We're Gonna Live Forever Update
I really like the mechanical changes to We're Gonna Live Forever and while the ways we can get a token were expanded it's very counter intuitive. While WGLF mechanically benefits picking survivors up off the floor the token mechanic incentivizes -not- doing so as every way to obtain a token save 1 requires the killer pick up a downed teammate. By adding a token for healing a survivor from the dying to injured state I think it'd give the perk a much better feel overall.
That's what the 100% healing speed is there for, i thought. I remember a while back complaining that survivors should be granted protection hits for healing people in the dying state. But, I like their idea better, give 100% heal speed and increase the probability that you will get a protection hit for healing the survivor, because you're likely to get hit when the killer returns.
Simply giving a token for healing from the dying state would be too easy to exploit; i.e. 25% xp bonus for using For The People on a dying survivor, before other survivors can heal them normally.