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Is the Eternal Blight the Worst Blight event released?

Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

On the forums from past comment and discussion history I've put great emphasis on the importance of events, they keep the game fresh, the community vibrant, and prevents the game from stagnating. Most of this weight most specifically lands Halloween event (I think for obvious reasons, Dead By Daylight's most important holiday and month of the year is Halloween and October). When the devs released the Hallowed Blight, knowingly or not they set a bar for themselves and in my personal opinion it's one that they've failed to live up to since.

Last year I was completely miffed at how poor of an event the Withering Blight was, I created a poll very much like this one asking for opinions on which people liked better, The Hallowed Blight, or the Withering blight. I've made reference to this poll multiple times in the past, and I will keep doing so so long as it's relevant, for those who haven't seen it however, the response was resoundingly universal:

90% Preferred the Hallowed Blight over the Withering blight, almost 60 people. Only three said they preferred the withering blight to its predecessor. Which is both a good and bad thing, bad because the devs messed up, but good because that means we just properly identified what the community likes, wants, and expects from an event. A year ago.

So it's astonishing to me, for something that has already been successfully done before in the Hallowed Blight two years ago, which seems so simple, that this is what happens. As a long time player and veteran who has played through every event the devs have ever released I am beyond disappointed. Knowing exactly what the devs are capable of also means knowing exactly when they have failed to live up to their potential I can safely and most assuredly say this is the case with the Eternal Blight.

Which is honestly impressive to say the least. Because if the statement that the Eternal Blight is the worst of the three is true this means that the Blight events have been progressively getting WORSE every single year.

  1. First being undoubtedly the best, most engaging, most fun, most immersive, with the best story, the best music, the best theme and atmosphere, best decorated lobby, etc.
  2. The second being a clear downgrade with little theme and atmosphere, no change in gameplay after the the visceral cankers were removed and subsequently substituted with reskinned generators (this is no more FUN than normal gameplay nor is it INTERESTING, both of which should be proper goals for any event), the story and lore was lackluster serving only to seemingly wrap up the story arch of the Alchemist rather than expand and / or answer the mystery of the Blight itself, but at the very least the Withering Blight still provided a goal to work toward.
  3. The Eternal Blight brings back the beloved visceral cankers, but removes all motivation to chase them down and harvest them since they are only worth bloodpoints and all ties to a reward system for them have been completely cut with the removal of the vial you would fill with Putrid Serum. With no rewards to work for, there is no Blight event, there are only reskinned generators (which are functionally as far as I can tell, but correct me if I'm wrong, NO different from normal generators) and visceral cankers which hold little significance, and have unfortunately been reduced to the equivalent of decorations, rendering them absolutely worthless.

But the worst mistake they made was not bringing back the time-limited event currency of the Putrid Serum, which removed the entire aspect of the ability to earn rewards during the time of the event in any realistic capacity and therefore removed any motivation to actually play during the event itself. A fundamental truth that we as the community and the devs hopefully have learned because of the Eternal Blight:


The eternal blight is arguably the worst event of the three blight events and that's absolutely impressive considering the negative reception and backlash the Withering Blight was, and I've heard (not my words) it said that it's potentially the worst event in the entire history of DBD. If nothing else the Hallowed Blight is nothing more than a slightly more elaborate Cosmetic Collection release, and a pure cash grab.

Is the Eternal Blight the Worst Blight event released? 60 votes

The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three
BardSeiko300MiriamG[Deleted User]F60_31himynameisvadimDimekCashelP14TragicSolitudeHoodiedUnnamed_FreakBlazelskimusstang62AngryFluffyKnotEnthusiastAhoyWolfSunaIIanuDetailedDetrimentMookywolfDrJohn 50 votes
I disliked the Withering Blight more than the Eternal Blight
TapeKnotJustAnotherAnonpichumudkipCitrusfruitGoliath 5 votes
Other... (explain)
elasticheartWalker_of_the_fog_96bjorksnasElcopolloTheeclumsyNinja 5 votes


  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    One thing we all have to keep in mind is some of the problems that the original Hallowed Blight event had. Anyone remember losing every game as survivor because people would do cankers rather than generators? Remember when they would fill their vial and then kill themselves to get to the next game to get another vial?

