.
Ignore endgame chat, you as a Killer are less than dirt to most SWF death squads, so nothing you say will be accepted by them. Not that you should try justifying yourself. Perks are in the game to be used.
They accused you of tunneling, so what? Is there a rule book from Behavior that dictates that "Killers shall not Tunnel"? With how fast gens pop, you have to. Especially since they're a SWF, they're usually altruistic and will throw the game to save their friend.
For me, personally, if all niceties go out the window once we are down to 2 gens. I will tunnel and proxy camp as much as I need to. And if I get you in the basement, gg. I know how to count to 15 so BT is a waste. I also know how to count to 60 so DS is a waste. Do what you must to win. Just be nice to obvious solo potatoes (me included), we're not all toxic, we just want to have fun too.
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The only problem is the first gen, usually free in most games. Killers cant do anything about it.
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The problem is against solos or small SWFs, the gen times are not all that bad.
You run into issues when you run into the SWAT Team SWF. The coordination that they can get with everyone being on a mic and everyone taking it as seriously as a SEAL TEAM 6 raid on Bin Laden, there's not a whole lot you can do about it.
The problem with increasing gen times is that STILL wouldn't bother the SWAT SWF as that kind of coordination is virtually unbeatable so all you'd do is make solos and friends just trying to have fun into a miserable slog of an experience...
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first off its ormond, unlucky but it happens
first down is 60 seconds into the match, normally your chases shouldnt be this long but again its ormond and that map is ######### stupid, and
and that is basically the reason these kinds of matches play out, bad map design screwing you over
however increasing gen times is the wrong move you would have to buff solo to swf level and buff killers accordingly
just another observation your playing clown, he is a very weak killer especially versing swfs
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No corrupt, no discordance on a low mobility killer. You should expect ridiculously fast games not running either of those perks.
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No tinkerer either. It's so good.
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The problem isn’t gen speeds, it’s maps. The “lose three gens to your first chase” thing is much more common on large maps or maps with gens that are hard to patrol. If I spawn into Ormond or Mother’s Dwelling or Haddonfield I know I’m probably losing at least two gens early.
Don’t listen to trash talkers, btw. As survivor I’ve died to absolutely awful killers and escaped against some of the best killer players in my region, and as killer I’ve killed some survivors that were far better than me and lost to some real megheads. Bragging about winning in this game is pretty sad, as is trying to insult someone for losing.
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Wiit ! Me too man. I consider myself to be good and I had same scenario as you. By the time I got one survivor all 3 others had 4 going on 5 gens completed. It’s not fun anymore.
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I mean, you're playing Clown on Ormond with a sub-optimal build.
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Gen speeds are generally fine.
There are just a few things the devs need to adjust.
-Map balance
-And make it so that survivors always spawn together.The most horrible thing a killer could face is 4 survivors spawning on 4 different gens.It would make the early game way more manageable.
Also i would advise you to not use surveillance,becauae in my opinion only high mobility and stealth killers can take full advantage of that perk.Replace this perk with corrupt intervention.It will definetely help you with killers that have a weak early game.
Also also,i would rather use brutal strength than enduring because surviviors tend to pre drop the pallet against killers like clown.
Otherwise you should look at your own gameplay too.If that claudette would have been just a little bit better then she would have vaulted that window right next to the stairs due to you missing that one bottle
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You can snowball the game after the gens are done or before a single gen is popped. More consistancy for the games is what you are looking for not gen time nerf.
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i feel your overestimating the strength of disco, its good but on a killer that isnt blight or billy its kind of useless the only time it would come into effect is at the start when you havent found someone
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Well actually, I tend to run discordance a lot and it's a pretty useful early game perk if you're a high mobility killer, and it's also a decently good late game perk if you can't patrol all the generators quickly.
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yea but this guy was implying disco is a good perk choice for clown, i know its good for high mobility killers but for anyone like clown who is just a regular m1 killer with no mobility
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Gen speeds aren't the problem! Lack of survivor objectives id the problem
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Three gens done in the first 60 seconds is only possible if three survivors are all on separate gens at the start of the match while the fourth is being chased. Discordance wouldn’t even have triggered at the start of this match.
