Hook Rework

  1. If the killer is within 8 metres of a survivor, the timer is paused. This effect persists for 3 seconds.
  2. The struggle phase has been replaced by: Skill Checks or QTEs, or even just holding down a button/key.
  3. The distance between hooks has been greatened, and all “Oak” offerings have a far greater effect.


  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    This would be a good idea but more changes to improve rewarding the killer for playing the game correctly should be added or this might make them a bit angry but im half survivor and half killer so idk.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    If #1 is supposed to be a punishment for camping, I assume you mean it persists until they leave the 8 meter radius; then, it wears off after three seconds. Either way, I disagree and think that the progression should be slowed up to 90% based on how close the killer is to the hook (slower speeds the closer they get to the hook).

    What are QTEs?

    As to #3, heck no. Even without any survivor oak offerings in play, certain maps are hecka broken right now with hook placements. Until that is fixed, there is absolutely no need to separate the hooks further. They are game-changing given the right group of survivors.