What's the worst thing that has happened to you in this god forsaken game

The title says it all.

Basically a reverse ama



  • Cristia1V0
    Cristia1V0 Member Posts: 40

    That's actually quite a good answer but I'm taking in-game

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I was playing survivor on swamp map and I was up against an iri hatchet huntress with a troll team of swf. I'm not sure anyone got enjoyment out of that game, but it wasn't me.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    I won a match with a 4k as Myers against a SWF group.

    We were on an awful wooded map with a two story lodge, and they'd thickened the fog. Couldn't find anyone until the first two gens were done, and what I did find was a too cocky blendette that outplayed the living heck outta me for another gen before I could even reach stage 2 and got lucky with a lunge.

    At this point, I'd resigned myself to a loss. Chased her all over the map, passed the hatch, and only had one down, so I start taking her to a hill next the lodge for what i thought would be my only hook, only to find the rest of the squad springing into action trying to block me in while teabagging, emoting all over, the usual.

    Long story short, Tier 3 saved the day. They kept unhooking in front of me and trying to block me in, while the others ran up to second story of the shed to heal and emote at me from the balcony. I finally had enough and insta-downed two as they blocked and blendy dc'd when she got whacked as she unhooked herself and the last guy vanished. I sprinted for the hatch, barely shut it before he got it, wacked them once and spend the rest of the countdown getting messaged by his pals and him. Finally caught up to him on a gate and won.

    Those messages? Not healthy in the least. The guy was really salty about what he saw as camping with an OP killer, nevermind what they did. He spent a day and a half trying to get me into different party chats to spew bile on the mic until I had enough and just turned messages off completley.

    So yeah, worst thing I ever did was think interacting with the community had been overexagerated. Second was win a game.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    I can think of 2 situations.

    First I was playing as a trapper and was hit from the side by Head On. and got stuck in a corner next to generator. my game was basically over, all I could do is swing my weapon, I couldn't move at all. Free win for the survivors right there.

    Second just yesterday played against a pyramid head that did nothing but slug us all. yeah we did gens or a least I did once I figured out what was going on but it didn't help. someone would heal the person up they would come to where we were and he'd follow them and slug you. There was not one attempt made to put people on hooks, he just stood there and watched us all bleed out.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I've gotten stuck in pallets before as killer, and the first time I encountered a bully squad as nurse was pretty miserable.

    Worst experience actually happened tonight. Haven't played in a few weeks, and got a rank 1 4 man death squad. Unfortunately, it was haddonfield and the servers were not being kind.

    Tried to hook someone, with someone running behind to sabo. Server decided they started sabo first, so it froze me mid hook until the sabo was done. Then I had a clear window hit, but servers said no. Then I was staring at a light pole and still got blinded. Then I speared someone as deathslinger, reeled them, hit them, blood flew, but again the servers said no hit. Final insult to injury, speared someone as they were heading to the exit, started reeling, whoops, nope they escaped.

    Got three hooks and the a holes were teabagging at the exit. Pretty damned miserable.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Got stuck in a pallet as a killer.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    I got hooked (on the game).

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I had 3 false saws in a row as Billy once. Didn't happen too long ago either, it was post-animation-butchering but pre-nerf. It was at that moment where I decided that Billy was simply no longer for me and I have almost never played him again. Oh yeah and I guess playing Hag one time is one of the worst things I've ever done that permanently lowered my IQ by at least 4.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Well easy actually, I purchased the Darkness Among Us chapter instead of just buying Jeff only

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited October 2020

    The god awful matchmaking is what ruins it for me every time. Last week I played a killer match, and my level 14 killer went up against all red ranks. To make matters worse, this was the day after rank reset so most likely they were all originally close to, if not already rank 1. And why do things like this happen? Because the game will throw any killer into any match regardless of rank so that survivor queue times are shorter.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    I would have to say playing in Asia

    there is two servers one for Korea and the rest for Asia playing against laggy killers is just a nightmare.

    rampant hacking, just last game l had a Dwight literally running in the sky doing generators.

    lts just a miserable experience.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Honestly the game is pretty great overall, if it weren’t I wouldn’t have played as long as I have.

