So much wrong BHVR its sad.
For the first time in 4 years I've put down DbD and really have no desire to pick it back up again. The game has stagnated to such a disappointing degree I can't bring myself to play.
Core Issues:
Gen Speed: This was supposed to be addressed with the nerf to toolboxes and brand new parts. It failed. There are games where I soloQ survivor and spawn next to a teammate (no offerings) we latch onto a gen and by the time a heartbeat sounds 70% of the gen is gone. If killer is chasing another teammate they might as well kiss minimum 2 gens gone by first hook.. With the old nerf to ruin there is no skill check to focus on. There is no incentive to not just plant and work which makes survivor play tedious and mundane. With killer you are left with no option but to hope you find someone quickly and they are potatoes at looping. If they have more than 20 hrs good luck you might lose just 1 gen but on average 3 pop within 80 seconds.
Perks: I understand meta concepts. Some perks will always be stronger than others and some shine only situationally. Still, for the long list of perks available it sucks to see 10-15 in literally every game. The devs seem hell bound to not touch these meta perks. Thats fine but that doesn't give an excuse to not rework old useless perks. (looking at you technician and monstrous shrine). I could go on forever with ideas for non-meta perk changes but it is fruitless as the devs don't seem to care.
Killer variety and Survivors: The variety in killers is... boring. There is 3 major groups killers can be placed in. Stationary power with m1 (trapper, clown, wraith, pig); Mobile power with m1 (nurse, oni, spirit, demo, billy, Bubba, hag, blight); and ranged power with m1 (huntress, deathslinger, pyramidhead). While these can be tiered off even more i feel these 3 mechanics define killers in simple terms. Where add-ons and perks can add a little variety to killers their core sets are boring after a while and easily predictable once a survivor has knowledge of what a killer can and can't do. Survivors on the other hand are just reskinned cosmetics. Unlocked only to get access to their perks there is no variety here over height and color tone.
Offerings and Addons: A literal jumbled mess of horse #########. Moris are broken (killer main here and even I agree). Keys are broken. some grey add-ons haven't seen play in years and the offerings have become either map or bonus BP. The other offerings feel useless.
Tiles: The spawning of tiles needs to be revisited. To many maps have open dead zones where others will have 2 TL walls adjacent to each other. Breakable walls gave killers the ability to choose to keep loops closed but does nothing to open loops up.
BHVR you've taken "skill" out of this game and replaced it with monotony and high priced cosmetics. This coming from a player who dealt with fast vaults from stand still and no entity blocking of windows, suction pallets, true infinites, insta-flashlights, perma hook destruction, and hit boxes the size of semi trucks. Its sad to see how mundane and boring this "horror" survival game has become when it had so much untapped potential and still does. I could list off many of the changes/improvements/reworks I can imagine but I honestly don't think the devs care about the community anymore. I'll check back every so often to see if maybe you return to your roots as a true 4v1 survival but until then DbD will be gathering dust.