What killer should I unlock once I get to 9k I'm having trouble picking one.

It's either these three.

(1) should I unlock Oni and why? I'm most likely going to get him first.

(2) or death slinger and why should I unlock him? 2nd pick but not sure.

(3) or new killer again not sure about this one.

It's either Oni or death slinger?


  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Depends on your playstyle.

    Oni is stronger overall, Deathslinger is just annoying for survivors.

    Deathslingers is a very precise killer compared to Oni, whos hurtbox is extremely forgiving. So the latter is the better choice for console or low sensitivity, or low-end PC.

    Both killers can be fun in their own ways, and you can do some cool flicks or tricks with them.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    If its a tie breaker you'd want i'd say Oni:

    Oni has better overall perks along with nemesis making all Kill X obsession archives MUCH quicker to do as its possible to get 4 obsession kills in a game.

    Slinger's perks are underpowered and unless you really like his power he has nothing else going for him given his lower overall power compared to most killers.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If it's really a tossup i would say Oni.

    Better perks overal and playing him will make you better at other killers too as you still have to m1 people from time to time.

    Deathslinger is fun though

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Oni is stronger overall with his mobility and insta-down. Deathslinger is better at countering looping, but has no mobility or map pressure. Also, Oni's perks are better. Deathslinger's perks are garbage imo.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I would unlock Oni, because I love to run across the map more than shot people with harpoon or bump into walls. My favorite killer is Huntress, so I should more enjoy Deathslinger as ranged killer. But actually I like Huntress because she can shot survivors across the map. Deatslinger can't do this trick, but Oni can in certain way. Blight is hard to master and I also don't find him as fun as Oni.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Do you have the hag already? she's a very unique killer and she's got devour hope and ruin on her.

    But if you were to choose out of the two, you should consider that Oni is stronger and more straight forward to play, he's a mashup of a ton of other killers. Slinger is more unique and doesn't play like any other killer in the game even though he's a mash up of other killer abilities as well. Slinger is good but he's not as strong as Oni, and if you're not used to playing fps games with projectile weapons, especially on bhvr's bargain bin servers. You will need more time to get used to playing slinger.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    The 3rd option, get plague if you don't have her.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Oni anyday. His perks also aren't the worst espeically for newer players.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Depends on what you want. Oni, while difficult in his own right, is a much easier killer to pick up and play. Deathslinger is significantly harder. Oni is all about powering up and snowballing when you hit your peak. Deathslinger is about never giving them a chance and creating dead areas. Oni has amazing mobility, Slinger draws people to him both literally and metaphorically.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited October 2020

    Every killer requires more or less effort to win depending on many factors, a lot of them in control of the survivors. However, I would honestly say that if you want consistency in your average game, pick Freddy. He's a low risk/high reward type of character with tools to deal with most any situation - only the best survivor teams or players will have a chance against you if you're competent with him.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Deathslinger's perks are very bad, 2 of Oni's are somewhat usable.

    In terms of gameplay, I'd say Oni is much stronger, but Deathslinger is more fun. You should get Oni first imo.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,366

    If you like playing Hillybilly, Oni feels similar. If you like playing Huntress, DeathSlinger seems similar. Personally I would lean towards DeathSlinger as I like my Huntress games more than my Hillbilly games.

    If you hate (or are terrible as) Billy or Huntress, you might find you have a similar problem with these two.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Oni is a lot of fun, IMO. I love it when the power meter fills up and I can go full rage mode and just tear survivors to pieces. His Mori animation has one cool thing (ripping out and crushing the survivor's tongue), but the rest of the animation is just OK.

    Deathslinger is also fun (I mean, who doesn't like shooting survivors?) and probably slightly easier to play, but he gets shafted a lot by simple debris. On the other hand, his Mori is ######### brutal.

  • gelukrait
    gelukrait Member Posts: 172

    Buy the skins, because this is the first time it gets discount in shard. You can buy any other killer at same price at anytime later. 😂

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    Oni because hes more fun to go against, and hes still very strong. Id say hes harder than deathslinger tho

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    thx guys this will be a hard choice XD im going to pick oni first then deathslinger next:)

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    I would pick Oni, since he can be strong and he snowballs really well with his power. Nemesis is one of his perks that can be quite fun in chases. He kinda plays similar to The Hillbilly

    If you like more stealthy killers Deathslinger might be a better choice for you, since his TR is slightly lower then normal killers due to him being 4.4. With M&A you can sneak up on people really well.

