figured out WHEN to use toolbox

SO get this, after this title update I recently noticed 9/10 gens spawn extremely close to each other

You won't notice until you have just 1 left , if you where paying attention from the go then you solved that issue,

HOWEVER if it wasn't obvious yet, I think 'we' should be saving our toolbox for that last generator where they happen to be next to each other.

Pop the last 2 at the same time in stead of wasting them from the go.

I know. My strategy game weak. But in theory a lot more people would pop all 5 gens if they just saved toolbox till last 2.

Thank you for,reading & considering.

I'm a bit of a tard when it comes to making sentences & making sure stuff sounds English. Comprehensive, understandable.


  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I feel the same. I never touch the gen I spawn close to. I usually totem hunt and survey the locations of gens. But, I can guarantee 9/10 games they ALWAYS focus on gens on one side of the map. I even see it in my killer matches where they will 3 Gen themselves without me even trying to get them to do it.

  • BigHat
    BigHat Member Posts: 97

    Nothing wrong with getting on a gen asap as long as you spread the rest out. The sooner the first 2 gens pop the better as if someone gets hooked before then survivors are on the back foot

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,820

    What you're saying makes sense, but I'm bad at this game. I use my toolbox right away so I don't get killed before I get the opportunity.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I never use the toolbox on the first gen

    Unless it's the very tail end and it's clear I either use the box or the last gen will pop and it won't be used, I keep it for when the gen is close to being done and I know the killer is on their way (or likely on their way). Unless the game is clearly going sideways and we're not gonna win this fight, there's no real need to ever use the toolbox early in the match.

    The only time I'll break the early rule is if I'm on the middle gen and the killer is coming at me with the gen being seconds from being done. Then I may use the toolbox to make sure we nail the middle gen and have minimal worry later on about three gennin ourselves...

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Toolboxes are trash now, your best bet is to go straight to the gens in the middle of the map and pop those first so the killer has to run the whole map just to check a gen, the best survivors will split up on gens from the start and if they decide to play that way it will be over in roughly 3-4.5 minutes as long as people are actually running the killer and not going down in ten seconds

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    I've been thinking a bit smaller I guess. I simply use it to finish a gen when in the killer's terror radius or when I reach 50% on the gen.

  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    I like to bring a toolbox & only use it if the killer starts getting closer while my gen is over 80% done. Usually, this'll let me finish it before they get to me if I commit hard to the gen.

    A lot of people worry about "wasting" their toolbox if they don't use it before the gens are done, but they seem to forget that toolboxes can sabo hooks too. Sometimes sabotaging the hook closest to the exit door is clutch, or saboing in general after gens are done to help your teammates who get knocked.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It also baffles me how often survivors 3 gen themselves. They just go in a straight line from gen to gen without thinking. I'm a trapper main and I know how dangerous a 3 gen can be. I always look for a gen in the middle or I do 1 gen and run to the other side of the map to do another.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Usually, it's to speed up one of the last few gens when it's close to finishing (I don't waste it on the first. Best used when there's time pressure)

    Otherwise, the alternative uses for me include a) stopping a hook by sabotaging the hook, or b) if a survivor comes on the gen using Streetwise, in which case I make the most of it.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I usually offer a White Ward (just in case) when taking a Brand New Part/ Wire Spool with the Commodious ToolBox since I wait til the last (or second to last) gen to use them.

    I’ve seen so many Solo matches (where players either don’t know or aren’t paying attention) saved from ending in a 3 gen this way.

    Feels rewarding.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    When isn't too helpful. My general strategy when playing solo or with low-skilled friends is to repair the first generator I spawn on, followed immediately by getting the central, highest risk generator.

    When with 1+ better friends, one of us will immediately seek out the highest risk generator.

    As far as toolboxes, whether it's early or late, I aim to use it on the highest risk generator(s). Either the most central, or the most exposed. Doing it early is best, since you have more safety forcing the killer to run around further between generators, so I don't advise saving it for later. Furthermore, if you're tunneled or killed, you can't use your toolbox, and there isn't a good chance someone else will pick it up and use it, either.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020

    Except when they have Franklins Demise.

    Cus then you are relieved it didn’t go to waste. In general you are much better strategizing by bringing Prove Thyself IMO. You get more value out of it.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    😆 I liked when the guy said "potatoe team mates" about potato teammates...

  • dbdisbroke
    dbdisbroke Member Posts: 5

    This guy is why 3 gen is a thing 😅🤣😂

  • Nogun61
    Nogun61 Member Posts: 5

    Tbh true that, as survivors we shouldn't expect them to handicap themselves. If there is op perks ofc they are gonna use them

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    While I think the idea of using the toolboxes on the last two gens is probably a good way to go, there are two risks associated with it that should probably be kept in mind

    • If you just happen to be the first survivor killed and you’ve been saving that toolbox for the last gen you’ve completely lost its effect (unless another survivor happens to pick it up after you die or you traded it off).
    • On the offchance a killer runs Franklins you might end up not getting any value out of the toolbox if you are hit early in the match.

    So the reward for being patient and using the toolbox on the last two gens (which are always the hardest to finish) is greater, but it does come with some risk that you might not get any payoff from the toolbox at all if you are unlucky enough to get targeted by the killer straight away.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    Yesterday I had a game where 3 of us had a gen near done but the killer appeared and started chasing one person. I used my toolbox then to get those last few seconds done that little bit quicker.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I genuinely think it’s because a lot of folks simply never play killer and don’t understand the value of a 3 gen. As killer, as soon as the match starts I identify potential 3 gen setup incase I need to transition to that if the game starts to go badly for me.

  • jhiieri
    jhiieri Member Posts: 24

    I will usually save my toolbox for the last gen in case we get 3genned and I have to try to finish a gen before a patrolling killer comes back. There are two exceptions to the above.

    1. I sometimes use the toolbox to "top off" a gen faster if I know the killer is running Tinkerer.

    2. If the fen is at 90+% and my Spine Chill starts going off steadily.

    Also, if I bring in a brown or yellow toolbox I will use it early if I know there's another toolbox waiting for me in a chest I opened nearby.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I've been doing this from the beginning, unless I have a toolbox challenge to complete. It's the best counter to a 3 gen scenario

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951

    I think that's the whole point behind toolboxes now, it's a decision about where you use it - the use of it needs to be smarter than it was previously.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I'll generally try to use my toolbox when I'm on death hook or when there are 2 generators left. And I'll try to use it when at least half the generator is complete.