Today I will not become the bully I am meant to be.

Because I am console pleb and PS4 is in garbage condition...
You live another day casuals.
Don't destroy me today, Daddy! 🌈
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It's okay, I will bully them for you.
But I will only bully toxic Survivors who t-bag or point at me after pallet stunning me.
I will also bully OoO users as well as flashlight users because I hate getting blinded.
I will not bully baby potatoes tho.
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They only point when pallet drop to say "Whoa! I thought that fell on you and hurt you! I am so glad to see that you are well. Let us continue this chase." 💜
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Have you had your talk with Jimmy Hopkins yet?
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BHVR Devs bravely puts a stop to local bully. They trully deserve our praise
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i Googled him xD
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I love to hear the dev say they know and are working on this.
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Haha nice^^ this game was 10/10 great, unironically.