Survivors be warned of us console players...

Sadly it seems that these fps issues are making us all die during struggle phase VERY consistently. 4th game in a row frames drop and I guess it doesn't register me struggling....fml. To all you fellow ps4 survivors this reminds me of raiding in wow on my toaster 2000s PC back in the day....miss a few frames and hope your not dead when it catches up 🤣
To all PC survivors watch out in your lobbies but remember it's not our fault 😥
Try playing killer, every time I swing or gain bloodlust I skip about 10 frames.
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If that's the case it might be happening to xbox as well my wife had that issue last weekend.
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Oh yeah I know the game can barely handle bing bong on the wraith...that actually caused my only crash
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For sure, we're trying our best! I feel bad for my teammates; when I'm on a gen, I've been getting stuttering that causes lots of missed skill checks 😔
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Had it happen a couple times too. The second I see the frame rate lagging I try stare into the floor to sort of lower the loading of graphics on screen. Sometimes works and the frame rate steadies itself just enough to stop me from almost punching a hole through my X button.
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Hahaha I hear that dbd has sure put my controller through the ringer especially when I first started and thought the faster I moved the stick the more I'd wiggle xD
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Ohhhh I forgot about that, I just played a match with Freddy against a crossplatform survivor, she (I'm just calling her a she because she was using a Meg) she was looking at nothing and "looping" when all she did was just holding left stick up, it weirded me out because she was rank 2 but seemed like she was rank 30, but it might have been that she was on ps4 and her FPS were extremely bad or something like that, then she DC'ed.
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Whenever I would lag before servers I would stop moving and it seemwd to work
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Literally had this just happen to me on xbox.
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Dang, with console performance that's like a solid 25 seconds of missed gameplay.
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lol. You're not wrong.
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Whenever I’m repairing a gen and a skillcheck appears just as teammate walks up to help repair, the lag stutters the bar, freezing it for an instant, rendering it unhittable, forcing the gen to blow. Happens almost everytime just upon the approach of another survivor. idek
Another example of the lag issues 😔
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So far I've had better luck on my xbox than ps4 for sure but it occasionally will happen. I just hope they push out a fix soon. I could play on my pc but I enjoy the comfort of my console lol
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Yeah, my left thumbstick has developed a sort of "slow slide to the left" from over enthusiastic survivor wiggling...I started worrying about ruin the thumbstick ages ago but I got more frustrated and started flicking the thumbstick more while half drunk last month 😑
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Well, saves you from carpel tunnel ;)
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PC here. The game is so bad for me that I can barely load into lobbies. Even then its just not worth it, I DC going into games. Even if I do make it past that stage, when I play killer the first hook DCs me! Its so unplayable this patch. It could be a steam issue as well. I feel bad for anyone in my lobby, itll just be a DC. I miss playing :(
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Yesterday I died 5 times on the hook struggling because the game did not register me mashing the button. I hope they fix this soon.
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I find it funny when console players complain about playing on console. Not just Dead by Daylight. Literally all games.
To be fair we live in a time where technological advancement happens much faster than you getting a slight tech upgrade every year. Stop wasting your money and buy a PC.
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All my other games work great. Sure graphics wont be as good as pc but I knew that going in. Playing with friends is more important to me than a graphics upgrade. If more of my buddies were on pc I'd buy it but between that and my lazyboy I just prefer keeping my pc to work and some early access titles.
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You just mad cuz you don't know how to play try console it better
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Well this is a stupid take that's for sure 😂. I'm not even mad I'm just warning other survivors
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I was wondering if this was happening. Last night I'd get on a gen with a crossplay survivor and they'd miss a skill check almost every time. Figured it was frame rate issues but was curious if they were affecting skill checks as well.
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Terrible game mechanic that 99% pf people have complained about since launch.
And it's made exponentially worse when performance is this bad.
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I know right? In survivor, it would cause me to die in struggling, like you said, or sometimes miss skill checks when multiple people are working on the same gen. In killer, I'd miss hits that would be impossible to miss and skip a few frames. Heck, sometimes I hit someone that wouldn't seems to be in my range due to frames being very weird, especially in pallet drops
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It might have something to do with the upcoming Halloween festival event. Plus a lot of people might be tuning in at once and overloading the servers since it is October. This is a game where someone might play for awhile and then put it down for awhile. I put it down for a few months, I mean I was putting in ridiculous hours cause of Covid. I got it on Switch and played it nonstop. I even bought all dlc up until and including Silent Hill dlc. I recently got a One X and with it being on Gamepass, I'll try it on Xbox to see if there's any difference.
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Also does anyone else have issues with the killers on PS4? They are always standing in awkward forms and the usual looming sound that begins at the start of the match doesn’t happen either. Doesn’t sound for my survivors either