I need a reason to play this game
I’ve been playing this game for only four months and I’ve already gotten bored and frustrated with it. With all the camping killers, tunneling killers, and stupid teammates there’s no way I can have fun anymore. Unless you have a key or specific perks you can’t have fun in soloq. And I have no friends to play swf with so I’ve got nothing. Honestly I’m so close to being done with this game. Either BHVR needs to actually balance this game or they’re going to lose a ton more fans like they’re losing me
Solo queue is so bad, I used to take this game more serious back then, but now when I load into a match with solo que team I laugh at everything they do
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Is this reason enough....?? 💜
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you need to have different expecations in solo queue. You will lose a bit more in solo queue, as you can't talk to your teammates, you will make assumptions they are doing "bad" things, when they very well may have a reason for what they are doing, but you wont' know.
You have to accept that solo queue is harder then with groups, and either find a way to have fun/enjoy those games, or move one. This game will not adapt to you. I can have fun in solo queue most days, but there are days where I get frustrated as well, but overall, it can be fine, as long as you don't spend 95% of your time judging other players for doing things you don't think they should be doing, but remember, they are probably judging you for things you are doing.
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This might shock you, but not everybody is as thirsty for shirtless David as you are.
I know, it boggles my mind too but it's true
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What are you even saying? Those people(if they exist) need to go play something else...😱
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BHVR will never balance their game because they don't even listen to the suggestions of the "fog whisperers". PS : prove to me that it is wrong: spoil: you can't ;) .
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Just play killer for a bit. It's old advice, but it helps. Unfortunately, a lot of the perks are hidden behind paywalls unless you luck out and you have the shards/have the perk in the shrine.
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No you don't. You need a reason for why you are making us watch your woe-as-me exit. One day I will be bored with the game too, and I will quietly (with dignity) exit stage left. If you aren't having fun, go find one where you will.
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"play to get better" is usually the one I fall back on.
I also have certain goals that keep me playing, which are either progression or cosmetic related. That would be getting certain killers to P3 with all perks, eventually working toward getting the entire roster of killers to be maxed out (leaving the ones I really don't care for at all dead last). And then P3 a few survivors that I like to play because I like their characters.
Before I P3 any character I have a written criteria that I MUST use all the high-tier BP offerings for maximum bloodpoint gain: so all the Ghastly / Gruesome Gateaus, Bloody Party Streamers, 100% Bonus BP in X category (green bonus BP offerings), Bound Envelopes, Survivor Puddings / Escape Cakes. I used to have the Hollow Shell / Sealed Envelope (personal offering: 25% bonus in all categories) on this list, but I recently did away with that restriction, just because it added too much unnecessary time for not as much gain as the other offerings.
And of course whenever a new chapter releases my new priority goal becomes to get the new characters to level 40 to earn their teachables, and then update the killers / survivors I already have at P3 to get those new teachables onto them. Which at intervals of every chapter release interrupts my grind, as I focus my attention on the new content instead.
And then alongside these BP progression related Milestones I have my iridescent shard related milestones. I buy every chapter (because I can and because I personally find / see the value in it, that's all the reasoning anyone need provide) so I only ever use my iridescent shards for cosmetics, I somewhat recently within the last couple of months or so earned every cosmetic (including all the 21,600 ones) that I could for my survivor main Ace, my killer main is licensed (Ghostface), so I'm currently working toward going through and earning 3 cosmetics (that aren't 21,600) from my most popular original killer picks / cosmetics that I always thought were really cool but never got. I'm on the third one for Deathslinger, then I'm moving on to getting stuff for the Clown, then Oni, then Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Doctor, and finishing off on Legion (more because Legion just has some really nice cosmetics and less because I play Legion). I might work Blight somewhere into that list, he's fun, but honestly I'm not sure if I like any of his current cosmetics.
Then I'm going to go through the whole list of those characters again, choosing one 21,600 cosmetic to earn from each, and after that I might cycle through them a second time depending. After that, there are a select few cosmetics that I want to get for Jeff Johansson, and Felix, and that's as far that I have planned into the future, and that alone will take a long time, by then new releases will have come out that might be more interesting and so on and so forth.
