Thing i think the game should change

1- mory the it it is right now is too strong but make them usuable only on a dead hook will make them useless and i waste of time and BP
2- OoO is crazy overpower and this perk need a complete rework
3- DS need a rework too because its stupid that a survivor feel invicible after each hook for a minute and he can still progress the game whitout getting punish
4- key need to change too because just like mori this single item can change the entire game and unlike mori this item can be found in a chest
5- noed need a rework because most of the time the perk reward the camper
6- map offering and hatch offering need to go those offering can make a game in the favor of the party who use it whoever it is and that stupid
7- survivor need a totem counter this will help solo a lot
8- killer need a hook counter just like they did in the hex tournement
9- perk and addon need to stop appearing on the HUD of the survivor what i mean if i hit someone with thana every single survivor know that i have thana i think they should see with the way the game goes if i have the perk or not instead of telling them i have the perk
10- i think spirit should appear every 1,5 sec when she use her power like that this give the survivor some counter play but she could get her collision back for the noob spirit
11- huntress iri addon should get a perk rewording like instead of making the perk lose 4 hatchette the perk should say make the number of hatchette you carry by 1 like that you cant combo the iri addon with the belt addon
12- demo need a addon rework and an noise rework because this killer do more noise than a [BAD WORD] billy who use is chainsaw all game
From the top of my head those are the thing who need to change the most and will help the game feel better for both party
If I was a BHVR employee, I would be going into my weekly balance meeting with your notes. I wonder how many of these are actually on their agenda?
Some could argue that things on your list are even more important than experimenting with car engine noises on gens or nerfing perfectly fine perks.
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- Yes. Moris need a change to not be as they currently are but Keys need to change at the same time.
- OoO needs to be reworked into something else. Agreed.
- DS needs to deactivate if the Survivor isn't doing chase-related stuff. It shouldn't be active if the survivor repairs a generator or heals to Healthy again.
- See Nr. 1
- NOED is fine as it is. If survivors spent more time hunting for totems it'd not be a problem. A lot of the strength that come from NOED is the refusal of survivors to leave the game when they know the Killer have it.
- I can agree with this.
- I can also agree with this to some extent. I rather see other changes before this one.
- Why not?
- I got no opinion on this.
- She definitely needs some faint indicator of her current position when phasing.
- Or they could make it so that the insta-down effect only works on hatches thrown from a certain distance, like how the coin works for Deathslinger.
- Definitely.