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Voice programs (discord teamspeak) is legal cheat!

its my opinion!boring not interesting
Cry some more.
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@BillyMain77 tell something about theme
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I'm gonna jump head first off a building the next time I see someone complain about swf
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See you in the next 2 seconds lol
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You can't eat a SWF. It's terrible that SWF isn't edible.
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I'm just looking for the excuse tbf
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Sorry but if it isn't the 10999876th thread about the same damn thing just saying it's OP and calling it a day
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Can't blame you lol
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Uh, the game isn't really balanced around solo que, if it was I wouldn't consider it a free win.
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Okay so 1) No it isn't, you can read what is cheating in the EULA and SWF on comms ain't there.
(credit to @SCP_FOR_DBD@SCP_FOR_DBD)
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Room for one more? Don't think I can hear another crying session about swf tbh.
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If not there's room on my rooftop, we can do it together? From opposite ends of course, haha. That'd be rediculous, haha...
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Who the hell uses teamspeak? lmfao
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Race to the bottom?
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In fairness, every DBD player that plays killer goes through a “SWF is cheating” phase.
I sure did.
But now, even though they’re still damn tough, they’re also extremely predictable. I’m usually never wrong in anticipating certain plays and strategies when i suspect a SWF on voicecoms.
Hence why, above all other builds I fall back on reliable anti heal builds. Why? It’s the one thing that voice coms CAN’T get around. They’re either debuffed or they’re not. And if they attempt to push on injured my Clown makes them regret it due to how fast I down them again.
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If that is legal cheating, why there is no distance-based ingame voice chat implemented yet?
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BHVR made their own discord server where you can find a group of people to play and voice chat with....
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Oh game on
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If it was cheating there wouldn’t be swf lol or they’d make it to where you can’t chat in a party on console like rdr2 does for online poker
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A lot of people seem to ignore "legal" part of "legal cheating".
SWF with comms is legalized cheating. By all definitions, these are cheating, yet because devs can't do ######### about this, they chose to simply allow using that kind of 3rd party programmes to get unfair advantage. But trust me, if they had a surefire way to make communicating between survivors impossible, they would've done that 4 years ago.
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people will bring this up until the issue is solved
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A long, long, time ago in a DBD far away, I remember fighting the futile fight. Then I realized that Survivor = BHVR's prized cash cow.
So many SWAT'dettes are so deeply nestled inside the Godess of Survive with thine Friends' bossom, that it has become one with their very being. It has ingrained itself into their very existence.
And so it shall be and be it shall forever more.
But grieveth not, for the Entity hears your woes! It will not cast you aside to be gnarled upon by butt dancers in the fog. For you have the tools of thine deliverance! If thouest believes he/she may face the dreaded Red Rank 4 man Gen Slaying Squad of woe, the answer lies in your bloodweb!
Apply the Dreaded Mori of Saltificiation! And if thouest still doubt, then apply until thy victory is ensured! Your victory will be hollow but your game secured! And you are sure to experience a salting of the heaviest heap from thy foes.
Its here to stay, handle it as you will.