The Event is but a symptom to a larger problem



  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    ok i was not talking in DEFENSE of a company or game, I was correcting your assertion that they are using something that MOBILE games came up with. in fact it was a model that was started by EA back in the mid 90's. this is in discussion of the battle pass.

    NOW YOU made the assertion that Dead by Daylight should be free. and I said no it shouldn't. they sold DBD as it was made without anything to hold back at that point, and thus it should still cost. the DLC's are actually EXPANSIONS to the game. Game expansions were in existence before the mid-90's by adding content to their game, companies like activision were able to charge more and for example the original MECHWARRIOR 2, it came out with Clan Wolf and Clan Jade Falcon full missions and everything. Then later they came out with the expansion Clan Ghost Bear. IT only worked if you had the base game which by the way was about 40-60 bucks back in the 80's, and the expansion was the same price! yet no one cried about it.

    the only thing in the battle pass are things that do not enhance the game play what so ever only change how things look. This is not a DLC, nor did they call these EXCLUSIVES.... they said that it would be exclusive to those that earned it as well as across ALL platforms for a minimum of 6 months before people could purchase them. in contrast the items like Golden Feng or others given out years before they were exclusive to steam and could not be purchased through OFFICIAL SOURCES (not third parties). So the EXCLUSIVITY of the rift, or even these codes for the one charm is exactly NOTHING. To call the rift exclusives you would have to call all the outfits in the STORE EXCLUSIVE as well. why? because if you don't buy them then you can't have them. Lets also leave out the legacy skins, however you did bring up the death garden face mask which i have not had time to think about it as I was busy doing more.

    gotta love when people decide they are still able to understand everything when they are in an altered state of consciousness I'd suggest not trying to understand anything when high as you will never understand things properly.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited October 2020

    I didn't say that mobile phones started battle passes, I said that Dead by Daylight follow the free to pay mechanics without being a free to play game, a method most mobile phone games use. And from my research Dota 2 originated the battle pass.

    I never said I had an issue with expansions. With an expansion you're selling a completed product and you desire to add onto it. If I purchased an RPG and it was completed then I'd have no issue with playing an extended story. I didn't have an issue when DBD was only doing DLCs.

    You're ranting over something I have never said and can't seem to grasp a simple issue: if your base game costs money then you shouldn't implement crappy live services into your game. There's no reason to suggest that Dead by Daylight would not be successful that it went free to play, it'd have even more players.

    Well your responses to me wouldn't make any sense to me sober, if that helps. I felt like I have repeated myself a thousand times, every single interaction between us so far has been like Groundhog Day. I'm doing my best not to insult you. I don't want my account locked up and I don't want my thread closed.

    Post edited by LuffyBlack on
  • jhiieri
    jhiieri Member Posts: 24

    If free will was the only part in the equation companies wouldn't spends billions in advertising. Fruit analogy aside, I recommend you catch a few episodes of Brain Games.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Just sounds like shifting the buck to me. I've never seen Brain Games though. Why should I watch it?

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I have some faith in dbd now, albeit a little less since the last patch (I am on ps4). When i said it wouldn't last a year i was talking about when it first came out. I don't think that it would have made it if it came out as a free to play game.

    You can call my attitude disgusting, but i have yet to see a better system than free will and capitalism. I am not saying it is by any means perfect, but let people buy what they want. Sounds like you are in one of those states that have the same philosophy (lucky you).

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Uh, Guys, You do know Thanks to be epidemic, They all work from home right?

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    The live services. the crucial perks being locked behind a paywall, and the bugs have been issues long before the pandemic...

    You do know this right?

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 137

    Also chiming in to say chroma is love, chroma is life.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Dead Dead by Daylight first came out, it didn't have the microtransactions or battle passes though. When it introduced the concept of the store and the Rift then that's when it should have gone free to play. If you're going to intimate free to play models then your game needs to be free to play. You have yet to convince me why this would be a failed model.

    Literally no elected official or state in this country share my views politically. But I'm not interested in discussing my politics with you tbh. Discussing this is exhausting enough. But I tell you what, I'm going to drop a video for you. It's an old video but it implies here. I've had the same attitude you did and looking into various sources has quelled that. Hopefully that will do the same for you here.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    You guys convinced me to give it a try. Once I'm done moving I will definitely check it out.

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 137

    Yes! If you feel like having company just send me a PM to find you in game.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    Game works fine for me, you dont need most locked perks, and you can report bugs on the fourm, but it will take time.

    And it will take longer under the pandemic.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Hard to take a guy seriously when he has a squid on his head lol

    He is talking about aaa premium $60 games though. I do hate it when those come out and then there are dlc packs ready to buy day 1, that's bs.

    Dbd will probably go free at some point, but I don't think it's a big deal if they don't. I have never played a game for multiple years that keeps evolving like this one. They could have easily quit on it and just made a dbd 2, but instead they added the skins and rift to have a revenue stream which they have used to grow the game.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,284

    No... not really lol. Been playing since 2014 and you can’t buy power and you can get all frames and weapons pretty easily lol.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    No, it is just pay to circumvent the grind/get stuff you cannot get for free.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    That's with all eidolon items? Or the fortuna crapload of things? Or railjack missions?

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Turning the game Free-2-Play would ruin the game, though. It'd invite the Hackers in by the boatload! As long as EAC is as ######### as it is, BHVR should keep a cost for the base game. I rather see them remove the Rift (or improve it greatly by adding Iridescent Shards as a price for the free track) and lower the costs of skins in the in-game store. $10-15 for a skin is.. well..

  • jhiieri
    jhiieri Member Posts: 24

    It gives you a lot of insight in how your brain works. And I'm not shifting anything. If BHVR can milk more money out of the game by creating skins over fixing their dozens of bugs instead, they will do so. It's easier to draw a new skin than shift through code