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Game kicked me out of match and counted it as a DC

PC on 10/23/2020 at 10:50 pm

Was playing a Michael Game on Hawkins. I had tiered up to 3 and was hitting a Dwight in one of the smaller rooms and he went down. Then he was back up as if he was never hit. I hit him again and the moment he went down the game stopped, went to the endgame stats and said I DC but I still got bp, rift/tome progress, and daily.

Step 1: Play a killer Game using Michael Myers on Hawkins

Step 2: Tier up to the third tier.

Step 3: Go to the one of the side small rooms with a one way second level by the end with the upside portal

Step 4: Hit a survivor on the top part of the room by wall and barrels

Step 5: Game loaded into the endgame stats and said I disconnected BUT that I still got my bloodpoints, tome challenge progress, and daily progress.

First time this has happened to me.

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