Tell BHVR what YOU want

I'll start with what I want:
- A month or two without DLCs or content for you to fix as much BUGS as you possibly can.
- Listen to people and what they want, instead of focusing on RECOLOR SKINS work on changingthings and adding killers and characters people have been asking for years, for example the Werewolf, reworking keys and moris
- Pay attention to killer's needs, I'm saying this as a rank 1 survivor, they need attention, almost no one wants to play killer and new players get discouraged cause of it.
- Keep reworking maps, we need that.
- Matchmaking needs to be adressed, too many unfair games where I, as rank 1 killer, face yellow or grey ranks...
- Give us worked skins, not recolors... For example, the Minotaur skin for Oni is AMAZING, but where are the bull noises or new animations for it? It can be done, take female Legion as an example.
Feel free to add anything you'd like to ask the Devs for. Remember that upvoting this thread and/or commenting on it can get the Devs attention
I can answer number 6
So because Oni was not designed to have multiple different sounds (Like how Legion has a female stun and male stun sound, female fatigue and male fatigue sound), its apparently not possible at the moment I guess
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THey have mentioned that they would like to work on that its just not their top priority at the moment.
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The problem there is that they lost a full possible character by adding that skin, and, as they did add it, they should at least add special features to it, like they did to female Legion
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I would absolutely love for feng to have a gorgeous red dress. Imagine that.
Also with a big red Kentucky Derby hat. Would love.
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Remove Hag.
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I can mostly agree with this, killers do need some work. But they said they have a big enough team that focuses on both future content and bug fixes, I'm not sure if that is true but if that is the case then they probably won't stop producing dlc's. I agree I hate getting Reclors, sure they do look nice but it gets bothersome and boring after a while, so that is something they can look into.
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Hence why I said "Not possible at the moment" as it would take alot of work to make the skin have its own sounds and stuff
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@SpaceCoconut would like to have a word with you.
Anyway, fix all nurse bugs. Pls gimme BHVR!
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1. Fix the Halloween event.
2. Respect your players, especially when they come to you with concerns.
3. Incentivize people to play Killer, the survivor queues times are getting longer and we all know it's because nobody wants to play Killer.
4. Address the toxicity in the game community.
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Totally agree bud! Well said on all points!
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Thanks Mr Gimms! Hope this post gets attention
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All I want is new ways to play the game, for example another objective, itโs why I loved the 4th year anniversary event so much, bugโs can also use some squashing, but playing the game without the best perk setups is starting to get even harder.
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Fix the Halloween event all I want I mean with not earning skin ok be like if we could earn 1 but whatever
but the blood point for doing those gens hooking on those hook is a joke the offering cost 3000 that how much you get back for do them it pointless.
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My immediate wishlist would be a few (presumably) quick and easy balancing changes that would fix a lot of unfair frustration while still being within the devs' requirement of not affecting achievements:
Keys have a 10-16 second progress bar on opening the hatch that resets when you let go. Closing the hatch after it is opened by a key does not power the exit gates.
Moris require everyone to be hooked at least once before use.
Huntress iri head has a minimum range to one shot of probably around 15 meters. Or it limits you to 1 hatchet and you cannot bring it above 1 hatchet with other addons.
A number of how many totems are left is visible on the screen.
NOED tells you you're exposed immediately upon activation.
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I'm adding the keys and moris to the thread, this comment is gold, thanks bud
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I hope we get heard...
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Make the current bug for spirit a feature (as ironic as that sounds).
That small information survivors get now is all what's needed for her to be an engaging killer, while actually giving her legitimate counterplay potential. No more "haha I mindgamed you by standing still."
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1. WGLF stack for healing teammates.
2. DH to work consistently, hopefully this is the fix being planned.
3. No more than 2 DS's per match. After being unhooked if you touch gen, unhook someone, heal someone, touch a locker before timer runs out you loose DS.
4. More traps for Trapper base.
5. Less expensive items in store.
6. Start and Endgame chat for console.
7. Playing killer should recieve more BP than playing survivor.
8. Making ranking up harder, far to easy currently.
9. Shelter Woods to be looked at, its just one big dead zone.
10. PS4 to get some love, almost every new chapter or event we have problems playing or issues. Show us love.
11. Cool masks for survivors, like the Meg mask, give us more.
12. Speedo Dwight.
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People: hey, spirit, DS, and Moris/keys should be changed
BHVR: discordance it is
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More consistent balance changes.
