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DBD just gave me a 6 hour DC penalty because of a dropped connection

Here i am having a great time playing with some friends. Have a whole day lined up to take advantage of double blood points. I enter the game, touch a gen and I’m frozen for about 10 seconds then disconnected. I am given the following error and to my disgust, i see a 6 hour DC penalty to punish me. Entire day is ruined. How can you guys in your right mind continue to keep a DC penalty when you have ZERO way of removing it from players that have errors and could care less about the time you are wasting of your customers. If this doesn’t get corrected, i think this will be the last time i deal with all your bugs and errors and find a game that doesn’t waste my time and day for something out of my control.


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  • Member Posts: 6

    6 hours for your very first offense? Sorry to hear that. That's alot. I think I will reset my router before I even fire the game up just to be on the safe side.

  • Member Posts: 40

    i couldn’t disagree more. Only a handful of games would people experience DC penalty and for those not extremely competitive, what does it even matter? Oh well, I’m back in another game in just a few minutes. Also, this has happened to me only the last 2-3 days. Only after updates from your platform. I have an outstanding internet connection i a very well populated city. This doesn’t happen to me in any other game or setting. DC penalty is punishing your customers when they did nothing to deserve some kind of punishment from you and I am one of many

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    So do the mods have any special insight into suicide penalties?

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    DC penalty is incredibly unhealthy for the game in my experience.

  • Member Posts: 40

    At the very least, go through any one of these forum groups. I’m certainly not the only one reporting this happening. Don’t you think it’s time to seriously consider turning it off during a big event like this? While my entire day was completely ruined by this I’ll thoughten “fix”, I’m not the only one experiencing it.

  • Member Posts: 40

    There is nothing “healthy” about the DC penalty. While I’ve only been playing this for about a year, i play on average 20 hours a week. Maybe a hand full of games a day of gaming for several hours did i experience DCers and if so, boo boo. Onto the next game in a few minutes. But i get the people who cry the loudest get listened to

  • Member Posts: 116
    edited October 2020

    yes the penalty is a nice to have.

  • Member Posts: 4,427
    edited November 2020

    That is nice if this was your experience, but this wasn't the case for a lot of other people. The DC penalty wouldn't exist if DCs weren't a rampaging issue.

    Also I have advised you to check out the Technical Issues Sub-Forum to see if this issue has been reported already and if someone has found a way how to fix this.

    Only as much as the user. The moderation team does not have any special insights on any statistics.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Damn, but it was worth an ask. I'd be a lot less critical of the whole DC penalties situation if I didn't watch someone suicide every other trial and ruin everyone's experience in the exact same way while people like the OP are getting (potentially) unfair punishments, but I guess we all just have to hope the Devs enact something soon.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Nothing was “FIXED” with the penalty! People just kill themselves on hook now. There is ZERO difference in that! You are MORE likely to be face camped by a Cannibal than you are to have random DCers in your party of survivors. It’s happened to me over and over again nearly every day i play at some point. You’ve decided to punish one part of your customers because another group of your customers wanted you to. That’s Kind fo sick of you ask me. Also this isn’t a technical issue on my end. I’ve seen you say this to a few people today. YOUR system crashed. My internet did. My connection has run near flawlessly sans a week ago. Why would i go onto the technical side of there isn’t anything you are going to do about it? I’ve still had an entire day of gaming planned that is now ruined. My time has once again been wasted. Unacceptable

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    Sounds to me like your hard drive is going out on your system, do you freeze in place when performing actions often?

  • Member Posts: 40

    I’m on Xbox but no. Only the last few days since most recent update. I’ve never had a random connection just drop before. My internet is outstanding. My network has run flawlessly up until this point.

  • Member Posts: 3,259

    If there's a way to test the hard drive on xbox that's where I would start I had one that did the same thing and was told by microsoft that if you played consistently on the system the hard drives are only good for 3-5 years , so if had your xbox for years or bought it pre owned there's a chance this could be happening , I would just keep an eye out and if it keeps happening it's bad drive and it's time to upgrade

  • Member Posts: 40

    This is NOT my issue. Less than a year old Xbox one. This entire year it has run flawless. Several other people are having same issues on PC. It’s just another patch corruption bug just like all of them but this time i have to pay for it because they value making one group happy by punishing another. I’ve never seen another gaming company take sides against their own customers

  • Member Posts: 40

    The whole mentality around this DC penalty is nauseating. You didn’t fix a thing! People just suicide on hook. There is ZERO difference! Instead you are effecting, clearly, a growing population of people losing connection through no fault of their own. And then i hear this idiocy of “you waste someone’s time by DC”. Good God! So you lost a few blood point or don’t escape? Who cares! How about MY time being wasted through no fault of my own. You wanna talk about cry babies? Talk about the people who think this fixes anything about the game.

