The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


I am posting this to request the devs to please reconsider your position on this perk. No one (other than you devs apparently) think this perk is healthy for the game. This perk is in the same territory as old Dying Light, it is wildly unfun to go against and can break the game in such an extreme way under the right circumstances that it is often considered out right overpowered to such a degree that it makes you want to quit the moment you see it.

Look, I get it, the "statistics" say the perk isn't that great, but no one complains about this perk in solo que, because you are right, it's not very good at most of the time people with it die when otherwise they wouldn't have. This is not the issue though, this perk is so wildly overpowered in a SWF it completely breaks the game and you are almost doomed to lose if you aren't an A rank killer and you sweat your balls off to win.

Another big reason this perk is a problem is it absolutely crushes some killers (anyone remember how this perk effected GF and Wraith?) You have a killer who requires set up or just has a small TR (Slinger and Huntress) this perk once again completely breaks the game. Mind gaming people is a huge part of catching a good survivor and is in fact REQUIRED. Any decent killer can tell you that if you just hold W and chase the survivor the way they want you to that you will take 10min to catch them and easily lose all 5 gens. Object forces you to lose most all of your mind gaming potential, thus once again breaking the entire chase mechanic. On top of this the ability to communicate what the killer is doing to your teammates (which is the primary reason it is used in a SWF) is very likely not what this perk was intended to do and is what most people consider to be overpowered.

I know I don't speak for other people, but I have a strong feeling that nearly everyone who plays this game and wants it to be healthy and more balanced will agree with me on this one issue: Object is NOT healthy for this game, no amount of nerfing will fix this, the entire design is flawed with how this game functions and has no place as it currently stands. Please take another look at this perk, NOT the statistics, pay attention to it in action, watch some streamers, play a KYF yourself; this perk is not okay and is the only thing in the game that I personally consider toxic and outdated.

The survivor is not some helpless scared creature afraid to be seen by the killer, a veteran uses this perk to make sure the killer never even gets close enough to start a chase, while communicating all of his actions to his teammates to further remove any potential he has at pulling off a successful mind game and catching the survivor. I will repeat this one final time: this perk is not okay as it stands, there is a reason, a GOOD reason that the community wants this changed.


  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2020

    exactly and they usually throw the game just to get them... and sometimes they are just bad but doesnt mean that on good hands is broken, especially on cooms. also fuc*s freddy so hard that is not even funny. literally a WALLHACK ALL GAME devs, how is that fair?

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497
    edited October 2020

    I want the devs to actually take into consideration this thread, so please make sure to keep insults and such to a minimum otherwise the thread will just be wrote off. Express your concerns (in a constructive way) and give people thumbs up on things you agree with is the best way to get their attention.

  • Pipefish
    Pipefish Member Posts: 331

    So assuming the dev's get rid of OoO which I agree is not fun, what do you suggest they have for Laurie's new teachable perk and what would you do to buff Sole Survivor since Sole Survivor is pretty bad without OoO ?

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited October 2020

    they wont get rid of it. at best they will rework it. i dont remember any perk leaving the game, but it can be reworked to something totally different. wich i doubht will happen.- but at least nerf it devs, also shouldnt work agaisnt freddy like that, because is like having a wallhack.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Nerfing OoO would acknowledge SWF with comms breaks the game, so I'm not surprised they think it's fine.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256
  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    That's not what I said. But yes, it is significantly less powerful without comms.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    100% this. I had a SWF try it earlier today against me as Wraith. It's cute when they realise how badly they just messed up when they don't see my aura, but I see them. Combine that with his Add-Ons for no directional bell and 6 second continued TR stealth and they become headless chickens trying to figure out how to possibly hide somehow. Once that OoO has died, the rest suddenly turn into complete potatoes, which really shows that far too many SWF rely soley on that one single perk to win matches.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I agree that the perk only ever becomes problematic in a SWF. Most Killers have no way to avoid having their every move called out to the team by the Object(s). This is especially hard on Hag and Trapper. Their only power is rendered almost completely useless just by having Object(s) in the Survivor team. It puts them at a tremendous disadvantage and feels really unfair, and the Survivor team has no drawback other than Object taking up a perk slot.

    So their only choice to try and turn the tides is to take the Object(s) out ASAP. This of course results in a higher death rate for the user.

    This is anecdotal, but recently I´ve encountered numerous teams with 2 Object users to further push their advantage. If one Object is within the TR, the other will continue to watch the Killer and inform the team of their actions.

