Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Are you still excited about DbD?

RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

I have played Dead by Daylight adamantly from a few weeks before Michael Myers joined the roster up until about a year ago. So, I think that is about 2 and a half, maybe even 3 years of basically simping for this game - except for a brief 3 month period where I threw a hissy fit for some reason or another and didn't play at all.

However, for about the past year or half of a year, I have grown distanced from the game that I have begged my friends to buy, and in one case even bought it for them, to have people to play with. And I don't even like survivor as much as I like killer! I have still put money into the game to buy chapters and cosmetics, but I have gone from putting in 2 hours or more nearly every day down to only playing a couple of days out the week, and skipping some weeks.

I used to be super excited about anything DbD. Just seeing a new YouTube video or seeing new Tweet from DbD or McLean would get me super pumped immediately. I loved the game. Any time a chapter or update came out I would immediately buy and download it, never minding my incredibly slow download speed.

Of course, I've always known that this game is incredibly flawed. But I have always given the developers the benefit of the doubt - and I still do. However, the game has gotten so bloated now with new content that is getting harder and harder to not see BHVR as just being in it for the money. The visual reworks of the maps are a great step in the right direction - going back to update old things instead of focusing all efforts on new content. But that's it, too - for the past year or more BHVR has basically just been making blunder steps in the right direction after bouts of wandering the wrong way, but they never seem to fully commit enough, at least in my eyes, before getting lost in the idea of "new" again.

Basically, I just want to know if I'm just being pouty that BHVR doesn't do exactly what I want, or if this feeling of not being excited about new content anymore is happening to everyone - the old timers, I mean. I think it would be pretty weird if the new arrivals are tired of new stuff, right? What I want from the game is to just stop the new content so that everyone on the team can focus on fixing the old stuff, from the ground up. What about you?

Are you still excited about DbD? 11 votes

What do you mean, of course I'm excited! It's DbD!
oxygenFFabeqTripleSteal 3 votes
No, I'm not.
RagingCalmanarchy753TragicSolitudeRadan42CaptainRaiderPawcelotGoodLookinCookinAntrapace 8 votes


  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    There's no in-between option. I get excited when the teasers for new killers start coming out, especially if they come with a new map. I have no excitement once I hit red ranks lol. Maybe once mmr is implemented in working form my excitement may rise once more.

    TLDR - my option is less than average excitement.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited October 2020

    There is no inbetween option, which is sad.

    I dont get excited for new chapters for a long time now. The last killer which really interested me was Spirit, and she got released over 2 years ago now. Instead I get rather excited when the developers do some game health updates. The additiona of EGC for example really got me into the game again. Not so much becuase I disliked the old hatch mechanics (I actually enjoyed the hide and seek part), but rather the fact that the developers listened to their community and found an almost perfect solution to address it.

    However my excitement has been steadily going down since around the Legion update. The developers did alot of things that really annoyed me about the game. The sound bugs, the DS rework (unpopular opinion, I actually found old DS less annoying), dedicated servers (both as killer and survivor), the complete sucking dry of fun mechanics (Nurse bugs, Myers bugs), and the end of real events like BBQ, Halloween, Winter.

    Overall I see myself slowly retiring from the game. After ~2000 hours I kind of have seen it all now, so instead I am just messing around with the few OP stufff left in the game. And once I get bored of these or the developers nerf these to ground, I will probably be gone for good.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985
    No, I'm not.

    I dread the next "event" and what other stuff BHVR got cooking if this was the biggest event of the year for a horror game.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309
    What do you mean, of course I'm excited! It's DbD!

    I'm as excited as I've always been, but it's not really like glowing enthusiasm and never has been. Never been my "main" game or anything, but it has always been a game I enjoy playing and keep coming back to like a handful of others that I sorta play in a rotation. Play a lot for a few months, play less for a few, repeat.

    Kinda have to do it that way as I burn out on games quite easily no matter how much I like them if I play too much. Unless it's Team Fortress 2, that game cast a spell on me many years ago.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530
    What do you mean, of course I'm excited! It's DbD!

    The thing is dbd isn't bad and boring. It's the community who uses op perks and addons with mori everytime or a 4 man sweaty swf's.

    And developers became more greedy for money

  • GothamGhostface
    GothamGhostface Member Posts: 2

    Excited enough to play often and to want to join the forum. I do, however, find this Halloween event to be underwhelming. It was very anti-climactic. You'd expect a game such as this to have an explosively awesome event for Halloween, but alas...

    I still get excited about new Chapters and updates. But it's definitely time to start looking at overall game health and to also actually get back to the greatness of past events.