    I can see why this choice is a tough one. My personal choice would be Oni.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Oni because his power is borderline overpowered.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited October 2020


    Oni is a straight forward killer. you hit them and collect the blood orbs to power yourself up, then activate your power and become a much deadlier Hillbilly. the power takes some time to master, but its definitely the easiest of the three you have there - and the one with the most raw power to it.

    perk wise he isnt that great though.

    • Zenshin Tactics is okay if you dont have good map knowledge, but if you know how maps are structured and where pallets were used up in previous chases, you realy dont need it.
    • Blood Echo is just there to force Survivors to heal, which would be the exact thing you want to avoid. the only real usage you can get from this is in anti healing builds, but its quite limited.
    • Nemesis is by far his best perk, but on its own its not that great. its really good for certain challenges / combinations, but nothing that really shook up the meta.


    Deathslinger is a much more complex killer, as his reduced movement speed forces him to constantly make good use of his power to do well. The power is at the same time very complex and very straight forward - let me explain: the way his redeemer works is quite complicated, as it requires good reflexes and precision, while also requiring you to use your surroundings to your advantage when reeling survivors in, as you wouldnt want them to bring something inbetween you and them or you getting stuck on sthg yourself. However, its also very straight forward in the regard that its a pure hunting power. there isnt a lot of depth to it, its just aim, shoot, reel. no multitasking of different effects, no build in map pressure or tracking, just the chase. thats also what makes him so difficult to play, as you'll need to manage all these aspects his power is lacking yourself. Deathslinger is a 1v1 monster, but sucks in a 4v1 aspect. you will have a rough start with him, but he is really fun to play.

    his perks though...

    • Gear Head was nerfed into oblivion for no good reason at all and is honestly absolutely useless now. there are other perks in this game that do what Gear Head does, just better - such perks would, for example, be Surveillance, Discordance or Tinkerer.
    • Dead Mans Switch is actually not that bad, but its also not that good. on its own, you can get 3 uses of this perk before it becomes useless, and due to you having no control over when the survivors get hit by it, more often than not you dont get a whole lot of value out of it - and if you wanted to kick a gen someone was just working on, well, sucks for you. Free Repressed Alliance for them i guess.
    • Hex: Retribution however is actually quite a useful perk. much like Nemesis, its not a perk that shines on its own, but in combination with others its actually quite good.


    I'll be honest with you, Blight is the only one of these 3 i have very little experience with, so i apologize for that.

    Blights power seems very straight forward at first, however it has a lot more depth to it than most would think. He is probaply the hardest of these 3 killers, as using his Rush and Lethal Rush effectively can be very tricky, however i have seen many pulling off great plays with him. He has really good map pressure and a decent chase potential. an issue i personally have with him is is low FoV, as it makes it super hard to keep track of survivor movements in most loops, as you just cant look over these short walls most others have no problem looking over. his short height however can also be an advantage, as it makes you harder to spot aswell - and thanks to his normal movement speed you can play him like any other M1 killer aswell, which is quite good for beginners, as they are not forced to use his power all the time (like Deathslinger).

    his perks also arent half bad

    • Dragons Grip is a decent gen defense perk, as you basically make sure that they dont just touch your freshly kicked gen right as you turn around / while looping you around it. this perk can be very scary on stealth killers, however on high mobility killers, like Blight himself, the perk can also have quite an impact.
    • Hex: Blood Favor is by far his worst perk. it forces survivors to leave an area after being hit, which is when he can use his power to get a relatively easy down, however the perk has way too many downsides and requirements for it to be any good. it CAN work, but its rare.
    • Hex: Undying is by far the best perk on this entire list. its already made its way in the meta (Ruin Undying Tinkerer - the killers small pp build) and is ridiculously good - you'd be wise not to rely on it too much though, as its definitely going to get nerfed at some point in the future. its just too good in its current state...
  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Don't actually like either killer (because both use the newest rig), so my suggestion would be to wait. But, ofc that's always up to you.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I recommend Oni, he is so fun to play as. Same for slinger though. They both don't require addons and are very good killers in general. Oni is fun for both sides, but deathslinger is only really fun for the person playing as him.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Update I just unlocked oni:D next will be deathslinger