Make breakable walls an interaction of survivors and add breakable valts

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Breakable walls should never have been an interaction for Killers.

It is not enough killers who waste time in earlygame with their own power like Trapper / Hag / Demo, you need to break a wall to make a God loop a common loop is just stupid.

Making them an interaction of the survivors would make a lot more sense, because it would not only serve to make an unsafe looping into a good looping, it would also force survivors to be more cautious earlygame and try to improve the maximum possible loopings

The new Coal Tower has 2 breakable walls at the top that don't make any sense for the killer to break, but it makes perfect sense for the survivors to open up more beetle routes

Scott already talked about this in this video:

Dead Saloon also has 3 walls on the second floor that just makes a dead room a quicker passage for survivors

About breakable valts would be valts that as the survivor makes medium and fast valt they wear out to the point of destroying themselves after a few jumps, just an idea that I had


  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    people have been saying this for awhile, but its fallen on deaf ears

  • Crypticghoul
    Crypticghoul Member Posts: 571

    Tbh a crowbar or something as an item that survivors can bring in or find to create these would be pretty cool.