friday the 13th possible dlc

abc_9000 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 137

if this Dlc come into dead by daylight then here is my idea of Friday the 13th idea

new killer is called Jason

bio: When he was a child he was in camp crystal lake while his mother works in the kitchen for the camp  counselors. Then these other children put a sack on him then made him drop in the ocean/pond and they let them drown. Then his mother started to kill all the camp counselors because she wants revenge for his son death. She got beheaded and her son watched her die in front of her. When Jason watch her die he started to kill for her and he will keep hearing her and will never die. Like he cannot die from fire, being drowned and being hanged from the rope he will never die.

When the entity saw that he was killing people for his mother the entity will accept Jason into the realm of the entity. He Has his mother keep talking to him saying like keep killing for me Jason and such and such.

power is called "Mama revenge"

You are filled with rage and revenge when you press m2 you will make a quick dash and you can break pallets and windows but it will have 80 seconds of cool down hold m2 you will dash but if you hit an object then the power will be down until the power is ready to use again. But you cannot hit survivors while in rage or in the power.


head-he has a one eye white sack.

body he has an overall with a blue shirt under it with black shoes.

optional outfits

he has a hockey mask with a green shirt and grey pants.

his mask and outfit are more dirty and wither.

he is half robot and half human

his outfit is damage and his bones are showing and part of his mask is broken.

he has brown pants and has a brown shirt with a green shirt under it.

weapon he has multiple weapons






speed 120%

terror radius 28m

source: Friday the 13th


teleportation: When nobody is watching you can teleport across the map or to the closest gen that is further then you. You must wait 5 seconds to attack a survivor cool down 90/85/80 seconds.

Sense- You don't know where the survivors are hiding. Press ctrl you will be able to see a survivor or survivors within 12/24/36 meters away but you will not be able to see survivors in lockers.

cool down 70/65/60 seconds

I am inpatient- When you start the end game The time will be 5/6/8% faster but you cannot use noed and blood warden together this perk will cancel out each other.

new survivor is called Tommy Jarvis

bio: When he was a child he was having fun in his child age. Then when he saw Jason kill his sister or his step sister in front of him. Then he started to have nightmares about him killing everyone in front of him and he is feeling guilty of not helping anyone. Then He cut his hair to bald to look like Jason when he was younger before he drowned. He took his mask off and killed him with his machete. When he realize that someone is killing everyone thinking that Jason is back alive but soon after he found out that Jason is still buried in the ground He got his friend and wanted to burn his body and stab him so many times. He left the pole in Jason and he got thunder on he got back alive and tried to burn him but rain washed off of Jason. He got to the police but nobody believed him and though he was joking to scared people because he is back alive. Tommy and police daughter got Jason chained and killed him and they finally stopped him for good.

When he saw this light and nobody see that he sees. He touched it thinking that there is Jason memory and seeing of really happened to him but he passed out. Then when he woke up he did not know which forest this was. He sees a camp fire light he walked up to the camp and he sees other survivors he is trying to figure out of what happening and where he is at but nobody really is for sure where they are at so he did not worried about it and he has people to talk about.


body-he has a blue jacket and a green shirt under it

legs-blue jeans with black shoes.


i trapped you- When you get chased for 60/50/40 seconds you will be able to put a trap on the ground.

but the killer must step in the trap within 15/20/25 seconds. cool down 90/85/80 seconds

I see you- When you save the obsession you will be able to see the killer aura for 2/3/4 seconds cool down 50/45/40 seconds

helping hands- When you save a survivor from the hook or the ground you will be able to work on generators for 6/7/9% faster.

this perk will not work with prove perk and leader and this is not happening perks.

new map is camp crystal lake/Jason camp

There is very old creepy cabins that has spider webs and dark inside the cabins and there will be jason shack across the road and people will be able to see inside his cabin and the road exits will be gates are.


  • eiredrake
    eiredrake Member Posts: 98

    not gonna happen. There's a big ol fight about the copyright. There was a previous game that's a lot like this one wherein the copyright holder didn't really want the game made and ended up suing. As much as it'd be cool for us I'm sure the devs don't want that hassle.

  • abc_9000
    abc_9000 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 137

    dude i already know about the lawsuit this is my opinion if the devs are thinking about adding jason in the future if we can ever get the license.

  • B_Swims08232004
    B_Swims08232004 Member Posts: 12

    ah yes i would love to see this happen

  • abc_9000
    abc_9000 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 137

    thank you