What licensed killer do you want?

Semimatic Member Posts: 162

What licensed killer do you want?

Over the second half of this year so far, there's been a lot more wants popping up and I'm wondering which ones everyone would like. I would put Jason here because he is generally wanted, but I am not due to the lawsuit dispute. I'm only adding ones we aren't sure will ever be added or ones that have a good possibility of, but either way, ones that have been heavily discussed.

I think I missed some, but I'm pretty sure I got ones that have been mostly talked about recently.

What licensed killer do you want? 53 votes

Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)
VolantConch1719MiriamGMegMain98Cornpopers_EvanSemimaticMaxwellUndershotBluXPawcelotGrimmy_BluuesBrequeDARKxVOID[Deleted User]OxiTapernissilleJohnKenYawnLe_DWKArtworks 18 votes
Chucky (Child's Play)
ImperatorGibberishmonovidloOmegaCTHKingpaulmathersYuxichrioXoXGodHelpEmXoX 7 votes
Nemesis [or other characters] (Resident Evil)
[Deleted User]Demon_SwordsHoodiedPurgatoriantenoresaxWarcrafter4BenOfMilamAwkward_FiendScaryCatCheeseAntonmeatcellar 11 votes
The Surgeon [or other characters] (Outlast)
Seiko300TapeKnotScary_Punk_GhostElcopollocindlemain 5 votes
Wendigo (Until Dawn)
F60_31Kage_JihiMusicNerd_TCTwistedJoke65Pior_Mortejotaroemofriendo 7 votes
Jack Torrance (The Shining)
GreyBigfootCephalon_LebronChurchofPigSCP_FOR_DBDDaniG 5 votes


  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911
    edited October 2020
    Nemesis [or other characters] (Resident Evil)

    I direly want to have Spencer Estate as a map and Jill Valentine or Leon Kennedy as a survivor. I'd be more interested in having the Garrador (the blind guy with claws that hunts with sound in RE4) or Lisa Trevor from the RE1 remake than Nemesis tho

  • Pior_Morte
    Pior_Morte Member Posts: 526
    Wendigo (Until Dawn)

    People unironically voted for Springtrap

  • F60_31
    F60_31 Member Posts: 124
    Wendigo (Until Dawn)

    Eddie Gluskin should be Outlast character. So iconic and creepy.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427
    Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)


  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    edited October 2020
    Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)

    Love these posts but...I sadly just can’t vote in them because, in general, I’d be happy with almost any licensed characters being included. Out of these picks though, my top three would probably be Nemesis, Springtrap and Trager. Never cared for Chucky much and, I’m sorry because it would be a super cool chapter but Until Dawn is a Sony property, meaning that it would have to be a PlayStation exclusive. The absolute MOST they would do is also release it on pc, highly unlikely though. That said, I could definitely see them releasing their own(actual) wendigo eventually.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    Nemesis [or other characters] (Resident Evil)

    I would normally vote chucky but would love some resident evil. Resistance exists though so doubt they would license to a competitor.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    Jack Torrance (The Shining)

    Out of the options presented. The one I have the most want for is the shining. Though my top five are:

    SCPs (Of any kind so long as its done well)

    Stephen King work of some kind (Probably responsible for the biggest quantity of quality horror classics)

    Slenderman (One of the few horror icons I got to watch grow, I also really like his design)

    Friday The 13th (Roster just won't feel complete till we get all members of the slashstreet boys)

    Alien (I love me some good old xenos)

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285

    The grudge or the exorcist with her spider walk.

  • Semimatic
    Semimatic Member Posts: 162
    edited October 2020
    Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)

    All of these are great picks and I'd say Springtrap and Nemesis are my top picks.

    I'd have to pick Springtrap because I feel like he'd bring some really unique killer variation in appearance, has a lot of potential for power designs, and would look amazing optimized into Unreal Engine 4 (I mean, imagine how much of a worn mascot he could really look like if he had bloodied fur particles). I just also feel like as a killer he branches out a bit more on terms of malice because he was obsessed with luring and murdering children before he finally got what he deserved.

    I also think it lines up with the current status of Five Nights at Freddy's. They're getting a next-generation console release for the Playstation 5 and it's sort of insane how much it has improved from the lackluster indie games, and I believe this can generally be said with the franchise. I think like all franchises there are bad, but from what I've seen, a lot of people are older and it's generally teenagers and young adults with the exception of a few kids. But that demographic even applies to Stranger Things as well -- a show/media that a wide age demographic can enjoy, with the Demogorgon's addition appeasing the older crowd.

    I mean, there was an entire wave at one point for his addition into this game which ultimately led to him getting on a lot of people's lists, including mine. I'd only want him if he can be done right, but I really think he can. I think he would bring a lot of variation and has a lot of potential to be executed in a terrifying way. I could see his presence similar to Oni, I mean, the character is an eight foot mechanical mascot with a bloodied corpse inside.

    I just feel like he wouldn't be too out of place, or if anything, would at least somewhat fit. I wouldn't accept any other characters from Five Nights at Freddy's in the game and probably uninstall if that happened. However, I think Springtrap would fit well and be great for profit as Five Nights at Freddy's became extremely relevant again.

