I’m not a veteran player...

So I started playing back in August (2020) and I hear of all the ludicrous things about old perks, addons, etc that were changed. Out of curiosity, what were these things? I’m too new to know what to search for. I just want see what was the most broken stuff in the game. Thanks! :)


  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Holy Jesus! I have no words. Honestly, on either side I’d cry. Thank god I wasn’t around for that 😌

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    There was a streamer, TydeTyme. I recall he was working on videos about the dark times of DBD, he stopped streaming DBD so I don't think he ever finished that series

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    @Exerlin You forgot the infinites and my favorite, permanent sabo'd hooks XD Hooks wouldn't come back after sabo'ing with the perk so you could literally make it impossible for the killer to do anything but slug XD

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    oh yeah haha, I forgot about those! All of that was just from memory, so I don't doubt there's a bunch of other stuff I missed, like the Unrelenting + Save The Best For Last combo

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    @Exerlin Or the neverending mending Legion, the moonwalk Legion, the no cooldown swing Legion XD

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    hey, no cooldown Legion was fun! Although the other two were complete ass

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Final one was the super dark claudette before they lightened her skin and clothes. P3 Claudette literally blended into a wall XD

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    To be fair, people were also way more chill back then. Sure, there was a lot of eye-watering stuff, but for all the potential knives in the gut no-one really jammed them in and twisted for full effect like they do now.

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    I guess. From what I’ve seen, I’m basically playing the original’s distant cousin. I wonder how I’d fare in the old versions. Probably horribly....

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Freddy has been one of my mains since his release.

    He used to be DRAMATICALLY different to the Freddy you know now.

    Considered weak by many, but in reality devastatingly strong in the hands of those who mastered him, he made repairs and escape WAY more impossible than the current Freddy ever could.

    Firstly all survivors start awake and Freddy had to manually put survivors asleep. Dream Demon was a ranged power that could start the falling asleep process at range.

    While survivors are awake Freddy was 100% invisible. Survivors do not hear the TR, they hear the lullaby. It also only had a range of 24m. Survivors could only know where Freddy was if they were attentive to moving grass or disturbed crows. However while they’re awake Freddy CANNOT hit them/hurt them.

    This is why he was widely considered weak due to a misunderstanding of what Freddy’s true power actually is: Reconnaissance and INCREDIBLE game stall.

    When Freddy used Dream Demon on an awake survivor it would take 7 seconds (at base) for a survivor to fully fall asleep. During this time they still can’t be hurt and they only intermittently see Freddy (similar to the current 16m to 32m range intermittent visibility). Freddy is meant to use this 7 second transition period to confuse and circle around a survivor to get into optimal position to hit them as soon as the 7 second transition ends. Or he just simply runs off to find other survivors to put to sleep.

    Once survivors are asleep their aura is visible to Freddy 100% of the time, anytime they’re outside of his 24m terror radius. They also suffer a 50% action speed penalty at base. 50 PERCENT!!! With the right add ons and perk combos it was possible to make survivor action speeds take MORE THAN TWICE as long in the Dream World. This included gate opening too.

    Freddy had no ways to help in a chase, other than drawing the game time out and getting survivors to eventually use up all the pallets. So no Snares. No dream pallets.

    Survivors could wake up by finding awake teammates or failing skill checks. No alarm clocks.

    The trick with old Freddy is to never let any survivor that wakes up to stay awake for long. You wanted survivors to keep wasting their own time by failing skill checks over and over and continually ruining their own repair progress.

    If in the event of all gens still being repaired, good luck getting a gate open. Smart Freddy’s would ensure anyone awake was put to sleep again making sure he would ALWAYS know when someone was at a gate switch, so could run and shoo them off, and opening gates would take FOREVER, especially with Remember Me.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Go to the patch notes and read them

    Also watch old DBD videos

    There was a content creator who was doing something like this but quit the game

    I kinda want to make an attempt of my own

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Nurse used to move at normal killer speed and have 3 base blinks.

    She moved slightly faster than the survivors, but not at the same speed as a normal killer.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    After repairing 5 gens you could stay in the match and repair rest 2 gens just for bloodpoints.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    It would take far too long to tell you everything. Why not look up the details of all update patches?

    This would be way easier than asking the community to recite hundreds of thousands of words.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited October 2020

    NOED used to last forever, you could Mori someone after downing them the first time, and Unrelenting was a 9% cooldown reduction.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    If some survivor didn't load into match, match started with 3 survivors and 4 gens need to repair. If 2 people load into match, they needed to repair 3 gens.

    Hatch couldn't be closed and it often caused stupid stand off, because killer could grab survivor while he jumping into the hatch.

  • ceeroover
    ceeroover Member Posts: 78

    hooks could be permanently sabotaged, no bloodlust, jungle gyms had 2 pallets (more pallets in general), hatch spawned on certain spot on every map, no EGC, double and triple BP events, exhaustion recovered while running

  • druggedpug69
    druggedpug69 Member Posts: 155

    I still remember the update when they introduced being forced to drop a survivor if you were stunned/blinded during anytime of the pick up animation. I've never seen a fire burn so fiercely.

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 92

    Okay I get why they changed it to make it so the killer could close the hatch.

    But...but why did they change the first part. That needs to be reintroduced to the game and would make it incredibly easier with all the people who dc, have internet or crashing issues. It makes no sense that they removed that from the game.

