Concept for a killer: The Jester

So I had some free time and I decided to come up with a concept for a killer. Let me know what you think about it. Also, English is not my native language and I'm not particulary good at writing lores, so please dont mind that :P
Aya Itazura (wich, just besides, means colorful and *mischief*) was a young girl who grew up in the overflowing city of Tokyo with her loving parents. When she was old enough to join school, they wasted no time, trying to get her the best education possible. Aya was happy...But then something happened that would change her life forever.
Her father had been struggling with anger issues in the past, and the overtimes at work and the resulting lack of sleep slowly drove him insane. And that night, after being fired from work after 10 years of service, he lost control.. Aya had just come home from school when she heard a heart-clawing scream from her parent's room. Aya slowly walked to the door... Closer... And closer... Until she was close enough to peek through the keyhole... Her father was lurking over the body of what she realized was her mother, a blood-covered kitchen knive in one hand... And her heart in the other.
Aya screamed in panic, but before her father could open the door and get a hold of her, she ran. She ran faster than she'd ever run, her eyes wide open and soaked with tears, screaming for help... But nobody came to save her.. When she got out of the house, she ran further and further and further... For seconds? Minutes? Hours? She didn't know.. All she new was that she wanted to leave this place and never return.
For the next few weeks, Aya lived of scraps in the streets of Tokyo.. Until one day, someone with a funny looking mask approached her. It was a man called Daichi, who turned out to be a member of the wandering circus "The flaming tiger". He was friendly, gave her to eat, and asked her to come with him. At the circus was where aya began to smile again. And it was also where she found out about her talent for knive-throwing. She would practice exessively every day until she was good enough to join the circus herself. The circus was now her family. She travelled all over Japan with them, giving auditions in numerus places. Aya was happy once again. But what came next would ruin her life forever.
The Flaming Tiger had an audition in Tokyo.. Her birthplace. Aya was unsettled by this, but she wouldnt miss this. After all, their newest member, a snake tamer, would be showing his cobras to everyone. Funny, she thought. How such a small animal could be so much more dangerous than her sharp, metal daggers, just because of a fluid inside its body. then she thought of how deadly they would be combined. What was she thinking? She wasn't going to kill anybody. Except for her father. And he was long gone... Or so she thought
That night during the audition, the entire circus caught fire. She was still in the main tent when it happened. All of the sudden, she was in what she believed was hell. Through the screaming of people burning alive, members of the circus and visitors alike, she suddenly heard a threatening, loud *crack*. When she turned around, the last thing she saw through the flames was the tents main wooden pillar dropping towards her, too quickly for her to react. After that, there was only darkness.
Seconds? Minutes? Hours? When Aya woke up, she didn't know how much time had passed, neither did she know how much time she had left to live. The entire left half of her body was sending her waves of agonizing pain, and she couldnt see or hear anything on that side. She managed to look around for a bit. The entire tent was burnt up. Through the ashes, she could see the charred remains of one of the tigers. She looked around further. Then she saw him. Just a sillhouette. But she knew who it was. She'd never forget the knive the person was holding. She expected him to get up to her and finish her off, but instead, he turned around and walked away, letting her die slowly from her wounds. But Aya wouldn't give up. She felt something inside of her. Something dark. She made a promise to something she didn't quite understand. But she knew that it would make her strong enough to get her revenge. She got up, and the human Aya Itazura closed her eyes for the last time.
Ability: Cobra daggers
The jester has the ability to throw cobra venom covered daggers at survivors (basic wind up time 0.8 seconds). Landing a successful hit on a healthy survivor Will injure them and apply the *poisoned* Status effect. Landing a successful Dagger hit on an injured survivor will apply the *stabbed* Status effect. Successfully hitting a *stabbed* survivor with a dagger will down them. The jester has 7 throwing knives by default and can reload them at dagger throwing targets, wich are spread across the map. (the M1 attack doesnt apply any effects, 2 hit down as usual)
When a gen is at 70%, reveal all survivors auras for 3/4/5 seconds and apply the oblivious status effect to them. For every completed gen, receive one token (up to 5). Depending on the amount of tokens, survivors will suffer from the oblivious status effect for 10/12/14/17/20 seconds once Tiger is activated.
