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Devs deserve some credit

Member Posts: 1,488

We all know dbd can be a crap show to say the least. Swf can be insanely string or just stressful. Solo sucks so bad because the ranking and matchmaking is trash. Killer is stressful and boring since you have to play the stronger killers to not have the gens done so quick, unless you have a great build or are a great killer in general. The events recently have just been crap in terms of items and not appearing. I spent a million bp and only got 3 medkit and 1 flashlight. The bugs are insane and the perk changes are dumb at some points.

But lets look at the good, they fixed hook bugs and ds bugs which people hated and the hill bug. These were all game breaking bugs and they buffed certain perks and nerfed PH get hit or get hit BS. They gave us new add ons and offerings which people wanted for a while, yet people then complain abouy how we didn't get a health chapter and we get useless things. They are looking into keys and moris and probably even DS. They reworked maps like people wanted added ways to end infinite. Which if you complain about walls thats kind of dumb, survivors have to do anything to live and killers anything to kill, why should you get to have easy loops right from the get go? All it take is one dang wall break and now that survivor cant abuse it. Like one wall isn't going to cost the dang game.

Anyways my point in all this is yeah, they've screwed up ALOT and they did some good amd some things wete REALLY good and neat. But you guys forget that devs arent robots and thats so ignorant of the dev bashers. Critsizing is ok when its constructuve but when you cant get your head out of your rear and see the good, you shouldnt talk. They are HUMANS and guess what humans have FEELINGS and AGENDAS maybe they had things planned and then bugs came and they have to adress it. NONE of you know why they are taking the routes that they are and are just assuming the worst. This game has advanced SO well compared to what it used to be. The veteran players would agree that bloodlust is good and entity blockers. Also these devs and mods may even have the same view as you, but need to work on the game as per their job so they cant just be selfish and do what only they want

To finish this off I know damn well many of you are teens and have been teens. And parents like to put pressure on their kids to be perfect which is unfair and the kids ends up with issues or performs worse or does better. You guys are the equivalent of those crap parents, how would you feel if every thing you did wasnt good enough and you panic or feel like crap for it. This is MY opinion but I think the bad choices reflect their community, constant dev bashing and arguing amongst ourselves and they see it and dont know how to make you happy. They do one thing no matter what and there will be back lash. They could literally rework legion to perfection and there would be some backlash. Quit acting like any of you actually know whats going on. They're trying even if it doesn't seem that way sometimes, hell the mods literally try and be sympathetic and we are lucky to have great mods who are understanding. Also unless you guys know how to develop a game you cant understand the complexities behind it

TLDR: Devs are human and make mistakes and fall to pressure from consumers. Therefore they will never be perfect but the game is actually moving in a good direction from where it was

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  • Member Posts: 1,488

    The load in thing is funny my oni had no mask or hair. Also I never said they were the best and my whole point is that they deserve credit for what they have done. Dont come in talking about whiteknighting, a white knight doesn't openly criticize like I did. I pointed out things that people don't realize. And yeah it has been a train wreck recently, but plenty of games have been.

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  • Member Posts: 1,488

    My only point here is to try and get some people to understand that it can be hard, and that they have been doing good things. And trust me I know all about the bugs I have to deal with it too and I hate it. My intention isnt to say they arent to blame its to say that they don't deserve all the hate people give. Some people are mad over small things and then it ramps up. Objectively from the way the game was before this is really good and some additions are great same as some being crap. I'm glad you understand by the way, you seemed like you were going to be belligerent and im glad you werent

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Not necessarily, I used some feedback as a set up for my main point. But the discussion really begins at the end point. If this were moved to feedback that would be illogical.

  • Member Posts: 49
    edited October 2020

    I get what you're saying. And I agree that we should appreciate what they do if we decide to throw complains at them. "Treat others the way you want to be treated." If all we do is to complain, there's no reason for the developers to be nice to us back. It's just common sense.

    I personally have no experience in game development. And therefore no clue how long it takes to come up with ideas and implementing them. But I'm sure it takes time and requires creativity. That is why I admire and appreciate it.