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    Old legion used to have actually no counterplay and his base power worked like stab wounds study but only needing to hit you 3-4 times depending on addons(yes that means the initial hit and the hit that puts you on cooldown), literally everyone would DC if people saw a legion because you basically werent playing a game at that point just a timer of your incoming death.

    toolboxes used to be wayyy wayyy more effective

    flashlights used to blind you in half a second

    and hatch standoffs where killers could grab the survivor going down the hatch but not close it so people just waited there forever

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I've only played the game for about 2 years now so I don't know much about DbD's early days but here's a good video that shows all the bugs and glitches from 2016 DbD.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    there were literal infinites. in the old wretched shop (autohaven map) every window was open, so it was literally impossible to catch a survivor if they wanted to abuse it

    also, shack was completely different. it had 2 windows and one entrance, was also an infinite

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    Hex Ruin used to be a very strong perk- when repairing a generator, if you hit a good skill check it would regress the generator, and if you hit a great skill check it wouldn't give any additional progress. I had plenty of killer games where survivors would throw away the whole game trying to cleanse my hex ruin.

  • Laffle
    Laffle Member Posts: 82

    Holy crap, thank you for the full details on freddy's old power. I couldn't find any info on it anywhere, not even the wiki.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    lets see, back back in the day, there were a few things that were just ridiculous for todays standarts... ill list some that i remember from way back then:

    • pallets would spawn at every possible pallet spawn. pretty sure there were no limits, so every jungle gym and normal loop had two pallets on it
    • exhaustion would recover while running, leading to multiple sprintbursts each chase
    • the entity could not block windows, so unimited window vaults for survivors
    • killers used to be way slower while going through windows
    • bloodlust did not exist
    • at certain windows survivors could not get caught by the killer (iron works of misers for example - that doorway next to the window was not always there)
    • gens would only take 60 seconds to be completed
    • killers had no way of kicking / regressing a gen
    • Brand New Parts would immediately complete a whole generator
    • Flashlights could blind the killer in less than a second with the right Add Ons
    • Hook sabotage was permanent (Trappers traps could also be permanently sabotaged)
    • Wraith used to be a lot more visible
    • Wraiths Bell was heard over the whole map and had no animation (he would just start appearing)
    • Hook stages would only last 45 seconds, so it was much easier for killers to camp
    • Trapper could place a trap right under the feet of a hooked survivor
    • there was no multidirectional unhook option, so killers could just stand in front of the hook and deny any possibility of unhooks happening (this is where the term "face camping" originates from, as they would literally stand face to face to the hooked survivor until they died)
    • the Skeleton Key was the only key in existance
    • killers could apply a Mori as soon as they downed a survivor. there was no hook requirement
    • NOED was not a Hex perk, but had a 120 second timer
    • Hatch could not be closed
    • exit gates didnt have the alarm sound before opening
    • Unrelenting used to reduce both succesfull and unsuccesfull attack cooldowns
    • many windows that are now blocked used to be open (e.g. the upstairs area of ironworks of misery had all 3 windows open at once instead of the 1 that is now open)
    • killers destroyed pallets a lot slower
    • killers used to look down when vaulting a window
    • the ranking system was BP based. 10k BP would be enough to get a safety pip, 15k for a pip i think
    • survivors (both sides, but it was useless for killer) had Ultra Rare offerings to make maps a lot darker. claudettes were literally impossible to spot with multiple of these in play

    some more ridiculous stuff added with updates:

    • the swamp (pale rose - grim pantry didnt exist at that time) was the largest map in the game
    • DS was usable by anyone - the obsession could use it as soon as they got picked up, everyone else needed to wiggle to 35%, then got the skillcheck. it did not change who the obsession was.
    • Save The Best For Last would reduce both succesfull and unsuccesfull attack cooldowns and was not token based. the effect was just active for as long as the obsession was alive - and it stacked with Unrelenting
    • Nurse, when added, had 115% movementspeed (Trapper speed) and 3 blinks by default
    • Borrowed Time would be limited to one use per person, but therefore affect both the unhooked and the unhooker, giving the later 3 healthstates. it also lasted longer i believe
    • the "deep wound" timer never stopped - and wasnt called such until Legion released
    • Huntress Iridescent Head only reduced her Hatchets by 2 instead of 4.
    • ...

    there is more, but this is long enough already and i'm tired rn, but you get the idea xD

    if you wanna know how that played in the game, go look up DbD's "dark times", you'll find a lot of stuff about it that way.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The information was why I loved old freddy. Pulling off a 4k against a coordinated team was always the dream!

    I miss old remember me. 6 tokens for 5 seconds each... really encouraged you to get the most out of the perk instead of just tunneling for the sake of it.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278


    Old Swing Chains + Old Jump Rope + 6 Remember Me tokens + Obsession Dead = no one is opening a gate. Nope. Not happening.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
    edited October 2020

    In addition to what @Mew said with the infinites:

    There used to also be no Entity Blockers or Bloodlust mechanic. Pretty much any decent loop could feasibly be an infinite or near-infinite if it involved a window.

    Entity Blockers were added in Update 1.1.2

    Bloodlust was added in Update 1.5.0 (same update that NOED first became the Hex perk we all know and complain about).

    Edit: Guess these were mentioned in someones earlier list (whoops), but here they are again anyway.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Not really. Normally, when survivors repair first gen, killer get 1 hook. Maybe 2 if he lucky. Having 1 person entirely dead for price of only 1 gen done and 4 gens untouched is pretty killer sided situation. Only potato killers could lose if someone disconnect while loading back then.