And over all of this is the archives, my main source of grind. I try to keep myself on top of them as much as possible, keeping up with how many days have passed with how many levels have earned (70 days to complete 70 tiers, so best to try to keep yourself as organized and consistent as possible). Whether that means just trying to earn 1 level in a day or grinding hard over the weekend and advancing 5+ levels in one day to make up for my not being active over the week. I go like that for as long as I can as consistent as I can during the 70 days that the archives are active. It is my greatest source of grind, and I've completed all of the archives so far, but it is quickly draining me and my motivation to play more than anything else as I feel more that it is a chore to play than ever before. I think it's going to be this that will sooner or later eventually cause my burnout for the game (just because the grind is so long and intense for the archives specifically, especially in conjunction with trying to balance a real schedule), one that some might say is long overdue since I've been playing almost since release 4 years now.
I won't tell you that these are good reasons at all to play, in fact I can probably tell you with reasonable confidence that the reasons get progressively worse the further down the list you go, so the best being at the very top. However, they are still my reasons that I continue to play and if absolutely nothing else, they function as goals you can create to keep yourself occupied during your time playing DBD, instead of just meaningless repetition.
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-You can join the DBD Discord to find teammates easily.
-Try playing Killer, since it's literally designed for solo players.
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Come back to me in four years then we can talk shop
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My answer to the lack of friends for a SWF is to go to a streamer's Discord and meet some new people.
Or play killer for a bit... when I need a break from killer, I play survivor.
Or take a break and come back refreshed. When all else fails, play something else for a few days and re-evaluate.
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My philosophy: Dont like it, dont enjoy it, dont play it. Otherwise you are falling into an addiction.
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Hey!! I have been playing a little longer than you, and I found that the higher I made it in rank, the happier I felt about basic achievements! And I know what you mean about crummy matches, but I've met some awesome teammates and killers! It takes patience, but they're out there :)! Also, I made a post about positivity and listed encounters from one week's worth of dbd memories, so feel free to check those out <3 Good luck in your next matches, and I hope they're fun!!
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It’s close 😋
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Yo don’t get so butt hurt lmao
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Been there, done that. I had a long break earlier this year because of frustrations with solo queue. My advice for you is to play killer and set small goals for yourself each match. When I started out my goal was to get some good moonwalks for example.
Like someone else said, when you play killer, you're not relying on anybody but yourself. There's no one to hold you back, sandbag you, or leave you to die on first hook. Become a 50/50 player and the game will be much more enjoyable. Experiment with all the killers and don't be afraid of performing badly at first. We all start out somewhere and no one beside you really cares. Good luck.
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Play another game and never come back, best option right now
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Don't just play one side, play both sides, if you don't enjoy it then there is nothing anyone can say for you to play again.
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I'll trade you. You play killer and push the survivor queue times down a bit. I'll try to get better at looping. Can't get much better at altruism though, I usually max that out each trial.
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I won't give you one, because you're on the path to enlightenment. Find something else, lol.
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Wow, okay then, goodbye everybody. 👋
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If you cant do well on survivor you wont do well on killer
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You are just wonderful 🐷💗 qauilty response lol
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How does survivors enjoy the game? How is it possible to re-queue knowing your fate is determined by the power of the other side?
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I honestly think you maye could consider taking a break. Your posts picture you as so sad, I don´t like that one bit. Maybe you´re a bit burned out from DBD?
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have you tried just vomitting of survivors??? I find it theraputic...
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That is very sad I have that thought, for a game I love. Survivors re-queue like braindead zombies knowing they are going to die. There is no fairness to that at all. I want to understand the psychological reasoning, that is all.
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I guess they re-qeue because it´s fun to them?
In my case, what really helped dealing with the frutration was adjusting my mindset a bit. I can´t expect a 4k or Escape every match, this was especially healthy when I startet out back then. Idk, I just hope you´ll be able to enjoy the game again someday.
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Have you tried tracing triangles in the sand..? It is also very therapeutic. Lisa thinks so, too. 🍭
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I feel like I missing a joke here...
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Oh, I wrote a thread earlier how I thought drawing hag traps in the sand was satisfying. It reminded me of that cause plague vomit is satisfying to you.
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HAHAHA face palm, I'm not big on the lore so I'm guessing hag is lisa LOL...
