Give survivors bleed out option
Its beyond ridiculous that survivors have to sit there for 5 min to bleed out of a game in order to get their points while they can't do anything. Its one of the most toxic tactics in the game and personally I'm willing to lose my points and take a DC penalty to DC a killer that slugs at the end, but I think its ######### that survivors have 0 options to exit the game at this point. I have to sit there an extra 5 min so the killer can be an a-hole and find the hatch and/or other survivor or use me as bait? Its the most idiotic thing in DBD.
I honestly believe both sides should have the option to concede during the trial. Not immediately mind you but, maybe after the trial has broken the five minute mark. Unfortunately Behavior seemingly despises giving players options that positively modify their gaming experience ie: field of view sliders, color blindness settings etc. The console versions of dbd don't even have graphic, resolution or, fps settings something a normal person would consider essential considering their ceaseless performance issues.