Any tips for a new Legion killer.

Voriis Member Posts: 131

Im pretty mediocre at the game and have the same issues i have in most games. I end up being better with characters i am not interested in, example in this game Yeehaw man, The Clown and the Pig. I dont even really like them overall but they are the only ones i can do well enough with to get BP for other killers. I have purchased a Legion skin to force myself to git good. For some reason Legions appearence, theme and story gets me reeally excited about the game and i just love everything about them, dont know why.... but i am absolute garbage with them. Just any overall tips would be welcomed.


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I think the best advice I can give you is checking out Otzdarva. He plays Legion quite a lot and has very nice comprehensive guides about addons and Killer in general. Very helpful especially when your new.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    I appreciate you and i will be that asap. Also love your name, makes me think of the Merkins on youtube haha

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Level up Nurse. This is not a "play Nurse instead" bit of advice. It is quite literally level her up to get Thana. Yes the healing slow is gone, but Legion specializes is tagging multiple targets in rapid succession.

    Another perk I've found with some level of success is Death Bound. Has the ability to let you know where Survivors are healing as well ad remove potential Borrowed Time plays.

    Blood Echo is another good one. Due to Legion being able to multi-stab so well, Blood Echo forces Survivors to choose between wasting time healing only to get instantly injured again or to lose their exhaustion perks.

    My last perk I usually run is Sloppy Butcher. Yes, I see all the weird looks, but hear me out. No it doesn't apply to each person you stab during Feral Frenzy. It DOES, however, apply to each person you down. Also, it's not always beneficial to FF all the time let alone always have access to it, so you'll get a lot of basic M1 attacks off and get some decent value out of it.

    So yeah that's my Legion build. Thana, Sloppy Butcher, Blood Echo, and Deathbound. Is it top tier? Probably not. But I see a lot of good results from it so I don't think I'll change it any time soon.

    Another thing to remember is that Legion is very much a Killer that's perk reliant in many regards so make sure what you're using has some level of synergy.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    1) When you're using your frenzy, TAKE YOUR TIME and be precise. Your power lasts longer than you think even without addons. If you miss a hit or get pallet stunned you lose your power. Respect pallets a little and take the extra second to ensure you don't whiff. This is by far the most important thing to learn for new Legions.

    2) When you activate your power you can't see scratch marks, so don't pop it until you're within 5-10 meters of a survivor. This will prevent them from bamboozling you and making you waste your frenzy.

    3) Your Killer Instinct (the heartbeats you see) don't give you any range, and if a survivor is far enough and holding W (running away from you, in PC lingo) you won't be able to catch them. Don't be afraid to turn your power off to reduce your cooldown if a survivor is too far to reach. At the same time, if you deactivate your power right next to a survivor they'll know you want to chase them. One trick that works well for me is to frenzy someone, run away to "chase" their teammate, then switch off your power and come back to find them mending. This works especially well if they're in the corner of the map or at an unsafe loop, and also if tou use M&A to alter your terror radius.

    4) Don't underestimate the information Legion gets from Killer instinct. If an injured survivor drops a super-safe pallet, I'll sometimes hit my power and put them into Deep Wound just to see if other survivors are nearby.

    5) Find good perks that sunergize with Legions power. I like to use Blood Echo and Dark Devotion to let me sneak up on survivors who I've seen with Killer Instinct and deprive them of their exhaustion perks. You'll find perks you like ith experimentation.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Hope it helps.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    For me I don't really have a stable build, but some perks I do enjoy running are BBQ, Thana, blood hound, ruin/undying, blood echo.

    If chasing a healthy survivor may as well frenzy to catch up for a quick stab. If no others are nearby just quickly cancel and go for a M1.

    Something else I was gonna say, but completely forgot what...

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    Thank you all for providing me with this very useful seems i havent been using Legions power the best I could have. I have been running some lackluster perks so this help very much.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Remember, at the end of the day Legion is an M1 Killer. Your power can not down people unless they don't mend and this will basically never happen.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    Yeah my first game i misread the powers tool tip and was very frustrated i wasnt downing everyone. But i eventually realized it was a me issue lol

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,554

    You'll be using M1 to down survivors so learn to mindgame loops and hide your red glow or your chases will be too long. Once you get good at that you'll be better at every other Killer as those skills are helpful for every Killer.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    You have to be very good at killer basics to do well with Legion. Know how to run every tile correctly. I suggest Scott Jund's "How to run every tile as killer" video as a starter. The Legion's power works as both a slowdown tool and a tracking tool. Sometimes I'll use Frenzy on a survivor just to find out where the other survivors are. Other times I'll hit a survivor with Frenzy as a means of efficiently crossing the map. There's a lot of hidden utility with Legion. The only thing they're really bad at is downing survivors, but you can mitigate that by sharpening your basic killer fundamentals.