  • Demon_Swords
    Demon_Swords Member Posts: 68
    Nemesis [or other characters] (Resident Evil)

    I think a wendigo killer would be cool, but it isn't necessary to use a licensed version. Unfortunately the hag kind of overlaps with the idea of the concept of the Wendigo (Wendigo: a starving person Cannibalizing many people and gaining immunity to everything but fire and also losses all humanity. Hag: person starved by Cannibals escapes confine due to becoming thin; uses supernatural curses to kill captors and eats them.)

    Resident Evil: I think Krauser would make for a funner killer. Having some kind attack or temp buff (like myers) with his giant transforming blade arm would be cool. Also it kind of funny to DS Krauser. (in a boss fight against Krauser there was a bug that made him take a crazy high amount of damage from the knife.)

    Chucky: Chucky is too short of a character. For one he couldn't carry survivors. Secondly his Pov would be low. The blight already has some issues see over the grass in the swamp and other levels, so I don't think an even shorter killer would be good. Lastly, depending on his height, Chucky would be hard to blind through windows or over pallets.

    DARKxVOID Member Posts: 69
    Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)

    A Five Nights at Freddys chapter is my most wanted chapter. Second being a Bioshock chapter with a Bouncer Big Daddy as the killer.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,259
    Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)

    Of the options you provided, Springtrap's probably the one I most want, but that doesn't really say much considering who else is on here.

    I don't see how Chucky could possibly work, I have no knowledge of Resident Evil or Outlast, would rather have an original Wendigo to a licensed one (which we already kind of have), and Jack Torrance isn't even a blip on my radar. Seriously, he's just a guy who went crazy and had one memeable scene.

    Springtrap is still a low priority on my list, but he's the only one on my list from these options. Give me a xenomorph or Candyman any day.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020
    The Surgeon [or other characters] (Outlast)

    "pretty sure I got ones that have been mostly talked about recently."??!

    You missed like, every single one of actual significance. All the ones you put in the poll options are the minor league options (Nemesis / Wendigo), and / or have significant problems (Chucky / Jack Torrence), and / or serious opposition to their inclusion (Springtrap).

    Where's the Xenomorph from Alien? Pennywise? Candyman? Pinhead? Predator? All of these I feel are infinitely and universally more well liked and wanted than anybody in the poll options.

    And I know you said you weren't adding Jason to the list because of the problems of the Lawsuit but characters like Chucky have their own problems too, so OP already made a poll that isn't completely based on the most realistic options in the first place.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    edited October 2020
    Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's 3)

    First, Nemesis is most certainly not minor league, whatsoever. He comes from arguably one of, if not the MOST popular gaming horror franchise out there and he’s most certainly a recognizable character. Once again, arguably, the MOST recognizable enemy/boss from that series alongside Mr. X. I’ve also seen plenty of people asking for a Resi chapter. The wendigo I do have to agree with though, it’s not talked about as much plus, the real big issue is Sony on that one. The only big problem with Chucky is his height and they would most certainly find a way around that if they got him in. Probably through levitation and possession or something. I do agree with Jack though. He’s got the problem of literally just being a guy who went crazy though they gave a power to Legion. No, the real big issue is Stephen, he just doesn’t see the value in crossing over with games.

    Now, I highly disagree about Springtrap, because, simply, we will NEVER be able to fully pinpoint just how the community is going to react. You can say they’d be opposed while I can sit here and say that the forums and Reddit or whatever, though it may not seem like it, are actually a very vocal minority. Keep in mind, there are 20 million players that play dbd and, it continues to grow. So, who are we to say just how those people would react? Once again, anyone could say that the majority of the community would be outraged but I could say that the vocal minority would but the majority would be just fine and happy with the addition.

    For the rest of those picks, first, there’s only so many options they allow on a poll, which, they should fix but ultimately, characters have major ups and downs when it comes to talking points. While yes, some are definitely more accepted, such as characters like Jason, I still see some saying that they’d rather NOT see those characters or find ways to “debunk” those picks. Such as Predator, it would make since yes, to a degree but they haven’t taken the plunge into heavy sci-fi yet, which, I view Predator more as action sci-fi then horror, plus, he has his own game that still relatively new, also, I’ll be honest, I barely see Predator talked about much. The xeno is always in high demand but, once again, the predator game would probably be the first place we’d see the xeno guess star in. Now, for Candy,an and Pinhead, omce again, in MY experience, I’ve seen a resounding “meh” to “they make sense to be added” with a few “I’d love their inclusion” thrown in there. Yet again, it’s what I’ve seen and like I previously said, we just don’t know what the greater consensus is on some of these characters is besides Jason, Pennywise and, debatably Xeno.

    Once again, I disagree, these are ALL realistic options. Could’ve OP added a couple more? Sure could but to say “OP already made a poll that isn't completely based on the most realistic options in the first place” that’s a bit harsh. A unrealistic option would be someone like Jeepers Creepers, for obvious reasons if you know the backstory about the director. Now THAT’S a unrealistic option.

