Dead hard is on the list of changes :)

It was confirmed in the dev Q&A that dead hard is getting changed at 36:57.
Hopefully this perk will be made more fair and fun to play against than it is now.
Other perks include: Iron maiden, fixated, lucky break, gearhead, and blood echo.
Update: WAIT, they said they are changing the perk ENTIRELY from the ground up, because of dedicated servers.
You can already counter it by baiting it and being more patient. They did imply that it was gonna be changed to work better with Dedicated Servers, so likely less to be exhausted on the ground.
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Not if its used properly, IE to chain to window vaults and pallets.
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Yeah, you can counter it if they are using dead hard THAT way, but dead hard for distance is extremely unfair and is pretty unfun.
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How are they changing it, I would not of thought this a perk that needed change although I suppose it makes sense that people complain about it?
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They aren't going into specifics besides that these changes will be in 3-6 months. WAIT, they said they are changing the perk ENTIRELY from the ground up, because of dedicated servers.
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If you listen to what they said, it's not about changing it to be functionally different. It's about adjusting the code for it to work better with the current network setup. I doubt they are going to change it, just make it more consistent.
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They said they're changing it because of how it works now with dedicated servers compared to peer-to-peer connections, so I'm guessing it's not getting nerfed or buffed, they're probably just fixing the "I'm exhausted on the ground" situation.
Or I could be entirely wrong and they do something big with it
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What would they do to alter DH?
Tokens? Protection hits for DH to take effect?
Adjust the exhaustion timer?
EDIT: Just now saw this👇🏽
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I think people are reading into what was said but not really thinking about it. The talk wasn’t about DH being to good. The talk was about how it was designed to combat the killer hosting the match back then. Reading between the lines, I suspect what wasn’t said is that it will be optimized for dedicated servers so that survivors don’t wind up on the floor exhausted because the servers suck. I bet anything it winds up better as a reaction based perk rather than a LolDHfordistance.
just my thoughts
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Yhea what the other two have said makes sense, it prolly won't be a nerf or a buff just something to make it more consistent.
I mean come on guys, these devs would never hit the survs meta perks, after all the event is more surv sided.
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As a rank 1 killer main I must declare that DH is not really an issue and can almost always be countered. It also doesn't bother me because it's the only skill-based exhaustion perk.
My question is why are they changing DH when OoO is still a thing that exists?
Kill it. Kill it with fire.
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But I like pressing the button, getting hit and becoming exhausted/twitchy on the ground.
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Rank means nothing, can't counter dead hard if its used properly IE to chain window vaults to pallets.
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Ikr, they said OoO is fine because "statistics".
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I would actually laugh if the gearhead change is either another nerf, or they just revert it to its PTB state
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I can't believe it was even nerfed once.
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Hope they will do the same with grabs.
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They are making Dead Hard consistent with Dedicated Servers?
Or in other words: Buff one of the strongest survivor perks in the game.
Am I reading this right?
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No, they are reworking it from the ground up, they can't buff it because of dedicated servers. It's going to be an entirely different perk.
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It's not really buffing it. It's fixing it. Abilities should be judged and balanced around working correctly. DH, right now, does not, and is wildly inconsistent.
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It really wouldn't be a buff but rather a long needed fix to it.
Hope they will do the same with grabs tho
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It sounds like they are gonna rebuild the netcode for it. It was designed for peer to peer, but it needs to be redesigned for dedicated servers.
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ahh and when they give dead hard more imunti time its 0,5sec i heard from a fog-wisp (the imuniti time), its to less, that is why one very often lies exhausted on the floor ... its not worked 100%, i know what you thing but, just wait and see ;)
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What do you even mean, It was under powered. I mean, look at the name of the perk. It's Dead Hard. So like, not only do you die when you use it, you die HARD. The perk owner's name is David KING, and you know what they say, the bigger they are the higher they fall. So being a King, David falls harder making Dead Hard actually Dead Harder, not only do you die but you die Hardester. And you can only use it while injured, I mean what if you're one shot while healthy (because Hillbilly got an unfair cross-map snipe I could've seen from a mile away if I actually looked around, but I shouldn't have to do that, I'm supposed to survive). And it goes on an unncessary cooldown of 40 seconds you can only regain while hooked, slugged, walking, doing objectives, literally everything except for running, or crouching... but you can't get it back when, and hear me out as this is absolutely insane, you can't get it back while running. What am I supposed to do, be a productive teammate? Obviously this perk needs a buff, this is not debatable, and you're obviously just an entitled killer main.
no/sthis is serious1 -
False, dead hard means erect zombie penis.
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Well now it needs more buffs, Zombie $#%^ isn't even C tier. If it was about Vampire (the other dead) then yeah it would be a fine perk, but right now it's F tier.
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I don't have a problem with DH since the servers. Before you could bait a swing consistently. Now it's more like an extra step to get to the next pallet sooner. I've been running SB lately. I normally didn't use SB because I like to run without being exhausted but if I'm on a gen and the killer gets the drop on me, I can usually get to a pallet/vault before that first hit. Effectively extending the chase.
