Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

What rules do you have? (Killer)

As Killer, I usually set a few rules in place for the coming trials..

Usually, mine are as follows:

- 2 live, 2 die.. (There are exceptions)

- If someone wants to farm and there's either a Gateau or Streamers in play, do so..

- Teabagging after a pallet stun results in your tunnelling death..

I'd like to hear some of the communities rules on how they conduct their trials..


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    If they did well (or very, very poorly) and didn´t BM, the last guy gets hatch (except Claudette)

    If there are ragequits or gamebreaking bugs and they wanna meme/farm, I´m in, no point playing out a broken match if you ask me (depending on the point at which it happens, a guys tantrum quitting on his death hook down won´t count for example).

    If there´s an Object, no one gets candy - period. No hatch, no free unhooks, massive slugging propably.

  • DerZuntor
    DerZuntor Member Posts: 293

    If someone is toxic i will be twice as toxic to him.

    If there is a DC the last person gets the hatch. (Not if it's on death hook)

    If there is an Object the Object gets tunneled.

    If there is a Claudettes she dies.

    If there is a Jeffsus he will stay alive.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    1) Never give hatch unless their team clearly screwed the last player

    2) no face camping unless they teabagged mid chase (if you think you're THAT good, ill make you suffer)

    3) try to avoid tunnelling unless it seems to be a swat team.

    4) go for good jump scares if I have a good build for it. If they escape with brown stains in their pants, I don't care if the entity is disappointed

    5) try to enjoy myself

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I only have three rules:

    1. Don't cheat, either with hacks or lag spikes.
    2. Don't disconnect; if I start a game, I finish it.
    3. Be humble in victory and gracious in defeat.

    I don't really have specific qualifiers for life/death in the game. I decide that kind of stuff on the fly.

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    If i make 4k unless the guy tbags/i have my 5 devour stacks/object player i always leave the last one (thats why im killer rank 12 still i guess)

  • JustZed32
    JustZed32 Member Posts: 213

    Why yall discriminate my gurl claudette so much? 😢

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I guess my personal rules would be

    • I don't quit a match. If I lose, oh well, I'm not going to ruin the game for everybody else by quitting though.
    • I normally say "gg" at the end and maybe something nice about how the survivors played (I'm a killer main). Unless they are insulting me for some reason, if that happens then screw 'em.
    • I play the same way versus everybody, I don't particularly take it easy of try harder than normal against specific people. I know for my part I appreciate when survivors try to win versus goofing around or "taking it easy" if they think they're winning and I give survivors the same courtesy. I try to down survivors, they try to escape, it's all good.

    That's pretty much it. I don't have any particular moral issues with using any specific perks or add-ons. I tend not to use moris as much mainly because I get fewer points than usual when I use a mori but if I have a daily mission to kill survivors with them then I have no qualms about using one. I don't use NOED mainly because I think it's more fun to have perks that help me in the beginning or middle of the game versus the last minute or two but I don't have any general issues with using it. And I don't go an tunnel people just because they beat me in a chase or are teabagging me, etc. (In fact, the survivors who are obnoxiously following you around trying to get you to chase them are the ones I tend to avoid since they're not doing the gens. I can chase someone else and basically have two people not on the gens simultaneously that way.)

  • SquillDBD
    SquillDBD Member Posts: 163

    I just always go for 4k's

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I am the law, there are no rules. I go for as many kills as I want. I do give hatch occasionally tho, especially to baby survivors.

  • ScreamingFeng
    ScreamingFeng Member Posts: 26

    Ignore people who seem to want my attention too much

    I'll make it a point to tunnel if somebody DS's me after I hook another survivor

    If I think the survivor is funny I usually let them go

    If there's a DC in the earlygame I just farm

    Camp a pallet (as in don't try to loop me on it even when it's possible to get a loop or two going) and I'll bloodlust you on it (except for overly safe pallets, in which case I'll bloodlust you on the next one you get to)

  • ZarioKiller534
    ZarioKiller534 Member Posts: 26

    If the last survivor is xbox like me I will give them hatch

    Only rule whatsoever

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    edited November 2020

    Only the rules set by developers. I don't cheat.

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Iam a survivor main and don't play killer, which makes my killers be permanently stuck at 16-20 ranks. This causes some interesting MMR, and I can tell with practical certainty whether a survivor I am chasing is a true tan-ranked/new-player survivor, or one with enough experience that perhaps simply not played for a while.

    If the survivor happens to be the latter, I will actively try to engage him and if you outplays me for the most of the confrontation but I happen to get him at endgame or get lucky some other way to a point where his death on hook would be guaranteed, I will actually let him escape one way or another as the learning experience is worth more than a few thousand BPs or a possible pip etc.

    ....I should probably say that I don't really often kill survivors as killer because even without much experience from the killers POV, after 2K survivor hours, you learn plenty of killer tactics just by looking behind you.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    My personal rules?