  • Member Posts: 40
  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm assuming the 6 hours wasn't for the first offence though right? Unless there's a new bug

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    A six hour penalty requires quite a few prior DC bans. This wasn’t an isolated incident. The issue here isn’t the dc ban system, it’s that you keep playing the game even though you’re disconnecting constantly.

  • Member Posts: 40

    No it isn’t constantly, again as I’ve stated several times. THE GAME not my internet connection crashed. This was the first time today and 6 hour ban. It did 2 times yesterday and once the day before that. Other than those times, i have NEVER been dropped off a game before. Even if it was my internet so what! I should not be punished because of a rare instance. Over the course of a year my game crashed 5 times total in the last 3 days? Yeah I’d say that’s pretty rare occurance. But because they made it progressive, I’ve now been forfeit an entire day even if it was internet or not. That is absurd

  • Member Posts: 731

    Anyone else reading this thinking bs. You've been dcing a lot and now the ban hammers hitting bigtime you're moaning cause you cant play with your friends.

    Know what helps........stop dcing.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Again, here you are in my post and others pretending you know more than the OP. You aren’t a detective and rather than attacking people with a legitimate complaint, maybe you should listen more. Anyone upset they got a penalty is somehow beneath you.........

  • Member Posts: 40

    Why would i continue to DC knowing the penalty is progressive? Especially as i stated, had time lined up with friends to have fun and play. That isn’t logical

  • Member Posts: 967

    I think it's more healthy than unhealthy. And nobody gets a 6 hour ban of first few DC.

    If anything, getting rid of ppl who DC is much healthier for the game.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    It is not just people who dc. I made a post showing that 2 days ago it was indeed a corrupt update on their part that was making me dc, and other people have been complaining about the same thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    The reason why they're calling it bs is that 4 DC's isn't enough to get a 6 hour ban.

    It's also more logical to get rid of high DC penalties if you're planning to play with friends during a double BP weekend. Why would you continue to stack things up higher and higher knowing the DC penalty was progressive? How'd you miss the other progressive penalties?

  • Member Posts: 40

    Again, clearly you didn’t read anything i said. Over the course of 3 days, I’m the game booted me 5 times. That is all. NEVER ONCE did i hit leave match. So because the game crashed several times through no fault of mine, i should continue to try and play when 99% of the games didn’t crash? That’s not logical. And again, why exactly is it logical to not play with friends? Because i might have another disconnect? So just go ahead and sit the day out since i disconnected 1 time yesterday?

  • Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2020

    so to summarize, 3 disconnects 2 days ago from a crash over the course of about 6 hours. 1 yesterday over the course of same time frame and 1 today second game of the day. All of these stacked. It didnt start over the following day. So if for some crazy reason it happens to again tomorrow it’s 24 hrs? This is moronic.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Fix your internet.

  • Member Posts: 40
  • Member Posts: 83

    Yeah, i hate seeing so few ragequit ever since it has been introduced, it was always fun to see people DC to deny me the point for wining a chase and making the game hell for the 3 other survivor in their team.

    It would be healthier to reward people for DCing, maybe giving them a double pip each game a few hundred thousand points would be better. They only dc because the game isn't fun for them it's horrible to punish people for not having fun when they already are punished enough by being denied the amusement they were seeking in game by some terrible killers and team mates who think THEIR fun also matters.

  • Member Posts: 3,483

    It's only unhealthy for players who DC. For the rest of us who wants to play fair it's the opposite. DC penalties is very much needed.

  • Member Posts: 40

    No it isn’t. It does nothing for the game, people just suicide on hook, there is no difference. Except now, anyone who gets disconnected for ANY REASON are very very bad people and will be felt with accordingly because you ruined an entire day of playing in a single match and you MUST be punished so the people who cry about it can feel better about themselves

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    But you didn’t just “disconnect 1 time yesterday”, you disconnected multiple times in the course of a couple days. You obviously must have seen yourself getting longer and longer bans, why did you keep playing? Just stop playing and figure out what the problem is if you can.

    Think of it like quarantine. They’re blocking you off from spoiling the games of the other players that you are disconnecting from. Even if it’s not your fault that you got sick in the first place you shouldn’t keep going out and risking other people’s games when you know this is an issue.

  • Member Posts: 5,304
    edited October 2020

    there never going to put a suicide penalty in the game.

