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General Discussions




  • Member Posts: 1

    I am guilty of this too! I havd noticed in cross play no one does saves unless they are on the same console as you and I've met many survivors who will admit they do this on purpose.

  • Member Posts: 10,300

    I know it's unacceptable for teammates to get you 2-hooked, but it isn't over when that happens. You just have to make less mistakes. You're screwing your team over by killing yourself on hook.

  • Member Posts: 27

    Yet another example of survivor entitlement.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Not much of a team if I waste a perk slot to give them information with kindred, only for them let me go into phase two. Deuces at that point. Hope that totem was worth it.

  • Member Posts: 531

    "Absolutely braindead killers that anyone can pick up and do well with"



    DaKnight sus. Voting him off.

  • Member Posts: 249

    On average, most killers won't find a decent survivor until first gen is complete. You also seem to be assuming that all killers tunnel and the first found will always be hooked. Neither of those is true.

    Breaking down the time it would take to die within the first 120 seconds of a match, you would have to be downed within the first 30-60 seconds, then be carried to a hook which can be anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds, provided you're immediately picked up, then you'd have to wait 60 seconds to get to second phase unless you try to escape, shaving 20 seconds off for each attempt.

    So unless your immediately trying to get off the hook using all three attempts, that means you would be well into at least 2:30 of the trial at most.

    If you're going down THAT fast, you either got extraordinarily unlucky, or you screwed up and got caught. In either case, the safest bet for most survivors, especially those that are not teamed up with you is to not go anywhere near a killer that may be skilled enough to find and down someone that quickly. Which is exactly what most survivors do, especially those that are not in a SWF with the downed person.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I see no issues with this. Good survivors can strategize time management to their advantage SWF or not. If your on the hook with no gens done. We ARE finishing one gen before getting you. Wouldn't make sense to immediately get you off of a hook without completing an objective. If u get downed in the first couple seconds you just gotta wait. But its reasonable not to have you at your second stage cause we should be able to time manage successfully.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Youd be surprised how many people actually have that type of ignorant thinking. So I tend to not think of them as jokes because well this forum can surprise you

  • Member Posts: 101

    Of course you're not obligated to struggle, in that or any other situation. Personally, I think one thing that would help this game is more choices like that, where you actually have to choose whether or not to trust your fellow survivors because it's almost equally in your own best interest to work as a team and to work for yourself against a teammate. I think that is an important horror element that's frequently missing, like the group of people trapped in the same place by sudden life-or-death circumstance. But nobody cares about solo queue, which is the only place you can really get that... 😢

  • Member Posts: 6

    Homie, if my gen is almost done against a killer with ruin you are staying on that hook. Plus it doesnt matter, camped or not i dont do altruism and i tell that to every survivor who thinks im gonna. Altruism is optional, meaning i dont have to save or heal anyone all game. Plus people like you who let go second hook never rank up because you let go, meaning you are staying stuck with those people who dont unhook. Think ahead. People who let go 2nd phase make me mad as killer and surv cause it just makes everything that bit harder for teamates. As surv i will be right there for the unhook and someone will let go in my face. Like i was going to save you i was right here. Hold your horses.

  • Member Posts: 827

    So you're struggling against "brain dead" killers... Don't say you're not struggling because that's what causes survivors to get tilted... And tilted survivors fire off about "brain dead" killers.

    Also if a SWF has a map n key combo in lobby, blame them for the match being un-fun because they brought fire and I fight fire with fire. They are getting franklin's, then tunnelled and mori.

  • Member Posts: 43

    100% agree. I put it like this IF ANYONE EVER DIES ON 2ND HOOK YOUR TEAM IS TRASH!!!

  • Member Posts: 25

    Counterpoint: maybe you're just trash if you get caught out that early, and I'm not coming to save you till I get my gen done 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2020

    I'm used to survivors setting rules for the killers, but now we have survivors settings rules to other survivors. How mighty white of you.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2020

    I personally think you are a bad teammate for quitting and a bad game player for quitting. If you're quitting then you're not playing the game at all and sounds like you have the mentality to quit before the game starts. You don't know that nobody is going to get you off the hook before times up. That's why I never try to get off the hook not to mention 4% chance off success is practically nothing. I do think the team should work to help each other though. They just might be close to finishing a gen before coming for you. Which is why I never try to get off the hook myself.

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited October 2020
    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Member Posts: 9

    When I used to play survivor I would sometimes intentionally get hooked so I didn't have to wait for my team to die or to just quickly end my game (as a killer player who used to dabble in both back a few months I tended to only play survivor if I had dailies for it or needed to do some rift stuff - so sometimes I would get myself killed after finishing my daily or rift objective if my team was doing really badly). It often bought my team time especially against killer's who liked to camp me. And it kinda told them to not bother coming for me.

    Other times I'd just get unlucky and be the one that got hooked.

    Obviously your teammates can't instantly appear at your hook to unhook you. So killing yourself on hook just makes you look like a sore loser or a rage quitter that didn't want to dc. Besides all of that your team could be...oh I don't know busy?

    Maybe their finishing a gen. Maybe their hiding from killer and having to slowly work their way over. Maybe killer is chasing them near other survivors who can't just sprint to you because you'd probably just rage about that instead. Or maybe you were a not so good teammate yourself that game.

    If my teammates are toxic to the killer I leave them to die. I don't want any part of that mess your making.

    If your toxic to your own team you get left to die.

    If your far away and start spamming buttons to get me there faster I'll just assume your killing yourself and leave you to it. Hell even if your close to me and start doing that I'm just going to assume you want to die.

    It honestly just sounds like your used to running with swfs and got some randoms and your just a sore loser because you got hooked first or your amazing play didn't work and you got hooked.

    Sometimes stuff happens. You should try playing killer you might actually really enjoy it. I had a lot of problems with the game as survivor and I found killer way more enjoyable so I made the change to killer and never looked back.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Are people incapable of reading? OP said nothing about attempting before going into second phase. It’s pretty obvious that he’s talking about waiting out the full minute for someone to get him, then no one actually does.

    And you know what... I do the exact same thing. I don’t want to waste my time on twats. And every single game I’ve bother watching after I let myself die because I went into second phase struggle, the game ends with a 4k. Maybe 3k if someone got the hatch. This is without exception.

    So, these teammates are already trash to begin with. I also run Kindred, so there is never any excuse. I always get my teammates before struggle, so they can have a second chance. I might not drop everything to get to them that very second, but I’ll be there before that timer runs out if no one else is.

    If people can’t do the same for me... ######### BYE. And, yes, I am still rank 1. ######### bloodpoints. I already get plenty of points in most of my games anyway.

  • Member Posts: 824

    If I drop to second hook because the killer is camping me, I'll stay and try my best to help if they manage to get me off.

    If I drop to second hook even though I'm running kindred and the Killer is obviously chasing someone across the map from me while the other two sit on gens or self-care in the corner, I won't suicide. I just won't try as hard to help them when they eventually come to get me as I nearly die on hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Yep. I'm already wasting a perk slot woth kindred to prevent being left on hook that long. If you can't get me off by then, see ya!

  • Member Posts: 3,099
    edited October 2020


    This is the first post that made me laugh this hard in a long time.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2020

    Gotta say the irony that people complain about mm and most of you act like arseholes makes me laugh so what if he feels like suiciding on hook because no one helped and your justification for not doing so is because its not nice to the team mates who left the guy to die god damn this player base can be ######### stupid

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