    However, there are certain mistakes that the developers made and continue making. Such as broken promises and subsequent rejection of apology/explanation, which are things that people of this community deserve!

    It's the basics that aren't being looked upon—be on good terms with your community (majority of it). Be excited to start with a new patch and be curious of what people will think of it. Continue growing with valuable feedback. But don't take the amount of money it will bring you as a priority.

  • Member Posts: 554
    1. That's only because the game at launch was bare bones and broken. If it wasn't, the game wouldn't have gotten much except for some more content and doors.
    2. We know the code is spaghetti because changing one thing breaks another. If the code wasn't spaghetti, or the coders knew what they're doing (I'm sure they do), it would be functional.
    3. Assuming people who give criticism doesn't know a thing about Game Development is like assuming a consumer doesn't know anything about Economics; It's simply dumb. If they cared, they would've accepted the community's cry for a patch that focuses on fixing and balancing rather than adding new content that breaks the game.
  • Member Posts: 3,259

    It's because if they got rid of the bugs they would have nothing to talk to the community about and they use that as a way of staying in touch with the community by pretending they care about those type of things when in reality they care about the millions they make off of cosmetics, you can bet your ass if the cosmetic store had a bug that ######### would be fixed real quick!

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Hey he had a point and so do you. Don't add gas to the fire, lets just be civil and put our opinions if possible. Please?

  • Member Posts: 364

    Devs are human and make mistakes 

    Not adding serum as a currency is a mistake? I don't think so 😅

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    there is more than that, and I have states some things and explained why they should get Some credit.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    I like you, you look at things logically. Yes you are right and so are thw others who hate on them, its just all the hate is unwarranted, some is but not all

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Inhave criticized them for their mistakes and I have no freaking clue how to code or developed so your point is kinda falling apart

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    I think the problem lies more in the fact that the devs are getting credit for their actions... Too much bad credit lol.

  • Member Posts: 554


    If you don't, that's your own issue. Assuming it is still dumb.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Umm they don't HAVE to do that sort of crap. You want cosmetics buy them or earn them with shards. Cosmetics are a source of income to help the business the free earnings of cosmetics doesn't mean it has to be every time

  • Member Posts: 1,488
  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Yet again another person taking one thing I said and using a thinf I didn't say and combining them to prove me wrong. Please quit taking my words away from.what they were meant for.

  • Member Posts: 706
  • Member Posts: 3,259

    I don't see how this was meant for me but ok? , The devs use the bugs for a reason to communicate is what I'm saying , after four years literally any other development team could get running and pressing an action button right which is essentially all you do in this game , hell can't even open the hatch on some maps because that's bugged too, I just don't understand how in four years there could be this many problems with one game, you know good and well if there was a problem with the cosmetic store it would've been fixed yesterday

  • Member Posts: 33

    Credits to Devs just when they start to care about the game that they made, specially with FPS and servers optimization. The game is not free.

  • Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2020

    It's not moving in a good direction, though. Instead of doing things that will increase player retention and login time for the game, they're doing the opposite. There's a reason player retention is considered such a valuable metric when it comes to the video game industry; and pushing people away during the main season to play the game because other games are doing Halloween better simply by doing anything is a bad look. And I'm talking about some of the most historically greedy corporations in gaming right now. They're offering free things and events just for playing the game. It creates buzz and goodwill from the player, as well as interest, which in turn sometimes causes them to crack open their wallet for some of those other sweet Halloween lootz. It's a win-win for both parties.

    So no, I disagree with your post in almost its entirety. The fact that they're not doing anything for Halloween and instead making a cash grab more suggests the opposite of a move in a good direction. It means they're willing to sacrifice the goodwill of the playerbase for short-sighted profits because the longevity and health of the game may not really be a concern anymore.