    The Hallowed Blight was certainly the most "event-y" event, but it was also horrific for game health for its duration. The game part of DBD was put on the backburner...

    Now, the Eternal Blight is definitely terrible as far as feeling "event-y," but at least it doesn't hugely disturb the game that DBD is.

    I'm not defending their greed or lack of creativity necessarily, but let's try not to remember the Hallowed Blight event with rose-colored glasses. It was its own kind of cancer.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    That ######### ratio, Im crying.

  • elasticheart
    elasticheart Member Posts: 146
    Other... (explain)

    The Hallowed Blight was the worst imo. Survivors would farm vials and kill themselves on the hook so that they could at least get the half of it. Leaving the match early and not caring about anything at all. Which was quite unfun for the remaining people in the trial. But at least we could do some work and get our cosmetics just by playing during event. Eternal Blight feels so pale, nothing to work for, wow I can spawn a flower just by selecting a challenge and harvest it. Not to mention they still use the old animations for these events.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    Other... (explain)

    If they don't do anything about it, yes, it will be the worst Halloween event

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    I do remember. All too well. Because people will never drop it. I wrote about it recently in fact a couple days ago:

    I'm not trying to pat myself on the back when I say this, but I do want to provide the context that it appeared many people agreed with me. 15 people upvoted that comment.

    Rose-tinted glasses my butt, I remember very distinctly during the first hallowed blight event, even before the withering blight came out that I just couldn't agree with the people who were talking bad about what was truly a well crafted event. The people who were committing suicide during their matches to get into the next? They were doing more harm to themselves than good, members of the community really quickly found out that you would earn more Putrid Serum and do so more quickly by actually staying in your matches and potentially survivor. This was because a penalty was applied if you died or disconnected you would not earn all the serum that you gained you'd earn maybe half of that, or it would be rounded down (there were two markers on the vials). When people realized that disconnecting or committing suicide was more of a hindrance, most survivors stopped trying to do that.

    Again, to summarize, the issues with the Hallowed Blight were blown far out of proportion and greatly exaggerated, especially by comparison. You say be careful not to look at it with "rose-tinted glasses" but I say "you don't know what you have until it is gone" and what we had, was a truly great, unique, atmospheric, fun, event. One of that exceeded in numerous categories from gameplay, to music, to overall theme, etc.

  • CzechMate
    CzechMate Member Posts: 1
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    Apart from the login bonuses it's pretty much impossible to tell that anything has changed at all. Event my ass.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    This ^

    Look, I won't lie I do appreciate the devs doing at the very least something to patch up their mistakes but this doesn't really fix the problem, at least not the problem that I perceived / focused on.

    I was talking about it on the DBD discord and somebody went "ugh, you guys always looking for a reason to complain and never happy about anything". To which I responded look: I never asked for a free giveaway, I asked for an event.

    I know some people were made really happy with this change and they say "it's even better because you don't have to grind for anything!" but that's such a surface level way to look at things. I really do care more about and put more value in the experience of the event itself, rather than the rewards that you reap from them. Skins are cool, the art team is amazing, nobody doubts that, but it's about the journey not the destination, again the point of an event is to actually be an event, to change up the gameplay and provide a different experience for the player.

    I finished the "Halloween" part of the first tome within a single day. After that there really is no reason or point to use the Visceral Canker offerings, somebody might tell me "they provide bloodpoints!" yeah they provide bloodpoints, but the scoring event is like what 4,000 BP or something? Sure that's a lot for any single action, but even 4,000 BP pales in comparison to the amount of BP you get from using straight up BP offerings which multiply the amount of BP you earn in an entire category. So even for Bloodpoints the new, functionally-useless, visceral cankers are woefully inept, I love that they brought them back because they were so cool the first year, I hate that they completely destroyed what they are.

