Played on PS4 Pro


Been playing on the standard PS4 for about 3 years now. Decided to upgrade to the PS4 pro for when I go for a 4k TV later on with graphics update

Its unplayable!! 😫😫😫

The character won't even walk forwards. Pauses completely unless I sprint out of it. Can sprint fine in all directions, can turn fine, skill checks are fine. But walking forwards doesn't work in game or in the lobby. Controller is fine at scrolling up on PS4 main menu. Surely its not the controller I just purchased?

Any help anyone?

I might have to try boost mode. What a dick punch if I've sold my old console to improve my experience, only to actually ruin it!!


  • yakul1nausicaa
    yakul1nausicaa Member Posts: 128

    You should have just held out for the PS5, which would offer a better experience i imagine.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    This is likeley the fault of the TV.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    TV is fine, not often used. Sprinting is fine, now trying a game on the help killer simulator, see if my killer moves properly as there is no sprint. Will try another game perhaps.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    Used to play on a PS4 and PS4 Pro. Have never had this issue. Try a different controller

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I don't know anything about consoles, but it sounds like an input issue.

    ....."boost mode"?

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,181

    just got pro get works fine.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    I gave it a clean with a brush, it seemed to help a bit, still a bit stuttery but not as bad. On FIFA, the controller worked fine, no problems with up direction. I'm going to try another controller today to see if I can eliminate the culprit. The person I purchased it off of claims the controller is absolutely fine and its likely a fault with the game. My TV is a basic brand 1080HD one.