    DC penalty is pointless just hurts killer and survivors will just suicide on hook and they are who get these random dc too in the end maybe everyone get ban game will die. good show.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Wait, what? I had dc almost every single game as a killer and most likely more than 1 per game average on some days as a dc usually meant someone else would DC shortly after.

    The week before the dc penalty got up, i remember streaming a bit of killer gameplay to a friend yo show her that perks were not everthing on a killer and reading the opponent could do more, pyramid head, level 1, no perk, first down, DC, grabbed dude in a locker 30sec later, second DC.

    This is what the killer experience was like before the DC penalty came back. People not liking being down first? they dc, they don't like your killer? DC, they didn't like that someone self cared instead of letting them heal? DC, they didn't get a spot on a 3 man gen they left to open a chest / cleanse a totem? DC.

    Literally every reason possible for dc was used to justify being a toxic players that ruin the experience of 4 other people for the sake of their incapacity to simply play the game they chose to start.

  • Member Posts: 967

    But I play on PS4 Pro, PS4 Slim, PC windows 7, PC windows 8, Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X. And I haven't encountered the bug ur talking about.

    If it's indeed a bug, the bug itself needs to be addressed, not get rid of DC.

  • Member Posts: 40

    Also you Mayyyyyy have seen a reduction in actual DC’d but i guarantee you’ve seen a dramatic increase in suicide on hook. How has this solved anything? There is no difference other than the killer has no way of suicide.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Good thing the majority of DC didn't come from killers then.

    Suicide on Hook penalise the survivors majorly, sound fair since a survivor is Dcing, why would the killer be penalised even more than already with the loss of potential hooking?

    As for suicide on hook, I don't see them as much as I saw DC plaguing the game.

    On a second thought, being the altruistic type, I did unhook people that were attempting to suicide many time as a survivor, or so it felt... So I may not have a proper idea of how bad it is.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    like it when people say dcer spoil the games of the other players but what they really crying about they got one less meat shield help save they life even if it kills meat shield.

    DC penalty is pointless and bot be better for the game because the killer and 3 other survivors have they meat shield,weren't matter if the bot got out.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Dcing penalty is great glad they inforced i had one game 3 survivors dced had one survivor found em & killed them

  • Member Posts: 6,090
    edited October 2020

    Since when it doesn't happen to you, it means it doesn't happen, here's some screenshots to prove what I was talking about. It was a corrupt update, After verifying the files it got fixed.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 83

    I like the not idea, but bot are either way too strong or plain stupid... And if play stupid, it means having up to 3 free BBQ read for killers, would you feel it to be fair? Because I don't expect bot to have DS xD

  • Member Posts: 40

    How about just figuring out a way to penalize people who intentionally leave the game. I must be crazy to think people shouldn’t be punished for things they can’t control.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited October 2020

    But you can control if you play the game even though you know you've been getting disconnected repeatedly. You always have the choice not to play until you can figure out what's wrong.

  • Member Posts: 40

    How the hell do you think you’d be able to trouble shoot even if there was a problem and if it’s been fixed without playing it? It blows my mind that with a game plagued with bugs as this one and you even insinuate it must be me. You guys are something else

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    I bet the bot be better then the one who dced anyways because if they dc they must suck anyways.

    yea killers has no way of suicide so they stuck in this game,you know if DC penalty was only for survivors I wouldn't fight this so much I mean sometime a killer want out and his dc don't hurt the 4 survivors I do think survivor try get the killer to dc for the LOL.

    but if DC penalty was only for survivors make the DC penalty more pointless then it is because of the suicide on hook thing why I'm all for bot at this point.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited October 2020

    You can't rage out of every match you don't like without dying on hook (which is significantly better for a match than just DCing upon hit, the killer still has to hook you, so they get their stacks/procs of things like BBQ, which also means the rest of the team has more time to work on gens and even rescue you, more points for everyone and not just you disappearing from the killer's arms and them immediately moving on to the next chase. Although bots would be even better.) and somehow you magically get a 6 hour ban when your game crashes... almost like you maybe quit out of a bunch of games before that and the one time you didn't quit out on purpose and crashed you got a long ban.

    The DC penalty is my favorite part of this game at this point. Quitters should quit permanently. Get the hell outta here. And if someone has a legit crash, they get a 5 minute ban, not a 6 hour one. How stupid do you think people are?

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • Member Posts: 146

    The penalty wouldn't be needed if they worked on removing the reasons why people leave/ragequit or well in this case, crash 🙃🙃🙃

    Last October for example i had a full day where a 'network error' in the game kept disconnecting me and other players out of the game. Stop using the excuse that the game is ruined for others when its often the fault of the game itself.

    But yeah talking to the devs about issues is like talking to a brick wall.

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