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We're "rebuilding it from the ground up" meaning its implementation. As a perk requiring sharp timing, its network implementation needs to be revisited. The intention was not to say we're changing it function entirely. Any changes to its function will be for design reasons, not due to implementation details.
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Will you do any changes to how grabs work then too?
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Sharper timing on pallet dropping would be something you all may agree is a necessary design investment and hopefully consider looking into eventually, as well.
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Ah so then you guy were just being misleading saying "rebuilding it from the ground up" got it.
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DH needed to be addressed! Not because of hold Shift+W and press E to avoid taking a hit, but because survivors would deny the killer counterplay and use it to get somewhere safe.
My killer main dudye says that DH shouldn't exist due to the fact that killers have to capitalize on survivors mistakes and DH corrects a mistake!
My survivor side really doesn't care because after I stopped using the perk, I realized that all it did was cover up for my lack skill and helped me hide instead of learning from my mistakes!
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No, I'm a programmer as well as a designer, and sometimes I switch into programmer mode. I was referring to rebuilding the implementation. That was my fault, sorry about that.
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Why are you going back on it? Don't go back on it you literally said "Any changes to its function will be for design reasons, not due to implementation details." after saying "The intention was not to say we're changing it function entirely".
I mean not to say that I think most will believe you even if I grant you on going back on this, we are talking about buff/nerf to one of the most fundamental survivor perks.
I want to say its safe to say Dead Hard won't get a buff, so the changes likely aren't a buff (unless you guys don't even pay attention to the perks that are commonly used, much like the perks that are broken but aren't commonly used such as Object Of Obsession which I will add NEEDS changes as its only used as a perk to bully).
So the only other possible outcome would be a nerf, but that's just as unlikely with your guys track record on balancing but not only that but I don't see it to common someone complaining about Dead Hard, not to say its not unfair, its just not everyone's concern at the moment with the firestorm you guys have created as of late.
So logically there likely won't be any real chance to the perk taking everything previous into account so by its nature saying something like "rebuilding it from the ground up." is misleading.
You just admitted that you do both programming as well as design to I don't understand how this could be a misunderstanding that is so drastic as that would require a significant amount of lack of thinking before stating something, in either case then however ok then.
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Language can be a weird thing, I get that. Its a shame that its still going to be e to outplay though
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Remember when they buffed all the Killers by fixing the Hook-Bug? Man, good times.
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Out of the 4 big meta perks I always thought DH could be the same. It'll be weird since the might mean DH is unique to other exhaustion perks kinda like adrenaline. So might they change exhaustion entirely?
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You have got to be kidding me. Out of all the problematic perks in the game, they are going after Dead Hard.
Well, it's something at least.
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Any plans in the future that you will balance the game around players feedback and not inaccurate useless data %?
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Do you really expect a response, much less a helpful one, after being this passive aggressive (even if it is warranted)?
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Their are not changing it but alter it's implementation to work correctly and consistently with dedicated servers.
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So they are buffing it. Well, that's intelligent.
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Great way to compare apples to bananas.
Dh still worked and gave a form of advantage when used with a different timing aka gaining distance for another pallet/vault by using it early.
The bugged hooks made hooking directly nigh impossible.
So which one was a dire needed fix and the other just an inconvenience?
Edit: By the way I know you overall stance in this forum and you may know mine, so let's save each other's time by agreeing that we will probably never see eye to eye.
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Indirectly yes by giving it it's old functionality additional to the newer use for distance survivor developed out of the problem.
Just like killer made slugfest more prominent when sabo squads could still permanently break hooks.
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To clarify, they said they are changing Dead Hard but that the reason it is taking a long time to change is because the perk was originally developed to work with killer being the host machine versus dedicated servers so in order to change it they need to reconstruct it from the ground up. But the reason they are changing it isn’t simply to make it “work better with dedicated servers”, it’s probably more to do with its pick rate and escape rate of survivors who have it since that seems to be the underlying metric they’re using to prioritize what perks are tweaked.
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They didn't go back on anything. They said in the original quote they are changing its implementation due to server side issues with timing, not it's functionality. "If" they were going to change it's functionality it would be for design reasons, but that is not what they are doing, they never said they were.
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No. That'd be like saying "Lololol, they're buffing the strongest Killer in the game" because they're fixing/improving blink dead zones.
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As a deadhard og using it for distance was always a thing. Dont know why it's a problem now.
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Well in my games, then, more people simply waited for me to get close and use it to avoid a hit, which was mindgamable by simply baiting it out. But the strategy to use it to get to a pallet became more prominent since dedicated server made the designed use way less reliable. This comes atleast from my sparce observation.
Therefore the analogy with 4 people slugfest. People did before but as soon as survivor found sabo squad tactics it became way more meta.
Edit:❤️ autocorrect
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Reread what they replied, my quote, their quote, and both messages because im not going to repeat what I already have said.