Mad Grit Buff Suggestion

We all know some perks are worse than others, but almost none are more situational than Mad Grit. As a reminder for those who are unaware (which is probably a lot of you since no one uses this perk) Mad Grit makes missed attacks while carrying a survivor have no cooldown and hitting a survivor while carrying another survivor pauses their wiggle timer for 4 seconds. I don't even need to tell you how situational this is. A perk that only works when you get the very specific group of 4 survivors who all body block when you are carrying to the hook AND they all happen to be right there at the exact location you downed someone AND you haven't given away that you have this perk because as soon as the survivors know they won't body block and do gens instead since that is the direct counter to this perk.

My suggestion on how to make this pretty terrible perk just a little bit better is to also give you an immunity to pallet stuns while carrying a survivor. Bear in mind that Mad Grit would still be very situational and you'd still be much better off taking almost any other perk, however with that change this perk finally would have the chance to give you some value in a normal match and have a use other than countering four man mic squads.