Key rework

Surginou Member Posts: 14

Would you be happy if the key...

Had a certain time to open the hatch


Had an animation to open the hatch?

Let us discuss why, share your opinions on the comments.

Key rework 26 votes

Yes, i am a killer main
MijuTapeKnotDramzar_MyersGrimmy_BluuesGhostyyBoiSurginouZestyfediady 8 votes
No, i am a killer main
DerZuntorjotaroMarasuki 3 votes
Yes, i am a Survivor main
F60_31himynameisvadimpichumudkipRocketPenguinRothlonAwkward_FiendpraxZCephalon_LebronUndershotDizzyTommo 10 votes
No, i am a Survivor main
GibberishGoliathGuySmileyjoseailsonjrTb2k 5 votes


  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293
    No, i am a killer main

    Only the person who has the key should be able to escape imo. So after the key user jumps in the hatch closes and can't be opened with a key again.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    No, i am a Survivor main

    I think Keys should be removed entirely along with Moris.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020

    BIG yes.

    This is something I have been asking for for a long time now. Keys should function exactly like BNP's, there will be a hatch opening animation when using a key, and it should make a decent amount of noise as the heavy metal locking mechanism slowly gives way, which provides a little bit of counterplay to alert the killer and give time to act. The killer can interrupt this action at any point, if the action is interrupted the key is permanently broken. This would FORCE survivors to be far more careful and meticulous with how they go about attempting to escape through a closed hatch, and ultimately would provide a far more interesting dynamic in the game compared to what we currently have now.

    However unfortunately, I am not able to pick any response, since the poll options were loaded. The assumption being the entire community mains either one side or the other, I play both sides equally, and I like both sides equally for different reasons, with no significant preference toward one or the other (really what I feel like playing that day [more often than not it's just what I pick to start playing and then I'll eventually switch roles at some point]).

    Then keys would never be removed, because moris are most definitely not being removed. Mori's (regardless of their role in gameplay) have the same cultural relevance and significance in Dead By Daylight as do Fatalities in Mortal Kombat, or Executions in For Honor. They contribute to the horror and tone of Dead By Daylight and that's not something the devs would ever just remove on a whim.

    Like it or not, it's more than likely that both keys and moris will remain in the game forever, so it's up to the community to provide the best feedback possible to make them as fair as possible.

  • waifubot
    waifubot Member Posts: 1

    This is how I thought keys worked when I first started playing tbh, just a get out of jail free card for one player and one player only

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155
    Yes, i am a Survivor main

    I'm all for removing Moris and Keys, but I have just 1 question: what about the "Where did they go?" achievement (sorry if that's the wrong name, I don't have access to the list of achievements) where the 4 survivors escape through hatch all at once? Are the devs just gonna rework the achievement or remove it entirely.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I agree that an individual key should only allow one survivor to escape, but I think it would be ok if after the hatch closed another survivor could also use another key to escape.