Be honest, how common is tunneling and camping for you?

Yords Member Posts: 5,781
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

I feel like many people exaggerate how horrible and common these two things are in the forums. Like seriously, almost every game to the point where you don't really want to play the game anymore? Yeah I find that hard to believe, but who knows? I might be wrong which is why I am posting this discussion. If possible, provide a possible reason as to why you were tunneled and/or camped.

I have been tunneled and camped pretty hardcore before for being considered "toxic" or just for literally no reason sometimes. However, it is usually 1/20 games for me. Usually if the killer tunnels me and I know that he/she will not stop I will use all the resources I need so that everyone else remaining can escape. If the killer camps, I stay on hook without struggling (because I have kindred) so that my team will know what is happening and they can finish the match and move on.

Not trying to start a war, just curious as to how common camping and tunneling are for you. Please include things like rank or playstyle such as being a rank 9-13 or tbagging a little bit (tbagging is ok IMO, just don't get upset with the consequences) along with flashlight saving.

EDIT: Remember that is is very easy to remember the times that were bad rather than the ones that were fine. I also am always at rank 1 for both sides. As a killer I never hardcore tunnel or camp unless I kind of have to. For example, if a person is unhooked in front of me and I know there is no DS or BT I will hook that person to punish them for an unsafe unhook.

EDIT: Interesting to see that people are apparently getting tunneled and camped every game. At least for some people. This is very consistently inconsistent, there are people who get tunneled and camped every game and then there are people who get it rarely (like me).

Post edited by Yords on


  • Slunkster
    Slunkster Member Posts: 83

    I'm a red rank survivor.

    Camping, i rarely ever see it, wouldn't be able to tell you when I last saw a proper camping killer that had no reason to be around the hook. Tunnelling? This happens commonly enough to be noticed but I never really notice it as it rarely if ever happen to me (I'm a sneaky fella) so when the team is down to 2vs1... Yeah, i can be "tunneled" by definition, but I'd never call that tunneling personaly, not like the killer as much choice, it's either 1 or the other so first one to get found get chased xD

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I see, but even then it is only slight tunneling and not an every game thing. I feel like the ranks do have some say in this too. I know that the ranks don't really mean skill, but it does let you know who is most likely a newer player.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Interesting, just remember that this is just a one time kind of situation though, or an uncommon one at the least. This has happened before where I go into a few bad games in a row. However, it is important to know that this doesn't happen every game.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I mean, if a skilled survivor uses it early it kind of still sucks more for the killer because they can easily get away and take away pressure from the killer.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    True tunneling/camping rarely if every happens in my games as a survivor.

    90% of the time its the survivors misplaying causing the killer to redown the same survivor.

    Whether its unhooking in the killer's face or simply urban evasioning away so the recently unhooked survivor is the only person the killer can find.

    Camping is in the same boat were survivors swarm the hook and wounder why the killer won't leave or lure the killer back to the hook constantly.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,793

    you say that but it has literally been every single survivor game for the past week.

    yeah i know it's pretty good to eat it but i mean wasting 2 gens of time chasing someone, camping them, tunneling through bt and eating a ds stun as 2 more gens go, then continuing the tunnel as they lose the final gen. like, just chase other people and continue the pressure, it makes the games more fun for all.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I see what you mean, I do this sometimes but I generally avoid doing it. Looks like we just play a bit differently.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789
    edited October 2020

    This past week, at least half. Doesn't have to be me for myself to recognise it.

    If there's no DS, which is a lot of my games, because I don't run DH or DS unless I'm doing a perk wheel and the wheel wills it, the killer will always go out of their way to tunnel thesame person off the hook repeatedly.

    If I'm playing killer? Never. I go out of my way not to tunnel; I might slug the person that just got unhooked for some handy and free pressure, though.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Every three, maybe four games, somebody pulls a good ole tunnel out. I'm talking about the hard core tunneling, not the 'Jake pulled an unsafe hook and sprint burst away, leaving the poor sap alone in a dead zone,' or 'the Blendette that was unhooked 45 seconds ago ran into the killer on the other side of the map.'

    I was face camped once yesterday by a Deathslinger. Two days before, a Bubba. The Deathslinger amused me, the Bubba annoyed me, because my team gave him a 4k by trying to save me.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,793

    Unironically ######### like that has been every ######### game.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Genuinely depends on the night. I'd say average is it's once every 2/3 games.

    However I've had nights where I've gotten tunnelled 5 games in a row so it really depends on each night. Same sort of thing for moris.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,793

    oh good news i stream very rarely so next time i do ill be sure to give you some clips (if i play survivor)

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    Red rank, but then again matchmaking isnt perfect so there are some matches where killers are lower rank.