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1 You weren't even pressuring gens.
2 the claudette seemed bad
3 youre on Ormond
4 clown has no map pressure to begin with only tile pressure
My advice run discordance or a gen slowdown perk and focus gens. If a survivot seems strong and good at wasting time, get them to drop a pallet or 2 and leave immediately to pressure gens. Prob the hardest thing about this game is knowing when to not chase. Just picked up blight recently and omg he has extreme map pressure with tinkerer. Its a perk that tells you which gens are being worked on for crying out loud! How is it not meta? As soon as you hear it notify you. Immediately run to the gen. Hillbilly is probably 10x more terrifying than blight and does everything blight does and more. Im going to try billy when I get home with BBQ, tinkerer , ruin and undying. If not ruin undying then discordance and noed. Havent figured out which perk combo is stronger yet. Prob ruin undying. It'll get nerfed into the ground soon though. Its better than old ruin.
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If you think about it this game puts extreme importance on how fast you can down someone and chase another person. The sooner you can hook someone before 3 gens pop the better. Usually at the start of a match say
4 survivors are on gens
You chase someone. 3 survivors on gens(This is where most of the survivor's objective gets done)
You hook someone. 2 survivors on gens, 1 going for the save and 1 on a hook
You chase someone else. 1 survivor on gens, 1 going for the save, 1 on hook and 1 being chased.
The moment someone is hooked and you begin another chase you go from 3 people on gens to 1. In ideal circumstances. While there can be more survivors on the same gen or people might not be going for the save but you see my point. This is why killers whose powers help them in chase or have high mobility tend to be meta. They can down people faster or they can get to people quickly to begin another chase.
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Being forced to run these perks is pretty annoying as well.
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"It's okay to lose 3 GENS before 1 HOOK!??" ######### are you talking about? 3 gens is about 60% of the entire game, 1 hook is only 8% of the survivors life. If you'd want to win from that situation you'd need to camp the first guy or get him to struggle phase then tunnel him off hook in order to get minimum 2 dead and this isn't accounting if survivors are good at chases or map & layout all these things play a factor against the killer. gen times do need to be adjusted or at least something needs to be done to stall the early game which is where most of these problems with 4-5 minute games stem from. Killer's are forced to play scummy because of a flawed system that the devs refuse to do anything about for 3 YEARS!!! I don't blame the survivor for taking advantage of this because well it's their only objective but when they have perks such as DS, Unbreakable, adrenaline and DH then that's where it gets troublesome.
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Didn't you hear? Only 0.16 gens get repaired per match on average
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It is totally normal that 3 gens are done by the time you hook the first guy. While you chase your first survivor there a re still 3 other survivor all doing gens. I can't count how many games survivors lose while only 1-2 gens are left. When you hook your first survivor, that's where you have pressure. 1 is on hook, at least 1 needs to safe while you chase another one. So only 1 survivor is left to work on gens. If you just camp the first guy you hook it can go both ways. The survivors either finish the last gens and get out or they are not smart and try to safe the hooked survivor. Chances are that if it's a solo lobby they finish the gens and let you finish the game with a 1k. Maybe you should watch some killer gameplay to see how many times they have 1 gen left to do and all die because the killer has enough pressure and good chases.
At the end you have to know that you can't always get a 4k, just like as a survivor you can't always escape. sometimes you just lose and that's how it should be in an asymetrical game with rng elements. That's only my 2 cents though
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Survivors are stupid. This very much includes myself. When all gens are done and gates are 99, everyone will start to try to save the last guy on hook. NOED or not. I "lost" so many matches this way i couldn't count them if i wanted to :D
Survivors want to have fun too. Some thrill, not to be cheap and to make the 3 or 4k with everyone escaping. This is what gives you the kills, even when all gens are done.
OFC this doesn't speak for good balancing. Survivors who die because they basically kill themselves. But this is not about gen time. 5 gens are nothing for a good genrush team and almost impossible for soloQ's when one is DCing and 2 are doing bones and searching chests or whatever. Problem is, this ranking system throws everything together and the SWF mechanic then mixes everything throu so that lowbobs also get to play against red rank SWF teams because one of them is rank 15.
It is the core game that is broken, not the gen times.