    I think my least favorite things in the game are:

    • Nurse is my least favorite killer. Blink stuns are an incredibly annoying mechanic. Staring at my feet literally 1/3 of the match, yeah THAT’LL be fun (not).
    • After-game rude players in chat. People who when they win have to call you trash and insult you, and if they lose complain that you didn’t play fair or used broken perks, etc. (Assuming those types of people even stuck around and didn’t ragequit on the first down.) That’s not a problem with the game itself per se, just a problem with people on the internet in general that’s prevalent in competitive multiplayer games with open chat.
  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Patch 1.9.2 and old MoM. Those were bad times.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Patch 1.9.2 of course.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    I remember I was playing Wraith on a Coldwind map. I downed and hooked a Nancy only to find out I was stuck to the hook and couldn’t move. I just cloaked and let someone save her and stayed stuck on the hook while they finished gens and teabagged me :/

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited October 2020

    I was playing solo survivor with a 3-men swf. I found a key in a chest and one of them saw me. Then the killer found me, and i looped and juked him for 4 gens. When he finally got me, the other survivors gathered around the hook, waited till i died, and took my key to get out. Their reason: i didnt work on a single gen....

    Nothing a killer ever did was as bad as some thing other survivors did to me.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I got Midwich AND Spirit in the same trial once.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832
    edited October 2020

    was playing against one of my favorite killers after only getting my least favorite killers all day, but in the first chase i got stuck in a locker when i tried to use head on 🙃

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I wonder if that's the same Pyramid Head my friends and I went up against once LOL

    Not too long after crossplay became enabled, my BF, two friends and I played together. BF and killer were PC, the rest of us were on Switch with like... 15 fps LOOOOL

    Our two friends were baby survivors but we got a purple rank killer. We got Haddonfield (no offering) and I thought the PH was protesting the map by going around slugging everyone instead of playing normally. It got pretty close to a 4 man slug a couple of times throughout the match but he wasn't quite able to pull it off. Eventually, we got all the gens finished and he has no hooks... because all he will do is slug.

    After the gates are powered, he downs my BF again and then commits to hooking him... in the basement. He stood camping at the top but I ran in for the save with BT. I ended up getting downed just short of the exit gate area. Without even thinking about it or paying attention, he picked me up... and my BF jumped out from behind a tree with a flashlight save LOL

    The killer DC'd right then and there and proceeded to hurl insults at my BF in the post game chat. I was just so surprised that he was mad enough to DC and then get rude in the chat- I would have never guessed he was taking the match seriously by the way he only slugged up until end game.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    actual infinites with no bloodlust or entity blocker

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    Ever had a game where you're lucky to kill even one person and the survivors still insult you because they didn't all make it out?

  • IHaveLumbago
    IHaveLumbago Member Posts: 11

    Missing my gun shot even though its an easy shot

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Loading into a match.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    i started 4 1/5 gens alone. 5 totems..2 unhooks...found purple key.....escaped like 3 chases(rare for me) ...opened gate and as I headed for escape threshold...my internet shut-down... it was so depressing...

    but amazingly I had a similar game again but able to escape! So Entity took pity. ❤️

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    All of Nurses awful bugs

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Hatch stand offs and survivors that do nothing other than hiding the whole game as killer

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Having a Laurie leave me on the hook to die, post-match I find out her reasoning was 'You're a stranger and idk you, who the ######### are you', definitely a troll but it made me laugh

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,775

    Going against a Myers who lagswitched with forever tier three, mori toombstone, noed, devour, and what else I cannot remember. Was years ago.

    I was streaming so pretty sure this was my first successful ban.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    The first (and only) time I got myself off the hook on my own was when I was being face camped by a trapper. Back onto the hook immediately. Very depressing.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I've definitely had games where I killed one survivor that that one and his friends insulted me. It's people who can't point the blame at themselves for losing basically.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I was playing swf with my friends, the game was bugged when it loaded in and said the map name and got stuck on that. None of us could move, two of my friends dc'd but that didn't change anything. Me and my other friend stayed there. Idk how long we waited for the killer to dc.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    The horror! I’d be tempted to run up to her and be like, here I am, end my misery so I can move on to the next match....only to get Midwich again.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    About a week ago I played 2 games as killer and 4 games as survivor.

