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Chapter: Predator

Huntedfailure Member Posts: 181
                                       # Chapter: Predator

Killer: The predator/ the hunter is a killer who specializes in tracking and surprising survivors with incredible speeds

Killer bio: On some distant world lived a race of highly intelligent aliens called the Yautja a race of hunter where kill brought you closer to the top but this doesn’t mean they live without honor they cannot kill the unarmed or the sick as well as many other restrictions. One Yautja traveled to earth preform to what would later be known as a famous hunt where it hunted a group of military soldiers until the sole survivor beat it and the creature activated a bomb strapped to its wrist but instead of dying it was brought to the fog where it is forced to break its code of honor for the sake of some unseen force.

Stats: Everything is normal but its movement speed is 1% slower.

Ability, the hunt: You see in thermal vision and the environment is a dull blue (but it’s not too dark as you need to see) and all the survivors are displayed as warm (unless they’re in a locker or behind a wall because then the environment and the survivor’s colors will blend together with it only barley being notice able). You can also go cloak over time which increases your speed by 4% after fully being cloaked (which takes 29 seconds) and your terror radius is cut in half, you can do every action besides attacking, grabbing survivors or hooking them while cloaking preforming these actions will reset your cloak and your stats will return to normal.


Broken smart disc: This used to be a favorite, your cloaking speed is increased by 1 second.

Worn smart disc: Functional but could be better, your cloaking speed is increased by 2 seconds.

New smart disc: A powerful new addition to any young bloods arsenal, your cloaking speed is increased by 3 seconds


Perk 1, Honor of the hunt: The hunters first perk is called “Honor of the hunt”, -a fair fight is a good one- after hooking a survivor you gain a token three tokens have been gained all survivors action times are decreased by 2/3/4 seconds but your speed is increased by 2/3/4% ~ "Don't you turn your back on me!" Charles Bishop Weyland

Perk 2, Blooded: The hunters second perk is called “Blooded”, -you earned your rank among the elites- after every sacrifice survivors speed is decreased by 1/2/3% for 2 seconds ~ “if it bleeds we can kill it” Alan “Dutch” Shafer

Perk 3, Perfect predator: The hunters third perk is called “Perfect predator” –No one is ready for your attack- after a pallet stun you gain 1/2/3% speed and lung range increase for 1/2/3 seconds~ “We found them sometimes without their skins... and sometimes much, much worse." ―Anna

Survivor: Royce is a survivor Who specializes in confronting the killer and keeping away from other survivors


Perk 1, lone solider: After every hit your action speed is increased by 2 seconds~ "Wound one man. Make him suffer. Make him bleed.” -Mombasa

Perk 2, broken man: when in a killer’s terror radius your auras revealed and all survivor’s skill check success areas are increased by 2%~ “There is no hunting like the hunting of a man.” – Royce

Perk 3, resilience in death: after being hooked you can kick the killer by pressing the action button this will stun them for 2 seconds and takes 40 seconds to recharge ~ Come on kill me I’m right here, come on!” Alan “Dutch” Shafer

Map: Game preserve planet

Killer images:

Survivor Images