Would this be a buff or nerf?

So me and my friends joked around and said that BHVR should just combine no mither and dead hard, so using dead hard would force you to play in "hard mode", but would combining the two actually be a buff in the end? BC i can think of a few situations where it might end up as a buff,
No Dead Mither hard, Unbreakable, Resilience, some 4th perk.
Davids perks have always clearly been designed to bait the killer into chases or dropping chases with another survivor for you so it would make sense. DeadHard is basically a free health state on demand ( in the hands of a decent looper) that can be reused. I've probably lost more games to it than any other perk.
However, they are both teachables and combining them would remove one of davids perks which is a no-no.
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Faking a hit using my Wailing Bell says hi.
A.k.a. If someone with that Perk faces me, it's a nerf.
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Ehhh, while I do hate dead hard as a killer, I don't really think it's a great enough ability to put behind a permanent broken state just to have access to it
So I think it would just be a nerf, frankly, considering you have the penalty of No Mither.
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Faking a hit doesn't do anything if the no death mither hard allowed them to reach the pallet.
Would be a nerf overal though. Except for the name.
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It's a buff to No Mither, and a nurf to Dead Hard.
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No Mither shouldn't be challenge mode. It should have its own rightful effect just like all other perks.
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You have Dead Hard, Unbreakable, and you leave no blood all in one perk.
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Let me fix it for you. Swing 0.1 seconds later.
You are welcome.
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I'm talking more in situations around loops where the survivor has just enough distance to make it with dead hard but not without. Where a lunge would usually get the hit.
You're welcome. :)
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Making a technique that, in my case, rarely occurs the norm for if it's a buff or nerf is not something i prefer to do.
As a rough estimate from my memories, about 90-95% of the Dead Hards used against me, whether they were successful or not, were to avoid hits, not to get to Pallets and/or Vaults.
Hence to me, this would be a nerf.