Disguising as survivor, killer concept

Demon_Swords Member Posts: 68

Killer: The Puppet (or the doll) (or the shaman)

Movespeed: 110 (4.4 m/s)

Terror Radius: 24

Height: Medium


Voodoo Dolls

A doll of each survivor is scattered across the map.

You can pick up and hold up to one doll. (you can replace dolls.)

When you down a survivor remove their doll from you and the map.

Respawn that doll when it’s survivor is healed from dying or unhooked.

Death Mark

The survivor whose doll you are carrying suffers from Exposed status effects.

You and that survivor sees an exposed mark around that survivor (like ghost face’s stalking exposed but not decreasing over time.) (This allows the survivor to know the source of exposure and the killer to more easily know whether they have the doll of an injured survivor.)


You can disguise yourself as the survivor whose doll you are carrying. (you disguise as the health state of that survivor and their current item.) (takes 2 seconds to disguise and remove disguise.)

While Disguised

  • Have the Pov of a survivor.
  • Have the movespeeds of a normal survivor except +20% walking speed and 100% crouching speed. (as if you had Fixated and Urban Invasion.)
  • You are undetectable and cannot attack. (also premonition and spine chill do not work.)
  • The aura of the survivor you are disguised as cannot be revealed to other survivors and are blinded.
  • You can heal yourself, sabotage, cleanse, and open chests without adding progress.
  • You can Repair Generators to have it regress as if you kicked it. {Other survivors cannot repair while you are repairing and regression sparks is not shown to survivors while repairing)
  • Chasses wouldn’t begin.


Some Add-on ideas:

  • While disguised, give status effects to the survivor you are disguised as. (exhausted or hindered)
  • Decrease action speed and/or increase item consumption of the survivor whose doll you are carrying.
  • Picking up a doll reveals the aura of its survivor for X seconds if they are Y distance away.
  • Decrease Disguise time and/ or removal.
  • You are undetectable for X seconds after removing Disguise.
  • While Disguised see the aura of survivors within Y distance.
  • See the perks of the survivor you disguise as and add-ons on their item.
  • Trigger skill checks while repairing. Successful skill checks reduce progress by X%.
  • Start the match with the Obsessions doll.
  • Increased move speed while not carrying a doll.
  • Move doll location and respawn when all generators within Y distance of it is repaired.
  • Auto-equip the doll of the survivor who unhooks a survivor Y distance away. (like make your choice. Does not happen if you already are carrying a doll or Disguised.)
  • Auto-equips the doll of one of the survivors that completes a generator Y distance away. (Does not happen if you already are carrying a doll or Disguised.)



Hex: Forged Light

Spawn an extra generator. Bond this perk with a random Generator. (that gen glows purple when it would glow red to you.)

Complete the bonded Generator when it reaches 30/40/50% progress.

When every related Hex Totem is cleansed, Complete the Generator Spawned by this perk.

Completing the bonded Generator does not count towards the Generator requirement to power the exit gate or spawning the hatch. (I think it should apply to fire-up or other completing generator perks.)

Isolating Pray

While in a chase or carrying a survivor, reduce your terror radius by 6 meters and the aura of survivors within 16/24/32 of you and your aura cannot be revealed to Healthy or injured survivors outside of 32 meters.


You like to break your victims will before finishing them.

Increase Bleed-Out speed by 15%. Downed survivors self recover cap is decreased by 5/10/15% (doesn’t prevent full self-heal). (could decrease self heal speed of downed survivors instead of self recovery cap.)

When you hook a survivor, add 1/2 second of entity progress for every 5% of bleedout progress. (max 10 sec reduction at 100% bleedout) (equates to about 20.8 seconds of down for 1 second lowered from each hooking)


Note: the Disguising mechanic and the Hex: Forged Light are somewhat based on a deleted killer concept I saw a year ago on the DBD Forums. The doll aspect was a way I thought of to better conceptualize the disguise mechanic and give the killer something to their power against SWF or some aura reading perks that make the mechanic fall through. Also the other two perks are ones I designed for other killers so their names don’t necessarily apply to this killer.

I know that the disguise as survivor concept has numerous counters and would generally make it weak, so I think this killer would be used more for fun then actually trying to rank up.

Some counters or flaws of the disguise mechanic:

  • Aura reading perks for survivors on other survivors not revealing you when you are disguised. (empathy, bond, kindred, etc..)
  • Disguising as an injured survivor with Iron Will.
  • SWF