Next time use the pointy end
After hooking a survivor, the next survivor you hit with your basic attack within the next 20/30/40 seconds will instantly be put into the dying state. Next time use the pointy end has a cooldown of 80 Seconds
hex: Hellfire
Two trapped hex totems will spawn on the map. When one of them is cleansed, every perk that uses tokens will receive one. Cleansing one of the totems will leave the other intact. (yes we need 6 totems now)
Status effects:
A poisoned survivor will receive multiple Status effects over time.
After 20 seconds of being poisoned, a survivor will start to suffer from impaired vision wich gets worse every 10 seconds from then on. (At 120 seconds its like being hit by an afterpiece tonic).
After 30 seconds of being poisoned, survivors will suffer considerably from the mangled status effect.
After 50 seconds of being poisoned, survivors will suffer moderatly from the hindered Status effect (5% speed reduction)
After 80 Seconds of being poisoned, survivors will suffer from the broken status effect.
In order to remove these effects, a survivor must first find an antidote wich's aura will become visible after 20 seconds of being poisoned.
A stabbed survivor will suffer from impaired vision (a little less dark than deep wound), however once the dagger is removed (wich can be done at any time and requires survivors to stand still for 3 seconds) their vision becomes normal again. This, however, does not remove the stabbed effect. The stabbed effect cannot be individually removed, but it will disappear once the stabbed survivor is healed (healing is normal) (Only stabbed survivors can actually be downed by one dagger)
the Jester takes a dagger, spins it in her hand and then throws it into the survivors face (the survivor is laying on their back looking towards the Jester). Then she takes her fathers kitchen knife out of her pocket and begins to cut out the survivors heart. After she's done, she puts the knive back in her pocket. Then she rips out the survivor's heart with her hand, looks at it, sheds a single tear and crushes it.
A really neat concept in my opinion, though it is somewhat similar to the Huntress.
I would make no changes to the power itself, it looks really good!
The perks however, I'd like to comment a little on.
Tiger: Cool concept, though similar to Tinkerer. The only issue with it really is how it's written. Maybe just say: "A 3 second increase to the length of the Oblivious status effect for each token" instead of writing it like the changes while leveling up a perk are written.
Next Time Use the Pointy End: Seems like it could be incredibly powerful on killers like the Nurse or Spirit, or any killer with a powerful movement option. Even the Demogorgon would abuse this perk a ton. Maybe only apply it to Survivors within a certain range of the hook, and instead of just a separate effect maybe it Exposes Survivors.
Im thinking something like: "After a Survivor is hooked, all Survivors within 24 meters of the hook will be afflicted with the Exposed status effect for 24/32/36 seconds. This can only activate once every 120 seconds.
This may be too much of a nerf, but the range itself can of course be changed.
Hex: Hellfire: It's a neat concept, and a rework to totems that this would potentially require would definitely be appreciated, since some totems are impossible to find and some are too easy to find. It's also situational but that situation is purely in the Killer's hands, and makes Survivors question whether or not to destroy totems even more than Haunted Ground does.
Overall, I like it, and there are very few problems I have with it.
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Hey, thanks for the comment :3...I didn't actually think anyone was really going to read it, let alone give me feedback. I like the changes you made for the perks! You have a hand for game balance, wich is something the DBD team could really have use for xD
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Oh, yeah. I like to give feedback to killer stuff that I like, though generally not Survivor perks and such since I play much more Killer.
I'm glad you like my changes, though! And yeah, the DBD team has never really balanced things too well-
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I do enjoy this concept! I feel like it is alot. There is alot of text, but I cannot express to you how much I love concepts with lore! I only have liscened killer concepts, because I am not nearly original and smart enough to come up with something this creative! I hope BHVR looks into this.
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TBH I kind of feel like they did actually look into this... Like... The lore and the killer of course are different but... Knive throwing with a uniqe status effect.. asian killer.. the trixter/the jester.. For the first time in DBD history, I feel heard by behaviour. Lets hope they keep that up and start listening to the people that actually know this game instead of listening to 3 playhour claudettes who thought *BiLlY's OvErPoWeReD* after making it their prime mission to outposition themselves in the corner of backwater swamp and getting a chainsaw rammed up their *ss along the way.