    Anyways, that’s my TED talk and, yeah, I have a LOT to say on licenses! lol

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    The Surgeon [or other characters] (Outlast)

    Alright, fine. I'll submit to you that I'm really just not all that personally invested in / familiar with Nemesis or just the Resident Evil franchise in general. However I can most certainly still argue that despite DBD likely heading into new directions, horror movie licenses are, generally speaking, the most popular picks when it comes to licenses. They're also some of the oldest recommendations from the Dead By Daylight community, and it's not necessarily fair to sweep them to the wayside especially considering the popularity of these characters in favor of the new "trending" ideas that come and go and wax and wane, which aren't as consistent.

    I agree, if the devs are truly committed to the idea of seeking out and including the Chucky license they would find a way to do it, hell, I have ideas about how they could do it which would also make the game and it's characters more interesting, and distinct. However, the question then becomes are they committed to obtaining the Chucky license? My answer to that is no, regardless of whether or not they could solve it the problem still stands that his height is a significant obstacle to his conclusion and it would still be difficult and take a lot of resources to work around. As it stands it's far more likely that the devs will continue to release chapters that are less technically challenging or that pose less of an issue towards base mechanics and balance like Chucky does.

    I highly disagree with your disagreement for Springtrap. I think you're missing the point, obviously you won't ever get the community to universally agree on any chapter, but the Fnaf chapter specifically has been opposed to a level BEYOND what most chapters see. Of the polls and responses I've seen, it's not exactly rare to see the opposition outweigh the proponents, and frequently it's a topic that keeps the community split nearly 50/50 at it's lowest 60/40. Even at it's lowest 40% disliking the idea to varying degrees of intensity (some are extremely frustrated that this is even a suggestion) that is not good. The 50/50 even worse, and the potential that opponents for Springtrap outweigh proponents straight up puts nails in the coffin. Having nearly half (or more than) of your playerbase (or at least half of the people talking about the subject) not like something that you release is extremely bad for business. You want a very solid majority liking the product you're producing and anything less than that is a risky move. These are just straight up facts, Springtrap and Fnaf as a whole is a controversial addition, people don't like it, more so than any other addition I've seen actually make it into the game, and this is absolutely a significant factor when it comes to choosing what makes it into the game, whether you yourself like it or not.

    There's a maximum of 10 poll options. Clearly this isn't enough all the time, but OP had six poll options and the list I provided was only 5, (six if you count Jason) so OP still could have fit in most of those characters into the original poll.

    Aside from that as for the rest, I would argue that's exactly the reason why Predator should make it into Dead By Daylight, and the Xenomorph too for that matter, actually more so the Xenomorph than the Predator just because I think the latter fits better with consideration to a similar killer already in the roster - Demogorgon. Dead By Daylight is a cornocupia of Horror genres and stories all under the umbrella of Slashers. I've previously gone through a long list of different genres of horror and the things that Dead By Daylight distinctly lacks representation of are Sci-Fi horror (with emphasis on Scientific or otherworldy elements), Gothic Horror (with emphasis on Tragedy and Romantic elements, typically vintage), and Holiday Horror (a connection to a specific holiday IE Christmas, Valentine's Day, etc.). All of these either have only one chapter representing them or no chapters, and since we're already going on Chapter 18 upcoming those are really small numbers.

    Sci Fi horror most specifically and especially is a part of the genre that is deeply ingrained in Horror History and has a lot of relevance in the modern version of horror. Of the three mentioned it arguably is the most significant and impactful, and it's a real shame that DBD has either not delved into making multiple of their own original Sci-Fi or licensing these great properties out. Though it is worth mentioning that the most recent Chapter 17 the Descend Beyond chapter is most definitely a Sci Fi Horror chapter, Talbot Grimes (The Blight) is the Alchemist, and his dangerous and ruthless pursuit of knowledge beyond accepted human limits becomes his obsession and his downfall, sort of a-la Victor Frankenstein. But again, one chapter out of almost eighteen (not to mention the paragraph[s]) is hardly anything.

    As for the Predator last I heard the game was a flop and poorly received. Although the concept was really cool the game itself suffered from numerous problems, like gameplay for the mercenaries was extremely surface level, the Predator suffered from balance issues of either being far too weak and easy to spot, or far too strong if you selected the heavy predator and just literally straight up went in and dived on the mercenaries with the staff which you could do as early in a match as you wanted really. Among a myriad of bugs, horrible queue times, server issues, etc. It looks like the game won't last too long (if it's even still alive today), so I hardly consider this to be a real viable reason for why Predator wouldn't be available for Dead By Daylight, even LESS for the Xenomorph there's no way the game will be successful enough to warrant pouring more money into the game with a license like Alien when the game still suffers from so many bugs and balance issues already. They'd be putting out more broken content.

    I disagree that I was being harsh at all, I was telling it how it was. Especially if you notice my use of the word "completely", as in "at the very least one of the poll options wasn't realistic, therefore it's not completely based on the most realistic options".

    But yes, your example of Jeepers Creepers is a slightly better example of what is truly unrealistic. But then again, notice I never said the poll options were impossible, I just said they weren't "completely based on the most realistic options".

    Sorry for my even longer TED talk, I too have a lot to say about licenses. Heh.