F Freddy


Freddy is literally the most broken annoying character to play against and theres virtually no downside to any of his powers. I lose respect for people when they tell me they play freddy. Hes up there with spirit in terms of frustration for me. If someone could explain how a no terror radius, teleporting, anti loop killer with a lunge the size of a football field is balanced id be happy to listen.


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Freddy can be easily genrushed.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    No thank you. He’s too icky looking and doesn’t seem like the type to care about whether or not his partner is enjoying themselves.

    Id rather it be Felix or David.

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 568

    Freddy is not broken but his synergy with gen defense perks and slowdown addons is. I definitely think ruin/undying/tinkerer/swing chains is way too powerful against most survivor teams. It especially feels hopeless playing against that when you're playing solo.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited October 2020

    Honestly the only change I would make to Freddy is make BT work when your asleep. Other than that I say leave him alone. I remember how he was when he first got here. He was the worst killer in the game and it took almost 2 years to get him reworked. Now he is actually viable at red ranks. Compared to what he was this is a big improvement. That is a rework done right.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,576

    The thing is for me, freddy pools of blood are a meh thing I love using pallets, I mean even though you place them and the surv has seen you do it they still pull it down lol! pools are often and easily avoided

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    In order to get pgtw he needs to hook a survivor first. If you know how to play against him he shouldn't be getting his first hook until 3 gene are done. When the game starts you have 60 seconds when his addons do nothing. After that if his addons are really bothering you just miss a skillchecks and finish the gen. If he teleports to you you're relieving his pressure from other survivors and gene and you're awake which means his share don't do squat

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162

    Id rather Freddy than spirit. ######### Spirit most toxic killer mains i swear

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    He needs to be nerfed...badly........

    Idk what the devs are waiting on.

  • Unicorn_scarecrow
    Unicorn_scarecrow Member Posts: 63

    Exaxtly, when I play Freddy I never see anyone wake up. It's one of those "thats inconvenient for me so I'd rather complain he needs nerfed" types of things imo.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    When I get a Freddy daily I usually use pallets, I haven't used him in a very long time but I will be that guy in every Freddy post, he has the same lunge as every killer, he has a small weapon and he is short that is why some hits look like they shouldn't have landed.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    What gen pressure?? He can only pressure 1 gen at a time in most cases

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I used to play Freddy all the time because he was is the easiest killer. Much later, after that got boring I just play him when I cant be arsed putting in any effort and I want an easy guaranteed 4k.

    When I'm on Survivor I used to bother trying vs Freddy but I just cant be arsed any more so the instant I know its a Freddy match I just spam /locker slam till he arrives then hook suicide to get on to the next match.

    Pay 2 win is bad people. Just say no.

  • Cutiaddu
    Cutiaddu Member Posts: 402

    Yo bhvr can we just get back old freddy i wanna play him so badly.

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317
    edited October 2020

    After a while he gets very boring because he's too easy.... I can't understand why someone would main him. Maybe a fan of his movies?! That or low IQ are the only reasons...

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    This entire thread is a joke. Firstly powers shouldn't have downsides, afterall they are POWERS.

    Secondly there is alot of counterplay to him, only thing that needs to be changed is when survs are asleep BT doesn't proc.

    Since you are happy to listen why you are wrong, I will demonstrate.

    Firstly his TP ability only works on gens, has a cool down, is 1/2 of his ability, and when it procs all survivors around or paying attention to the gen are notified.

    Secondly, stop lying or talking about things you don't know what you are talking about as he has a terror radious regardless if you are asleep or not. The only thing is you can't discern where it is coming from if you are asleep, not that that really matters however.

    He has a normal lunge as well, so more lying or not knowing what you are talking about. in fact only two killers in the game that I can think of have different lunges then all other killers, being Myers and Nurse.

    Its simple, if Freddy places his traps on the floor and you are asleep then move from loop to loop instead of staying at the same loop, if done correctly he will likely be resetting his own traps, and sometimes you can still run thought the trap and be safe anyways depending how he places them in a loop.

    If he instead of using Stare traps uses fake pallets, then you play him like any other M1 killer only difference is paying attention to what pallets have been used.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Here's how to fix most complaints;

    make his snares have a risk to be placed

    no other killer can spam their power willy nilly and be fine, they all have to risk losing distance

    freddy spams M2 and holds W

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    No thats how you make a B to C killer, quickly become a F to D.

  • thepyramidhead
    thepyramidhead Member Posts: 59

    F survivors

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I stopped playing him ages ago. Nothing short of a 4 man swf sweat squad can beat you with a half decent killer and meta perks

    Boring as heck

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I played him a bit before to get his achievements out of the way, and some challenges like the basement one but almost never play him anymore unless it's a daily.

    And Jesus Christ...this killer is so brain-dead easy to play and overtuned to hell. Before with old ruin and pop it was already one of the dumbest things in this game. Now, slap on ruin, undying, tinkerer and BBQ with teleport cooldown add-ons and you have what is currently the most broken build in the game.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    The perk arrangement is meta, sure but its a general meta.

    Also Freddy is a M1 killer that relies on survivors mistakes, so no hes not broken.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I love using Freddy.

    But I can agree, Freddy is not fun and can be quite annoying.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    You all wanted a huge buff to "pooooor Freddy".

    Enjoy the slowdown autopilot killer.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    They'll get to it right after OoO... Oops I forgot I used a whattaboutism. Now all my opinions for the rest of my life are invalid.

    That fake word is so OP.

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    everytime I see someone use him I’m like awww another pay to win player how cute, time to get outplayed by a snare. Or a fake pallet ... yawn. Freddy don’t require skill to play just hold walk and hit swing here and there and his extendo arm with hit you,

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    In the nicest possible way I'd prefer not to have sex with an animated charred, rotting corpse of a pedophile thanks. I'll stick to my usual type.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,073

    The only reason Freddy is a free win is because survivors keep d/cing or suiciding on hook when they face Freddy.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,807

    Freddy forces you to do detrimental things to avoid the penalties of his power. Blowing up the gen, running halfway across the map to wake yourself up (which is stupid imo)

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    There is a counter that is too inconvient for me to do, so I am going to ask for a nerf on the forums.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    The pig and plague potentially do the same for running across the map. Same with Pyramid Head (to go to cages).

    The pig requires potentially several trips across the map with the threat of imminent death if you skip it. Freddy in comparison just slows down Gens and lets him use snares or pallets.

    However an awake survivor can wake up a sleeping survivor. You need the team to stagger their sleep timers, so that there are at least 2 people awake at all times

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    Anyone can basically be genrushed in current game state. Its the #1 most boring way to get a match over with. also a boring way to get the minimal amount of blood points in a match. If it happens, it happens

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    "Freddy is literally the most broken annoying character to play against and theres virtually no downside to any of his powers."

    *Laughs in nurse

    But seriously, he is not OP. Although I will admit, he does have a lot to his base kit. However, the counter to him is to stay awake as much as you can because if you are, then he will benefit less and less from you being asleep. If the entire team did this it would make him struggle to keep up and he would be an m1 killer. Also if you are asleep, throw pallets early (if he is using snares.)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,997

    Okay so lemme say this now

    Holding W against Freddy is his literal counter, same with waking up, and if Freddy keeps placing snares he cannot get Bloodlust, meaning he is spending alot of time trying to catch up to you as if you think about it, 15% more Movement speed isn't that much

    His main counters are the following

    -Holding W

    -Sprint Burst/Lithe/Adren

    -Staying awake

    -Doing gens

    Just remember, none of his add-ons and his traps will work when you are awake (Besides I think swing chains?)