Did.... they just nerf discordance?

Discordance has a limited range of 32/64/96 meters. At T3, the perk is basically unchanged since 96m is basically the whole map.
But discordance no longer spams the explosion sound, meaning the you need to actually look at the aura to see if the people got off the gen.
Seems like a fairly minor nerf, but still a nerf none the less.
One of my favorite perks too, it's a shame
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i dont understand eigther.
i dont necessarily mind the explosion spam stopping, but they havent addressed the problem T3 has where T1 is more accurate in the information it provides you with...
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REDACTED. The perks range pretty much covers the whole map.
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They could've just swapped around the numbers. But no... we have to make the perk pretty much useless at any tier other than 3.
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Yes, they nerfed it. Same with Lullaby. They finally gave in to the overwhelming wave of complaints about them and addressed these severe balance problems.
Maybe now they will have time to take a look on the niche problems that almost no one has an issue with. DS, Undying, Object for example.
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I'm laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside.
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T1 More accurate? How?
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Copying this straight from the wiki, because I think this is a decent example of why Discordance I was better than Discordance III:
- Due to how Discordance works, the highlighted Aura is technically a cool-down towards the next Aura reveal. This gives its Tier 1 more frequent updates than Tier 3, making it, information-wise, one of the few Perks whose Tier I iteration is better than its Tier III one.
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Ok then i understand. But thats wierd isn't it why wasn't it brought to the devs that this effect should be gor tier 3 and not one since it's better?
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It was, they just didn't respond to this issue for a long time. The spamming could get annoying, too, so honestly, I think this new version is better.
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That makes it in line with other gen aura reading perks. Seems reasonable to me.
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Actually one of the reasons I didnt run discordance was because of the non stop explosive noises, it was annoying and a bit distracting for me
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I’m gonna cop flack, but I actually much prefer Gearhead now anyway (if I choose to equip a gen info perk).
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They did respond to it.
Not an exact quote, but they said that one might prefer this (the now-older version) level 3 Discordance over the level 1 version, preferring the longer Aura duration.
And so they probably made this to not have some be disappointed by just switching the numbers around.
Not that i agree with it, i also wouldn't care if, for example, Barbecue & Chili was reduced to just 1 second for more BP, cause 1 second's all i need and i'd get more BP.
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... lullaby got buffed.
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Really? AFAIK they lessened the skill checks that were affected by it and did nothing to compensate. Smells like a nerf to me, but feel free to correct me if I´m wrong. Fixing the bug that showed Lullaby before the first stack wouldn´t pass as a "buff".
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How is not telling anymore that it excist before it has effect not a buff? Especially when the nerf you are talking about is the most insignificant thing ever.
Who outside of below 10 hours players missed madness or jiggsaw skillchecks because of lullaby?
The "nerf" is meaningless, the bugfix fixes one of the issues with the perk.
It's a buff, not a big one but calling it a nerf is ludicrous
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Both changes are very miniscule, but it´s a net nerf imo.
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What an unnecessary nerf. Discordance has very easy and clear counterplay, and they decide to gimp it anyway! I'm sure glad resources were spent on this instead of buffing the heaping pile of trash perks in the game!