SWF is Fine



  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    People want to win and they will use every advantage, so these "just folks" swfs dont exist.

    Swf counters slugging, insidious, hag, and trapper. It makes flashlights, sabo, and pallet saves far more effective. It let's you know who is on what gen, where the killer is, how many totems are left, which perks the killer is using. It let's you know where the doors are and where hatch is.

    This game was not built around the survivors having communication. So either have dbd mute the mic, or buff solo and killer.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    SWF would be fine if it wasn't for third-party VOIP programs. The ability to talk to your fellow survivors is what makes SWF so broken and disliked.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    "SWF gives an unfair advantage equal to several different perks at once, without any of the drawback of having to take any of those perks, as well as a massive tactical advantage of being able to convey timing on taking hits, passing along killer perk info instantaneously, etc."

    "hurr durr it's not a win button"

    No ######### it's not a win button, if I got a hack that gave me 8 extra perks as a killer, that also wouldn't be a win button, but you probably wouldn't like it very much.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    The information where they told that the current system (the new MMR was then just released) pairs SWFs based on the average skill can be found below. However, they apparently kept this in place when the new MMR was deactivated instead of changing it back to being based on SWFs highest rank. So now we have a system that pairs them based on average rank, which is unfair to killers.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited October 2020

    I find this subject matter annoyingly frustrating because people miss the point, which to be fair I blame other killers for this. The issue isn't with SWF itself, it's with comms. It breaks the game. I don't want either removed, the issue is that the developers have really outdated philosophies with the game. And it isn't with SWF, it's with a lot of stuff. Hell, I play with friends. Why would I want it removed?

    When you play against four other players that always know where you are, what you're using, your strategies, and playing with a ######### rulebook on top of that, it gets frustrating. Me personally, I'm fine with people disagreeing but it's being purposely obtuse and confrontational now that's what annoys me.((Not that you appear to be doing this, but this happens every time someone mentions 3rd party comms))

    Don't even get me started on the horrid matchmaking, I face death squads way beyond my skill level.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Already been said a thousand times but literally no rational player with more than a few hours in the game wants SWF nerfed. You nerf SWF the game dies INSTANTLY. I actually ONLY ever play SWF because of how brutally unbearable solo and killer are atm.

    Solos need to get the exact same tools SWF have and then killers have to be buffed to be able to deal with any team if they have the skill to compete. Survivors need to start being strategic instead of just getting guaranteed escapes only because they're in a premade. As things are, solos have to hope their teammates are not dumb as hell and killers get stuck in completely unwinnable games because of SWF.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, the game is based around a lack of information. There are perks that give you information, or buff you in other respects.

    But with swf, you get most of the information perks for free, and far more, with nothing to compensate the killer, leaving all 16 perks for other purposes without loosing anything.

    Would you still think swf were fine if the killer would get surveilance, bbq and others for free as well?

    What about OoO? Its meant to be a bound between the survivor and the killer. But when all survivors get the information, shouldn´t the killer see all survivors via OoO, too?

    In addition to that, communication allows enhanced coordination, because you know what the others are doing and dont need to check, meaning you always know if its save to work on a gen or if your help is needed, and where.

    The thing about winning is this: at the moment, killers are balanced somewhat in between swf and solo. So they often stomp solo, but can´t keep up with swf. If solo and swf were seperated (or swf were gone), you could rebalance the game around that. But at the moment, you simply cant.

    And thats why killers want SWF nerfed. Instead, it would be ok to buff solo up to the swf level and balance around that, but i a) don´t think thats possible, and b) i prefer solo queue because i like the guessing game and the lack of information. Giving me all that information might ruin that game for me and others like me. BTW, i play mostly solo survivors, and my average escape rate is over 70%. Lower after rank reset until i hit red ranks, than it rises above that. When i played swf, my survival rate was even higher, but the game was actually less fun for me.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    We don't want you to not play with friends, we just want you to NOT receive a massively unfair advantage. With SWF, you get...

    -FREE Kindred!

    -FREE Bond!

    -FREE Object!

    -Nearly guaranteed to get saved on hook

    -Speedy Gens


  • HEX_MalusGrey
    HEX_MalusGrey Member Posts: 231

    If that would be true then devs can balance the game more in favor of survivors. ALL survivors. Currently there is a ton og push back against any survivor buffs or killer debuffs. That's mainly due to the few very bad and toxic matches every killer has once in a while.

    btw. please stop with this "main killer" argument. I play survivor even more then killer and i see SWF as an issue myself.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    SWF players are still the minority of the whole playbase and sweaty squads are even more rare. But the lying hypocrites will tell you the apparent opposite.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    this, seriously i try to say this all the time and every time im hit with the "entitled survivor" line

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789
    edited October 2020

    question: if you inflated a 4 stacks mmr proportionally to the 4 stack if they all have high mmr levels the queue time would be ridiculously high and i dont think there would be enough players within that mmr range to even be matched with them

    and this is all assuming that mmr can accurately predict skill which we know a computer cant do

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    I see this from both sides. SWF is such a novel and expected part of the game you're always going have people defend it. There's gotta be a middle ground, like potentially adding more objectives for killer and survivor to offset willingly going into a stompfest, so the mentality is "Yeah I lost but at least I got to do this." But you have to find something that pleases both sides, doesn't break the core mechanics of the game, or make it too tedious that no one will wanna play. That is not any easy task and no solution will please everyone. But giving it the ol college tryband providing constructive feedback when they try new things is crucial.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited October 2020

    SWF groups will have their matchmaking rating inflated artificially, proportional to the number of players grouped together (to counterbalance the coordination/communication advantage). Heroes of the Storm did this, and it worked pretty well.

    'Ey, that's not a bad idea.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    u EnTiTlEd SeWvIvAh mAiN yEr OpInIoN iS iNvAlId1121213122111!!!!!!