    Granted i bundled up me being tunneled and other survivors being tunneled and i dont know if they did something to piss off the killer or rushed the unhook. But for the most part when people tunnel they also camp the hook to certain extent making each unhook partially unsafe unless you have BT.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,793

    but how am i meant to get my free self promo? D:

    [also this is going on the basis that i do play survivor which, considering the current state of affairs, is unlikely]

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    On PC I'm red rank. On Switch I'm yellow.

    It camping and tunneling happen more often than not in the games I play, equally on both ranks. I've been tunneled and have been completely ignored by killers tunneling others. I'm well aware of what it is.

    I've also been camped and had teammates die on first hook due to camping.

    Maybe 3 out of 5 games, give or take, these things happen.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    One out of six or seven games on weekdays. Weekend nights might be 1 out of 3 or 4 matches.

  • ToppingPanic
    ToppingPanic Member Posts: 77

    Camping and tunneling happen the majority of games i play. Only thing to do since devs have done nothing is deal with it. Some killers are bigger dicks than others.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited October 2020

    First of all, for me proxy camping is when the Killer is close to the hook with no obvious Survivors around, patrolling near it and beelining right after the unhook or when they see the saviour approaching, or if the Killer uses a long range teleport to reach the hook (Demogorgon, Freddy, Hag).

    That being said here come my personal experiences, facecamping is rather rare, maybe 1 every 20 matches, tunneling usually 1 in every 4 matches (tough half the times its because the guy tunneled is either very bold, or very bad or gets farmed), proxy camping 1 in every 3 matches and almost always one of the high mobility Killers, Spirit being the worst offender.

    PC rank fluctuates but usually around 1 and 3.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    The only matches I ever come across where there is no face camping or tunneling are the matches that I play killer in.

    The rest of matches are jam packed with face camping, tunneling sweatlord killers lol

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Camping is very common, like every other game is a camp fest. True tunneling on the other hand is pretty rare in my experience.

    Now, bullshit hits and dead hard doing nothing? That happens at the very least 2+ times a game.

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    I'd say probably once every 2 or 3 games. Tunneling is fairly common, camping, less so.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Basically only when I have a Billy or Bubba challenge. I like to keep the basement brothers spirit alive.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I'm a red rank and just finished a match where I was tunneled. I mean, I wear my pink Meg cosmetic, but I was on a gen and ran when killer approached while my teammate stayed on it and they went after me. Then I got unhooked and healed, touched a gen and was chased again. Unhooked again, I was running to safety before I was downed again (I don't have DS) and I was so done but THEN MY KING BILL CAME AND PALLET STUNNED ME OUT <3!!! But yeah, I was just getting my butt kicked anytime I was out in the open. I've had worse tunneling, but this match was not as fun as usual. It happens often for me, they tend to be green or red, and camping is not as often, but when it happens it's a real pain to play against-- I have lost pips for spawning next to the killer and getting camped, it's not my cup of tea.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    The bs hits are definitely upsetting. Also try using DH for distance rather than dodging.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I've encountered it three times, that I can remember, in the last 2 weeks.

    One time I was, kind of accidentally, running a Spirit everywhere and when she finally downed me she faced camped me and attacked me. I kind of understood but I'm not very good in chases so I was surprised how often I was able to slip away and juke her. 😯

    Another time I broke this Ghost Faces Hex totem, like, right in front of him, and then slammed three pallets in his face. He faced camped me. I totally get it lol.

    The last time it was a Wraith. That's it. I was downed and facecamped. Someone pulled me off while he was cloaked and he ignored them. Twice.Never seen a Wraith do that before. /s 😶

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Not that common at all, since I define camping and tunneling by their definitions. Which sounds super dumb to say, but there are so many people that think "camping" is "BT got activated" and "tunneling" is "DS got activated."

    No. Just no. Camping is staying in one area, tunneling is getting tunnel vision.

  • Babyyy_Boyy
    Babyyy_Boyy Member Posts: 444

    Tunneling and camping happen very often in my games, whether it’s solo que or SWF. I’m not sure why but recently the past couple of months I see the killer go after the person who just got unhooked and if they manage to down then they pick up instantly. (with an obsession btw). It’s like killers don’t know what decisive strike is anymore or they don’t care about it and will do everything in their power to get someone out fast. This type of playstyle is boring imo whether it’s happening to me or not and will make me wanna get off.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,601

    well I can tell you as the one who does the tunneling and camping its all VERY dependent on the situation

    if theres 5 gens and no pressure being applied by survivors I usually go for 8 hooks before anyone dies but as more and more pressure is applied that number usually decreases, or if someone is being particularly annoying like working on a gen injured after just getting unhooked then dsing me is a fast track to getting tunneled into next tuesday at usually any cost

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I'm a killer main and I only ever camp hooks when the exits are open and someone is on a hook. At that point it makes sense to defend the hook. Otherwise it's bad strategy to stand around a hook waiting for survivors to come to you. Sure it works if the survivors rush in blindly but good survivors will keep working on gens while you stand there.

