The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Toxic players

Yes, DBD's community is one of the most toxic. Do you like it? I don't like it and I guess you don't like it too. I askes myself a question: "From where do toxics come? Why do they become toxic?". I had a friend, he knew nothing about DBD and he started playing. He wasn't toxic but after 200 hours he became toxic (he's survivor main). And after thinking I got an answer. This answer ISN'T absolutely true for all reasons to become toxic but it has it's value. The answer is: "Toxic players became toxic because other players in their games was toxic." Yes. Toxic players make other players toxic (not everyone). Today the survivor will T-bag after every pallet and in the gates and tomorrow the killer will do same.

What do I suggest: ignore them while you play (yes, it could be difficult for someone but still). Don't gloating nod as the killer when you did catch T-bagging survivor. Don't T-bag after every pallet when killer nods to you or play as some meta killer like the spirit. If you met a toxic player say him in after-game chat that being toxic is bad and toxic players make other players toxic and newbies can drop the game. Also ask the toxic players in after-game chat to say same to other toxic players he'll meet. (Also say it on youtube comments, twitch, steam and other platforms)

Yes, it will not work to every toxic players but with someone it will work. We have to do it. If you know any additional options write it here. (P.S. camping, tunneling, slug-gaming isn't toxic actions)


  • xevra
    xevra Member Posts: 35

    i get toxic killers i'd say about 90% of the time me myself when I kill I now just meme around with survivors and let them go we all get points and have fun I do this to survivors for the main reason is that I know how the killers they will face are and I know what they will have to deal with so if I can give them a small break and a game they can enjoy and have fun I'll take it

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    With toxic things do the killers exaclty do in your games? I rarely see toxic killers.

    Dont come with tunneling, because thats not toxic.

    Same goes for camping except if they really do it from the start just to annoy you guys.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2020

    Nah this comunity is not that toxic, go try Street Fighter (or any fighting game with a big following) or most MOBAs, especially LoL and Dota2.

    Those communities are worse than a nuclear waste graveyard.