Less boring killer (Every recent killer bar Oni and Blight)
Less awful maps that don't compliment the games style (Hawkins, Game, indoors maps in general).
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Trapper brown bag base kit!
Iri heads and all other addons are fine just make them super rare, but do something about moris they are so unfair it's just not fun.
And show consoles more love and respect.
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- Myers and clown need a significant buff/rework.
- Demo needs rat liver base.
- DS should deactivate when fully healed, when touching a gen or when another person is hooked. The timer shouldn't go down in a chase.
- Keys and moris need adjustments.
- Trapper needs more buffs than just another trap.
- Nerf or rework OoO.
- NOED needs a complete rework, it's a bit unfair.
- Spirit should have glimpses like old Freddy, in exchange for 2 seconds of extra phasing time.
- Deathslingers ADS spam needs a change.
- Buff wraith significantly.
- Revert the hillbilly rework, only the add-ons needed changes.
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- 1. Bugs, just bugs
- 2. More than two people on the balance team
- 3. Rework matchmaking to be better (Not MMR though)
- 4. Lower bad map spawns and good map spawns for killer
- 5. Get rid of exclusive skins and stuff
- 6. Add SCP to the game
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-More female killers. Maybe a Female Killer with pyrokinesis. (I'll take Eve from Parasite Eve if you can get her from SquareEnix)
-Give Solo Survivors more info than they currently get. Then buff killers accordingly.
-Fix the console framerates.
-Halloween Costumes for all characters. Sexy Witch for Kate plz.
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Loved the second one
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Honestly I could make a list, but I am going to say the one thing this game needs if the Dev's like it or not. It needs to be heard, it needs to be understood, and it needs to be brought into the game.
- Voice Chat, or Proxmity Voice Chat. With the option to mute players. If stoping to open the menu during gameplay to mute someone is an issue. Hotkey mute/unmute to Alt/Shift+1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. One for each survivor, the killer, and all.
When this is implemented in the game. Then the balancing team can balance the game around the fact that all players have the ability to speak on comms, and this will greatly close the gap between SWF, and Solo. Perks abused by SWF stats will change. At the same time Perks used by SWF will be more often used by solo players, and 2 man SWF's. Then they will be able to get balanced correctly.
Stop shutting down every person that suggests adding Voice Chat to the game with; Language Barrier, Misconduct, and your personal opinion. Those are just negative excuses that don't solve the problem, stop letting personal assumptions make you blind to actually balancing the game correctly. There are plenty of games that do amazingly well, even in the horror genre with Voice Chat. You're making your own team look bad when responding with bad information. I just took a break and played Phasmophobia instead. Popular with Russian, French, French, and Spanish speakers (more languages included but those were the most I encountered). Now sure I do know 3 languages, but still most people spoke English or enough English to perform well, and as far as toxicity went - it barely even existed. With the option to mute aswell in the likelyhood someone was toxic.
Add Voice Chat.
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As a survivor main something I want fixed is hit validation. Sometimes killers gets hits that really shouldn't hit. I get hit though pallets a lot as well. The issue with hits is that they are really inconsistent, which could end up hurting both survivors and killer.
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Specific killers? cause for me it's only Huntress and Myers
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Sorta. In my experience I have gotten really bad hits from doctor and spirit possibly because of their longer weapons. Also I have noticed with wraith and oni there is an issue with their swinging being finished and I still get hit.
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I hope this word is a drunken conversation about why we hate Hag lol
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He's one of the best hag players out there lol. :)
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-Changing the balance team ASAP.
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I want a James Sunderland skin for Heather/Cheryl.
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-That they fixing more bugs and faster. Maybe giving 1-2 more people a job bhvr, eh (and best a good paid job, so that they like to work in the companie and not curse over every day they have to move, to the office)?
-That they implement 2-3 new game modes.
-That they stop nerfing perks (killer and survivor perks).