    Both killer games, the survivors used Haddonfield offerings.

    All 4 survivor games, the killer brought Ebony Mori.

    I haven't played the game since then.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    The sticky hill of death. Got stuck running to the open exit gate and killed. Got an ez pz message from the killer like it was his ability and not a game bug that did me in.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    just the everyday harassment from survivor players because they don't like my playatyle. I wish they couldn't see your gamertag on xbox live

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2020

    2 days ago after I started to play DBD I discovered something horrible...

    A map called grandma swamp existed and I hated it ever since

    It got even worse when my friend told me not only 1 but 2 types existed

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Most frustrating experience for me would probably be facing an extremely obnoxious object user when I was playing Trapper. They just kept clicking their flashlight constantly and thanks to very favorable RNG I basically couldn't catch them. (Fun bus which was next to a jungle gym which was next to shack so very little I could do) Of course due to object, basically every trap I'd set would be disarmed so I was essentially an M1 killer. The cherry on top was of course that at least two other survivors were epic, super funny head on players. So yeah even when I'd get close to catch someone that down is just denied by some absolute comedian in the locker. The Object user then proceeded to tell me that he was solo and just used object for chases but I've seen the videos he's posted in the past and he's played with one of the head on players before so I think he lied lol. Btw, he uploaded the game with obnoxious music over it basically just stroking his own ego, throwing shade at me when replying to comments as well lol. Playing against object is a miserable experience for any killer really but oh well, I doubt I'll see a rework to it because fixing unfun stuff is less important then pumping out more cosmetics and dlc with balance stuff being sprinkled in occasionally. Anyhow, dumb rant over. If you read to the end of this sh*t then you must be real bored, stranger. Lol. Hope you have a lovely day!

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Pretty much everything in this game is a bad time. There've been the bugs, the survivors who make me regret being nice to them, the multiple games in a row of being tunneled and camped (I love to see that it's a decked-out red rank killer against me and my pathetic yellow rank survivor ass with one tier 1 perk; thanks for the great matchmaking, game!)... and then there are the bad omen offerings: pretty much every game with a BPS in play is the worst match ever... but...

    The worst thing is actually what happened to a friend (I'm really protective, so bad things that happen to him bother me more than what happens in my own matches). This was back in the day of pre-buff Freddy (and thus obviously pre-reworked Hex: Ruin). My friend was a bit interested in Freddy, so I was gonna teach him the basics. He didn't have a clue how Freddy worked, so I put on Ruin so he'd have a bit of time to actually play and try out Freddy before the survivors escaped, ya know.

    Anyway, the match loads and Ruin is on the other side of the map. He walks over to it and gets there to see a survivor already cleansing it... she finished cleansing the totem while he was putting her to sleep. It was the worst introduction to Freddy he could've had, to just be completely impotent, forced to stand and watch as his only hope at not having the match end in three minutes went poof, trying to hit her and stop her and his hand just went right through her with no effect, and I felt soooo bad about it. I had failed him. Totally dispirited, it killed any enthusiasm he might've had for playing Freddy.

    He didn't play that match, and he never did try to play pre-buff Freddy again.

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    Something from recent memory was when I was the last survivor and being chased by a Bubba. I saw the hatch and was heading straight towards it, but for some reason when I tried to jump into it, the game made me vault into the locker that was next to it. So I had to watch from inside the locker as Bubba closed the hatch in my face.

    The most annoying thing was that he was face camping everybody and I wanted this to be my ‘FU’ moment. Screw you game. 😂

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I love the game and play it a bunch. But the annoying thing that happens is me cleansing all totems only to realize he didn't bring NOED.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    When the game brings out the worst in myself:

    Often i try to tell myself before a killer game "take it easy, you will probably not win because you play killer x with perks/add ons y on map z" and then in the game gens are flying, survivors start to get cocky and toxic because they know they have the advantage and i get super mad as the game goes on. Finally, i get toxic in end game chat or take a Mori for the next game.