    And finally, it's a company, dude. They don't need you to white knight for them. They have a marketing team for that. And yes, quit denying you're white knighting. It's what you're doing.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    I like that, but it is. Dbd is way harder to maintain than that game. Thats like saying maintaining red dead 2 should be easy if they can maintain grounded

  • Member Posts: 364

    Oh, I get it, you are one of those... well, good luck to you, don't answer me, please, much appreciated 👋

  • Member Posts: 554
    1. If their game was functional at release instead of an alpha (they released it too early is what I'm getting at), the game would be in a better state and the overall improvement of the game over the years wouldn't be so exaggerated.
    2. How about just testing their game before putting stuff out? It's their fault they break everything because they refuse to actually test their code and look at some conflicts between variables, map collision, etc.
    3. It's not probability because you can't assume people don't know anything about Game Development just due to how you view people on the forums regardless, balancing the game and giving it QoL gives longevity to older players and attracts new ones (so it does make a big profit), and it's up to them in that case to communicate with the other teams instead of having a lack of communication and testing.
  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Im not whiteknighting im pointing things out. Also That's dumb, NO ONE needs to celebrate Halloween. And they do have an event for it, even if it isnt as good as other games like COD which make WAYYYYYYYYYYYY more money. Also the game has been moving great the last 2 updates were trash though and game breaking

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Ok? I don't understand how logic makes me anything. There are one time things and instead of doing a passive aggressive insult you should at least try and see what I meant

  • Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2020

    How is someone supposed to magically know you're 17 and don't know much about development? I'm only a year older than you, yet I've been taking classes at both my school and an external college for more than a year that massively increase my understanding about the subject.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Dang its almost like people didnt read the whole thing if they did they'd realize devs are humans.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Yes, they deserve some credit:

    -They advertised nothing happening at all as an event;

    -They broke matchmaking;

    -They made the game unplayable for PS4 players.

    Well done. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    I mean thanks for not giving me crap, but I mean just set an example. Some people can't seem to not act like that so just dont be a part of that. Its all your choice man

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Ahh yes whiteknighting because I am trying to point crap out. I swear is everything white knighting? Dang well people need to stop saying that matchingmaking is unfair for low ranks then or that killers have it hard. Because that's WhItEkNiGtInG😒

  • Member Posts: 68

    Well the art team is awesome. I will always praise the art team for their work. However the changes to perks are very biased and inconsistent. How are they going to change Pop without touching DS. There are things that is abusable that favors the survivors a lot more than the killers. The last update that was genuinely awesome was the Endgame collapse and only because BOTH SIDES can control when to end the game [or speed it along to the end].

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Dude how many of you guys just REFUSE to READ A DANG POST bewilders me. I LITERALLY SAID THEY HAVE NOT BEEN THE BEST. My whole point was that they have not gotten almost ANY credit for their achievements and they DEFINITELY don't have a community that understands the human brain nor reactions to pressure. Dude i swear people don't care for discussion. "They deserve credit" but they did this they did that. Which Totally gets rid of all the points I made. That is not how a discussion works.

  • Member Posts: 56

    He's saying you're blinded by your appreciation and love for the company that you yourself aren't capable of seeing the criticism people are levying towards the game. See your response to my comment? You are white knighting, even if you don't see it.

    This game doesn't need to do a Halloween event, despite doing a real event that actually had rewards that drove up player retention the last two years? It's the point that this year, they skimped out on anything and instead made a cash grab.

    You're repeatedly trying to humanize this company to drum up sympathy, but yet you don't understand why people would be upset about not getting anything this year when we did for the past two? Like, with earnable rewards for just playing? IN A HALLOWEEN GAME? You can't see their side of criticism, or humanize them like you do this game company? Come on now. That's why you're a white knight.

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Trust me I agree but they dont let us know everything for all we know the next chapter DS could be fixed or other changes. They cant change every thing at once because it requires testing through PTB and they have to do it in increments

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Funny because. I CRITISIZED THEM SHARE YOUR GUYS VIEWS like holy crap dude. I literally agree with so many of you, but my damn point still stands they make mistakes and should get at least a bit of credit. And if that make me a white knight i don't care. Assuming that I don't see the crap they did even though my post openly says it is so dumb. Why would you assume something so pointless when my post contradicts it?

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    I Understand perfectly what you're saying... ive given credit where credit is do... the flood gates need left open this time.... I'll provide them with a thank you when they touch up the game again.

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