    Against every other Killer that does not have Undetectable (which is kind of a counter, yet good players can still determine the Killers location since the perk icon will light up while looking in their direction - again, more problematic in a SWF since they can call out if and where the "undetectable" Killer has been spotted) it still has the benefit of being able to tell the teammate when to leave gens and which direction the Killer is coming from. The only Killers that are to a degree less affected by this are those that have high mobility and high lethality, for example Spirit or Nurse. The others will find themselves in a situation where every chase the Survivor will have a significant headstart to reach safe tiles. On big maps like Ormond it feels especially hopeless to even try going against it.

    I´m wholeheartedly convinced that Object is the strongest perk in the game, hands down, but with a catch - it only ever reaches its current outrageous power level in a 3 or 4 man premade that has the experience to benefit to this degree from it. I don´t mind newer, inexperienced players running it, since they truly feel the alledged drawback of giving away their location. The better Survivors will make the Killers match hell.

  • xevra
    xevra Member Posts: 35

    so an aura reading perk for survivors is op but all the aura reading perks on killers and their addons arent op got it typical killers complaning about a survivor having intel in game

  • deadaim6
    deadaim6 Member Posts: 18

    There's a killer perk that gives near unlimited aura reading without having any major conditions? Asking for a friend.

    Also, I play both sides evenly.

  • Sir_Bassington
    Sir_Bassington Member Posts: 229

    Dying light wasnt a good perk at all but it promoted toxic and unhealthy gameplay from killers at the survivors expense so it got changed for betterment of the game, its the same with OoO, its unhealthy, toxic and broken in certain scenarios where a team of friends gets too much info, and it promotes unhealthy gameplay from killers to tunnel the obsession and facecamp them until theyre out of the game, cough statistics cough.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I was always on the position only chickens used object to run away when they start coming closer to them. Whenever I use object its because I want to get chased.

  • Dead_By_Devs
    Dead_By_Devs Member Posts: 40

    Cmon, rly?, its 1 perk that essentially grant every survivor a free spinechill if used with SWF. Tho it's mostly the SWF part thats a problem and not OoO, just lock OoO away when used on a SWF team and it should be fine.

  • Spider175
    Spider175 Member Posts: 40

    Adding onto a part of the dev's stream, Ethan mentioned how if he "sees an object user tea bagging [him] then [he] ignores it" which, and I really don't want to be insulting, feels not only extremely anecdotal but also lacking in understanding of where this perk is broken. As established, this perk being used by SWF's is where it enters into busted territory but even taking his argument into account of just ignoring the OoO user it doesn't actually work (if on SWF).

    On top of what everyone else has said, if the OoO user is on a SWF it's essentially a lose-lose scenario for the killer because a) if you ignore them, they will call out every action your making to their team if they're on comms (and why wouldn't they be if they're using this perk) which renders some powers completely useless and mindgames incredibly difficult. So it's either that b) and arguably most effective tactic for dealing with a SWF using Object: tunnel the OoO user whenever humanly possible which, with OoO is problematic. The survivor essentially can get into whatever position they want since they can tell when the Killer is coming and any decent survivor will likely have formed a strong route in that time.

    OoO might be the only perk in the game that I'd put on a level with Iri-Head or Keys/Moris it's something that just shouldn't be in the game period and should be reworked from the ground up. I do understand that the perk is relatively fine in solo q but to have a perk that can literally completely break the game and be ridiculously unfun is just, well, a badly designed perk. I genuinely hope they reconsider and if OoO must exist before a full rework is possible, I'd say to at least make it a genuinely high risk high reward perk, like if the Killer can see you within the range between 32 and 16 meters at least so that it's powerful from a distance but puts you at a disadvantage in a chase. I see this also being a problem but it is the closest thing I can think of to temporary solution to it consider the sheer strength it has (obviously I wouldn't want this to be what the perk does just something to at least make it somewhat more bearable). Please reconsider this perk design team.

  • xevra
    xevra Member Posts: 35

    if the devs listened to these forums there would be no perks left in the game literally every perk is called op at some point ive watched these forums complain about BT DS DH Spine chill self care OoO UB prove thy self literally every perk that is somewhat relevant for survivors is always some how op and when ppl stop complaining about the perks they move to addons right Ive seen people on these forums complain about medkits toolboxes keys flashlights and even to go so far as to call costumes toxic where wearing certain costumes gets you mori'd come on guys grow up stop complaining about every little thing in the game mori/keys sure its a never ending battle they both are toxic plays on both sides toolboxes? really guys they dont even repair half a gen medkits? I guess survivors arent allowed to heal up after escaping the killer without being called toxic cause of a medkit seems like people just want bare bone survivors with nothing to aid them at all but who knows ive only played the game since release