-That they maybe instead work on a different system how perks are used in dbd - so that not everyone sees always the same in every match.
-That they buff the majority of killers, so that the average player can have fun with them - not just streamers that play dbd 24/7 as a job.
-That they undone the Legion rework in parts.
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More like making it bigger? Or fully changing it? LOL
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- LGBTQ+ representation ๐๐๐
- ... and hair reworks for nea she has so many unintentional baldspots and janky polygons that it's almost funny.
- oh and masks designed to look like the killers each survivor was released with, that'd be cute.
- better, more interesting dailies that reward rift fragments / iri shards.
- as @KingFrost mentioned, more women killers. the last we got was plague about a century ago.
- substantive events that give both the killer and the survivors a secondary objective to keep it balanced.
- unique survivor animations that set them apart from the rest INGAME, not just unique idle animations in the lobby.
goth girl survivor i beg
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Optimization of console. It's an old complaint, there's multiple posts with pages of players listing all the triggers that cause frame drops. The "graphic update will fix it" obviously is not true, especially for ps4 players. Should not expect players to buy next gen right away to fix the issues, and again based on what happened with PS4 I have less faith it will actually be better. There needs to be more attention given to console instead of hoping graphic update/next gen will be the fix. I'm sure plenty of current gen console players would be willing to test the game on ptb type setting, especially if it could help with the many issues console has because obviously their current methods are not working.
Game health/bug fixes. The bugs in the game just keep increasing. The "we can do both" isn't working. Spend a chapter on fixing issues in the game instead of bringing more in with new DLC.
Accessibility options. This game has too much that relies on colors to not have options for those that are colorblind. Possibility of options giving those that are not colorblind an advantage is just a lazy excuse.
Rift: 1. Empty spots on free track need to be filled because it looks like crap. Only 20 out of 70 tiers has something. Could be something as small as BP or shards. 2. Stop removing rift fragments from challenges in tomes. Tome 3 had enough rift fragments to complete the rift without feeling too grindy. Tome 4 removed 6 tiers worth of fragments and that made the rift feel wicked grindy. Tome 5 has even less fragments to make it even more grindy. According to the stats about 16% of players completed rifts in the first year - how few should be completing rifts if they're making it more grindy with only 16% completing the rifts? 3. Stop tying events to the rift, especially the paid portion. It just takes away from the event.
Make events worthwhile. Obviously current Halloween event is crap between a code that leaves people out and heavily biased towards pc, lack of event items/addons/offerings showing up in bloodwebs, event offering costing more BP to play than you earn using it, evebt rift challenges you can do at Thanksgiving if you really want to do not really special to Halloween, event cosmetics you either have to buy in store or pay to grind in the rift. Aside from the cake bug and crowns being biased towards killers the 4 year anniversary was a good event, it felt special. Halloween should be DBD time to shine but they dropped the ball and non-horror games are the go to. They have said they'll be making changes but I don't have high hopes.
Stop with limited codes. Console complained in August, DBD acknowledged but then did it again but worse because it's tied to limited event and they have fog whisperers having to deal with the flack. Give fog whisperers invent type codes for BP or shards where everyone can claim but only during the fog whisperers stream. Gets people to the stream and is fair for all platforms.
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All the characters are whatever you want them to be. U don't need a company to define things for u.
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I completely agree with Point 1. I think everyone can agree that we can go ONE CHAPTER without any new killers or survivors. The devs should take one chapter to just focus on addressing bugs/glitches and overall quality of life changes to the game. When the community as a whole can agree that the game is filled with bugs, poor matchmaking, etc. then that should be top priority
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What I want (it's not a big issue overall) is for Huntress to have her lovely physics back on her sarafan.
Oh how it used to flow when she ran ๐ช
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you're absolutely right i don't need them to, i want them to! like representation, nuance is very important. ๐ป
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The whole team imo, the last stream was another prove.
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Yes, PLEASE fix nurse.
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What do I want?
For them to give me back my damn Legacy skins they took away from me because of their terrible save feature back in the day.
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Well the update on ps4 made things alot I guess now im mostly unhappy bc the fps could still be better.
Post edited by Nemmy_Wemmy on0 -
I miss this too
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Stop releasing skins and fix #########.