Fix swf matchmaking
Make it so that the matchmaking goes by the most skilled player instead of the least skilled player
I'm a green rank killer and I just went THREE SWF MATCHES IN A ROW where there was a red rank carrying the entire team
Not to mention the countless other times this has happened
Just last game I had TWO RANK ONES in my match, this is absolutely ridiculous and I'm seriously considering quitting this game
the matchmaking system is actively ruining the medium rank players fun in this game
just to make sure you get the point low fun = low player base. Low player base = low income from dlc's
This needs to be fixed ASAP I'm tired of hopping in against a swf and knowing without a shred of doubt I'll be absolutely destroyed by a red rank their undoubtedly bringing in to carry them
I'll have to agree. Base the entire group's matchmaking on the highest ranked member of the SWF.