    Same as survivor when i'm the first one who got found, downed and then hard tunneled to death.

    That's the worst thing, that this game brings out these negative emotions in me sometimes. More than any other game even though i love it. It has becoming better over time of course but it's still a factor.

  • VynlGhost
    VynlGhost Member Posts: 1

    I was on the deathslinger map with a trapper and 3 blendettes. first 5 minues of the match all they did was hide in bushes while i did a gen by myself. eventually i got chased by the trapper and had been hooked. BUT, every time I got on the hook one of them would come out of the bush exactly right after I got put on the hook. Take me off the hook. Then i'd get hit and put back on again. this happened till I died. ######### those Claudettes I seriously hope they get hemorrhoids or some #########.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    4-man blendette team with 3 murky reagents and a yamoka offering, i DCed after the first minute because goddamn it i have better things to do then play a "walk into bushes and pray" simulator

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    Since the new offerings came out... 3 man, fast swap to key, used killer shack blueprint offering, used all the pallets, let random die on hook. 3 man escaped

    wish they would think of these things before people can do it and make the game, unfair/fun.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    This is a long story because I'm STILL upset a week later.

    I played a match with my boyfriend on Grim Pantry. The other two players were console Claudettes. It's usually a toss up whether Claudettes will be complete sickos or AWFUL players. We took our chances and went ahead and readied up instead of backing out.

    My boyfriend takes the first chase, which is awesome because he was the obsession so everyone could see that he was being chased. I started and finished a gen by the time he gets hooked, and Ghostface comes running over to me as soon as my gen is finished.

    I lead him on a chase that takes LITERALLY 3 minutes. Near the end of the chase I'm just kind of wondering why he hasn't left me yet. Haunted Grounds even got cleansed in the middle of my chase while I was injured, and he STILL didn't try to go and find someone else to Maximize Value.

    Finally, I go down. I look at the gen count, expecting to see 2 or maybe even just 1 gen left to do.

    4. It was 4. FOUR gens left after I ran the killer for three whole minutes- the longest chase of my entire career. No wonder Ghostface never left the chase LMAO

    I was TIGHT. With my boyfriend's chase and my own chase, there was literally no reason for there to be ANY gens left. I even stayed in one single area in my chase. These bum rat Claudettes hadn't heard a terror radius for ages and they still didn't do anything except get my boyfriend off the hook seconds before struggle phase, heal him, and then cleanse Haunted Grounds.

    To my BF's credit, a gen popped a moment or so after I got hooked. He ended up getting tunneled out of the game as I started and finished another gen SOLO, BY MYSELF, WITH NO CLAUDETTES AFTER THEY UNHOOKED ME. Shout out to the Claudette that farmed him off the hook with We're Gonna Farm You Forever and DIDN'T take a protection hit or a chase when Ghostface came back to the hook a few seconds later.

    Soon enough, after my BF is out of the game, one of the Claudettes get found and hooked. I was near by her and started working on a gen instead of farming her immediately. Might as well get some work done since Y'ALL OBVIOUSLY ARE ALLERGIC TO MECHANICAL WORK. Before she's too close to struggle, her friend shows up out of nowhere to grab her. I guess they thought I wasn't gonna get her. Ghostface of course shows back up at the hook very shortly afterwards, and exposes me on the generator that I almost had finished. I lead him on ANOTHER long chase, across the entire map and then some. It still took those stupid Blendettes almost a full minute to finish the gen that I had at 90% right where I left them.

    Eventually Ghostface drops the chase on me, for whatever reason. I work some more on another gen but don't get to finish it. I don't remember what happens between then and when I unhooked one of the other Claudettes, but I went down over the unhook after a short chase. In the middle of my chase, I ran past a HEALTHY Claudette. Bla bla bla, I get hooked for second phase. I look in the distance towards their auras, and see them jump into hatch. Ghostface smacks me on the hook as he realizes that they found a key in the trial and escaped with it.

    The End.