SWF an ACTUAL idea for the OP Comp

SWF is OP. No doubt about it. No conversation to be had about it. SWF is OP.
With that said:
It shouldn't be "Banned". It should have it's own lobby.
Just like LoL has Solo/Duo and Flex queue. It's just a stronger team when you have full comms.
Have 2 queues, it's not a valid critique to say "Queue times are too long", etc. Your SWF group is OP.
The other thing, if you are SWF you should be against a higher tier killer. Red ranks should ONLY get Red Rank 1 killers, Purple ranks should only go against Red Ranks, and so forth.
SWF needs a nerf, and these are the ways to do it without killing survivor perks.
This is a possible solution. I would advocate for instituting in-game comms for survivors, then balance killers around the assumption that everyone is on comms.