    Tunneling is basically a nebulous term that seems to mean "you downed me twice in a row". If I see someone who's injured I try to down them, simple as that. Expecting me to just ignore people who are injured or who I downed already is silly.

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    Here in Asia

    Every game, a 1k is like a victory over here, killers very rarely leave the hook and if the do they certainly soft patrol it.

    A friend of mine told me you need to treat the first hook like it’s death hook because 9/10 it is death hook.

  • Chappy04
    Chappy04 Member Posts: 193

    i would say i have it in different bursts like sometimes it will be game after games and other times ill be completely fine for a whole session of constant fun so theres my take on it but on average it happens probs 1 or 2 games every 10

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    Not too terribly common, though most of the time I do experience tunneling it's ghostface. It does happen with other killers, it's just that the majority of the time it's a ghostface doing it.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,432

    Very common. It’s why perks like BT and DS are more common.

  • Kbot22
    Kbot22 Member Posts: 96

    I usually see some sort of tunneling or camping every 3 games at rank 1. I usually play survivor and the killer almost always comes back to hooks. 2/3 of the time they actually go for the unhooker but 1 out of 3 they just hard tunnel the unhooked survivor and then either pick up or just camp the body until ds is gone. Face camping isn't very common but proxy camping is happens quite often, especially if the killer is trying to make sure a survivor hits the struggle phase, it really sucks because in solo que sometimes people just don't save for whatever reason.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Me and my friends have played almost every day for a week now. I can safely say that tunnelling happens in at least 1 in 3 games. Camping has happened almost every match. The higher ranked the killer, the more they camped. Not bashing it or anything, it's clearly a legitimate tactic that works because they're still ranking up and winning because of it so why bother changing the playstyle if it's mostly working? We've taken to rushing out gens when this happens. The closer the gen we're rushing is to the hook the better. Most of us couldn't give less of a ######### when either of these things happen, I certainly don't I think it's kinda funny. But it does kinda deflate the match when you're not the one getting tunnelled or camped, because that means your task is running around and holding M1 on a gen and that's even more boring lmao.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Rank purple-red. I'm playing survivor just for challenges. Tunneling happen to me very rarely. I don't really remember when last time I got tunneled. Maybe this summer, or september. But it was og tunneling with complete ignoring of other survivors and objectives. When I asked him why he tunneled me, what did I do, he replied that he shouldn't care about my feelings. He tunneled me because he felt like it. I understand he is just such a person, but it hurts.

    Camping is rare as well, because if killer stay by the hook without reason, gens will fly away. Camping when all gens done is situational and it's out of question because killer has nothing else to do.

    As killer I extremely rarely tunnel on purpose, and there should be a good good reason to make me tunnel like there is no tomorrow. OoO, clicking, tbaging, spaming vaults is not a reason. Hiding all match ignoring saving Dwight is a good reason.

    I don't really camp, but when I leave hooked person I often turn to look at the hook, because it's often someone inpatient trying to unhook instantly. And I often see someone running to the hook. Is not really camping but punishing survivor's inpatience. If you have BT it doesn't mean you have to use it everytime. Unhooking outside terror radius is always more secure, unless it's a stealth killer.

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    Literally only happened to me at low ranks. After about rank 13 it doesn't even happen anymore.

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    It's like every 5 games (if not more) as survivor, but every game as killer.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    I only play Solo Queue in red ranks it almost never really happens to me or my teammates. At least real tunneling and camping.

    Some proxy camping and tunneling to get one person out of the game (which is completely fine if you need to do it) happens a lot more. And that's okay. That's what I would call strategy and not trying to ruin someones fun in the game.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    This is explains why there are so many complains about tunneling and camping. Real tunneling and camping is actually pretty rare in red ranks.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,432


    It is when time after time you don’t have those perks and you are almost forced to bring them. Because outside of those perks survivors do not have much of an option aside from taking hits (which good luck with getting randoms to do that for you).

    Ive been in matches where I don’t bring those two perks and I always either end up getting tunneled or someone else is.

    It may not be the only determining factor but it most definitely contributes to why people bring those perks.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    More often than not, I would say I see at least one of these in 1 out of 3 matches these days. Tunneling is way more prevalent than camping but I see both real often. If you had thrown in slugging this number would go up to 2.5 out of 3 without a doubt.

  • dmitch23
    dmitch23 Member Posts: 15

    I'm rank 6-8 typically. Ever since the double bloodpoint event started I've been tunneled every game. Not just got pulled from the hook in a dangerous way. More like a killer proxy camping a hook and ignoring everyone else and still coming after me.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    If I am not playing like an arrogant clown it's very VERY rare unless I SWF and we are absolutely stomping the killer. I think people don't realize a lot of time this happens is because someone is being an idiot (working on a gen in the killer's face then jumping in a locker with DS the moment he shows up, etc.)