    Not to mention, the lack of grind is a double edged sword. You don't have to grind at all, but you don't have anywhere near the amount of gain that you did with the grind. You get exactly half of what you could have gotten during the Hallowed Blight or Withering Blight events, in both of those you could have potentially earned two full Blight outfits, I know I was able to get my favorite ones from the collection this way, I got Trapper and Wraith the first year, and I got Hillbilly (which was released the previous year) and Clown the following year (and that same year I also got the Blighted Nurse because she was part of the free track of the rift). This year, they're reducing the shard cost from a premium price tag to 9,000 shards, and they're providing players who log in every single day of the event (for like some 10+ days in a row) with only 10,000 shards, so just enough to buy one cosmetic even if you miss one or two days depending.

    In short, I think some people are way too quick to "forgive and forget" BHVR for their mistake this year, and I absolutely agree with you @CzechMate that in all reality, it has really hardly changed at all. It's certainly not something the community should let them live down, not now, and not when the next "event" rolls around.

  • JustAnotherAnon
    JustAnotherAnon Member Posts: 79
    I disliked the Withering Blight more than the Eternal Blight

    I actually misclicked, my bad lmao

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Other... (explain)

    I can't say that it's the worst or the best, because I have nothing to compare to from personal experience. Eternal Blight is my first Halloween Event. I'm kinda disappointed that there is no time-limited in-game currency with which I could buy skins, but with all the things they are adding it is not AS bad as it was few days ago. Still, I kinda expected more from Halloween Event of the game that calls itself "Hall of Fame of Horror".

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,472
    Other... (explain)

    Skins on licensed characters

    a blighted blight during the eternal blight thats like 3x the blight

    log in rewards that can be saved for a free character + a good amount of bp

    6 skins 4 are really good and 2 are at least good

    ton of sales on previous blight skins trapper + wraith + billy all 75% off

    Double bp even planned way in advance so people can prepare

    Rift for challenges to have more variety during the event so you don't just burn out on regular games

    Extra skins and bp from the rift

    Fun event killer and survivor addons plus another great opportunity to get some spooky medkits and flashlights

    My only complaint is that the new killer addon isn't year round already

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    The first one actually ruined the game for a short time, but they fixed it up decently enough and it was a fun event.

    This... isn't even an event.

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    I'm not really sure what to say about you calling my remembered experiences exaggerations/blown out of proportion. I think you just had a vastly different experience than I did when I was playing it. That's a possibility that it's okay to entertain. Also, the rose-tinted glasses could be a significant part of why so many people agreed with you. The Hallowed Blight is gone, and I know what I had when it was happening. Anyway, I've seen you on the forums a bit, and we largely agree on most things, so I look forward to when we can agree again.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283
    Other... (explain)

    Who cares, its free content!

    The tomb is the worst yet though ill say that

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited October 2020
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    True, fair enough.

    And I mean sure, regardless of whether or not you think it's the absolute worst by comparison is a bit of a bold claim (though a well substantiated one). But I think most everyone can agree that either this event was poorly executed, or, that the the devs simply didn't make something of the quality that people expected.

    In any of the three cases: whether or not you think it was the worst, or if it was just really bad and poorly executed, or perhaps you were simply just disappointed because you were expecting more. Either way, none of these are even remotely positive reactions from most of the entirety of the community (especially those who have the experience to look back on for comparison) and that's a bad thing. The fact that we're talking about a spectrum of negativity from a large portion if not a significantly obvious majority of the community rather than different opinions on whether it's good or bad, I think is extremely telling.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    The Eternal Blight event is just a glorified "Sale" sign. Its not an event. It exist only to squeeze money out of people. I rather have survivors afk farming in my games than been greeted with "please buy stuff" all the time.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    The Eternal Blight is without a doubt the worst of the three

    Bloodhunts are more exciting than this event.