    1) don't tunnel or facecamp.

    2) tunnel and facecamp the locker DS.

  • Delcat
    Delcat Member Posts: 32

    House Rules:

    --Rule of Cool/Rule of Funny/Rule of Scary are the holy trinity

    --Focus on everyone getting a good slew of BP (go for the chases, try to make sure everyone gets attention, the better time a Killer shows the team the longer and better they'll play with you back)

    --DCs earn immediate snap to "wow, that sucked, let's treat the rest of you right" (slow down a little so they can reconfigure strategy, and if it goes poorly for them the last one is getting carried over the threshold/hatched)

    --GG/WP/GL all in post-game and compliments on good runs

    But my favorite rule is:


    I'm 33. I grew up in a rural town, before streaming, but in the heyday of dollar VHS rentals. I started watching horror movies in 1997, at the tender, precocious age of 10. I know everyone here, I grew up with them, my sister and I must have watched the local Nightmare on Elm Street 3 to near extinction because it was always a solid bet for a rewatch.

    And the truth is, I've always really, really, REALLY wanted to work in a haunted house.

    My rank isn't great, but I don't care. I love getting into character and trying to turn the whole map into a haunt. I main the Hag because she pays the bills, but also because there is rare and succulent pleasure in seeding an entire cornfield with traps and watching the impromptu corn maze go off in ping-ponging glory. Amanda is permanently penalized to use utter fairness, and to let players go if they demonstrate their desire to live. The Legion is a dynamo of pure hedonistic rebellion, all bloodlust and destruction, and I adore tapping into Frenzy and back out to scream when things are getting dull.

    Like I said, my rank isn't great, but...

    I started on Switch, and the controls are not as easy there. I have very poor eyesight, and despite all attempts to maintain the "it's just a game" composure, the truth is, I have pretty severe social anxiety, and it's really easy to imagine the other players getting pissed off--there's a reason I almost never play Survivor. So at one point, during a Switch match with the Legion, when I was just...out-and-out sucking and knowing it, down to two generators, could not find anyone for the absolute life of me. I realized I was getting worked up, and I was by a generator, and I stabbed it a few times, then "screamed" three or four times in a row.

    The thing is, I had only meant to refocus, blow off some steam, but the Survivors were watching. And...they got it. One came toward me, and I was afraid they were going to get in my face, but instead they motioned me toward a loop. It was the first chase of the entire round, and the others followed suit, turning it from an embarrassing mess into a high-scoring round for everyone involved (I made sure not to over-hook, the Entity had none of those good souls).

    I'm not gonna win a tournament anytime soon. Hell, I probably won't make it to rank 1. I don't care. Those aren't for me, those are for the people who have the devotion and man-hours.

    But damn me if I'm not getting my money's worth.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    What about Claudettes who don't use cosmetics that allow such?

  • BreadLord
    BreadLord Member Posts: 274

    never do to a survivor what you dont want a killer to do to you

  • xXM7MD97Xx
    xXM7MD97Xx Member Posts: 16

    my rules is face camp

    2.don't t tunnel anyone (only if some one toxic in the team)

    3.if some one ds's me I let him go

    4.if there are a baby survivor i give him hatch not dc Whatever happened

    6.have fun♥️

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199
    1. OoO = tunnel, facecamp, mori with rancor if i have. (sorry i hate it)
    2. Let them ds me
    3. No NOED
    4. No baby survivors can escape (they need to learn escaping)
    5. If a survivor plays really good but his/her team just weirdly died let him/her go.
    6. don't dc
    7. if a survivor is hit because of the hitbox problem, let them heal one health state. (I feel bad when it happens to me as a survivor.)

    That's it.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Cause claudetes not all just most play immerse I myself let baby nea's go being a nea main myself

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Play as "fair" as I can without cucking myself.

    I don't slug for a 4k, if you get hatch first, so be it.

  • BodamEscapePlan
    BodamEscapePlan Member Posts: 75

    This is almost me word for word. The bolded parts are specific stuff I wanted to add... oh, and [edit incoming] *bold*

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    no mercy unless one amazing player get paired up with potatoes

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245
    edited November 2020
    1. I only spend blood points on a killer if that killer earned the blood points. The only time I let killers share BP is if I compleate a non-killer specific challenge, like say 'hook your obsession 3 times' (My survivors may share BP freely but may not spend any BP earned by a killer.)
    2. If I find you annoying I hit you once on the hook.
    3. If I down you inside the killer shack, you're going on the back hook.
    4. I will go after the weak link if I'm pretty sure you're swf.
    5. I will spam my power at the end of the match for extra points.

    (This should be a given but I never DC, Never surrender, never give up in any game no matter what. Not in any MOBA, CCG, RTS, or IRL sport. I play until my HP is 0. Until my last unit is gone, until the clock hits 0:00. Anything short of that is BM imo)