Well thanks, now when I get hag in my rotation, I may chant Triangles Triangle as I draw Triangle 😅
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set your self a goal like p3 all killers and survivors or customise all your characters or get a certain rank or devotion. just set a goal it will help. i promise
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I played this game solo for the first few years, and I was taking longer and longer breaks. I was about to quit but then I made some friends and started doing more SWF. Playing this game as a team is so much better.
Before anyone starts dumping on SWF I meant the game is better because you have someone to talk to, joke with, and meme around. and yes, sheet talk tunnelers.
If not for SWF, I would have quit playing this dumpster fire of a game long ago
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I agree with your opinion.
This game used to be fun.
Lately it's SO killer sided, you basically have to be in a SWF and be running OP perks to enjoy it at all. Like 90% of the perks are pointless now. Case in point, Dark Sense (i know it's never been top tier) but now the gen configs put 2 gens super close to eachother. It kinda ruins the whole point of Dark Sense even existing.
This game is catering to Killers hard lately. Super big dead zones. Open sight lines. Less pallets. Less places to hide. Closer hooks. OP killers. EGC.
Like, cmon devs. I get it. If nobody wants to play Killer, wait times skyrocket. That's bad. But you gotta admit you been leaning REALLY hard into overpowering Killers lately. It's seriously sucking the fun outta the game when SURV's have SUCH a tiny chance of surviving. Even chases are rarely fun anymore.
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Just play killer it funner
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There is one reason to play this or any other game - you want to play this game.
If this reason isn't present - don't play. It's really that simple.
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It's brutal. I just hit rank 4 as killer, first time ever, with only 105 hours played. I fair pretty well against similar ranks, but I know exactly how you're feeling; I have only had the game for a month now too and I have caught on this struggle that so many write about: games unfair, unbalanced, the whole 9 yards.
It's a personal adversary you will continue to struggle with; and I'm not sure if it's healthy or not. I find myself not wanting to play because I'll need a wheelchair after a game because the map has the best loops for the survivors, and other times I will just decimate the swf group. It has its highs and it has its lows. There are sometimes when, unfortunately, the only damn survivor I find is the Kate that I keep running into and hooking- not evening meaning to tunnel lol, gens are being rushed, my ankles are broken but this poor Kate just keeps meeting my sword lol. Only to then get flamed like no other by the entire team, who escaped btw, lol.
I digress, you need to take a step back and just understand that from a solo point of view, this game can be brutal, and yet it can be so rewarding. I wouldn't give up, I would seek out some friends or players to play with, don't be too shy to meet new people. There are plenty of resources out there for you to do this with. Luckily I found myself a group that I can play with as a survivor and get mindlessly killed with. You survivor mains are crazy, but I see the experience and the fun it can be to cuck a killer endlessly around loops lol.
Keep ya chin up.
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Would be nice if they stopped allowing tunneling or camping but it'd be hard to actually enforce and killers would just complain anyway. I can agree it's hard to play and enjoy when if you aren't using meta perks the game is unplayable. As killer or survivor.
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While this game is very simple and casual it's not fun at all starting out if you have no idea what you're doing. Not only that, you need to shell out real money if you want some perks like BBQ and DS because P2W features are a good idea in a game that you've already paid for. The grind to get good perks when you're just starting out (you've only played a few months so you're still new) is absolutely ######### ludicrous and I do empathise with you and other people. I currently have about 500 hours in the game after playing for a year and a half or so, and I'm not even close to getting all the perks I want on killers and survivors. Hell only one of them is P3, and nearly half the characters I don't even have the teachables unlocked for. This bullshit grind that BHVR are refusing to improve is scaring away players, and the grind is only getting worse with each new content patch. Because imagine wanting to actually play with the content you paid for with real money the day you purchased them? Nope, ######### you, spend literally 10s of hours grinding out perks on the new killers and survivors to actually play them properly. Oh and did we mention that the perks you get in the bloodweb are entirely random?
Premium currency, horrendous grind, paid DLC, overpriced cosmetics, battle passes...DbD is a free-to-play game that you have to pay for, I've never seen a grind more atrocious in a paid game than this one (that isn't an MMO, and hell even then I've spent less time in those and gotten to the endgame faster than I have gotten all characters to level 50 in this game)