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Hit six survivors in a single trial while performing a lethal Rush 😳

Member Posts: 2,697
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I just started playing the Blight, and I can barely hit one survivor let alone six to complete this tome challenge! Hell I've even watched plenty of rank 1 streamers barely get six lethal rush attacks in one match.

Not saying the Blight isn't a strong killer, far from it, but it is incredibly easy to dodge that rush attack. I especially hate that I have to purposefully run away from a survivor so that I can hit something first before I can double back and execute an attack. This guy almost makes the nurse look easy by comparison. LOL

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  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yeah, that's actually pretty brutal as challenges go. 6 lethal rushes is at the upper limit of what to expect in most trials iny experience, sinc emost of the time your power is more about threatening and mobility than directly attacking

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    I guess I take my hundreds of hours playing Blight for granted, because I finished this one on my first try, and probably 50 times over after that, if it were to keep track.

    So, a few tips:

    If you're hitting something and then doubling back... you might be using the power incorrectly. Yes, you'll do this sometimes if you overshoot or want to bait out a Dead Hard from a weird angle, but in general, you'll be be veering off to the left or right, rather than directly past the survivor, this makes it much easier to keep an eye on them, if you're doubling back, you're making it SUPER easy for them to find something to hide behind.

    The attack is only easy to dodge in certain scenarios. Obviously in narrow spaces like hallways they're boned. But don't forget the attack has a super wide angle in front of you, you can hit someone who is practically off-screen (although if you use Shadowborn, you can see they're actually not that far out of sight, because the default FOV is like running around looking through weak binoculars) and you need to take advantage of that. If someone's touching you, during a rush, swing immediately, the damage frame is instant, there's no delay, so swing away.

    Further, if someone's injured and you know they have Dead Hard, but you have to attack from behind, you can just run into them a bit (they'll body block you to an extent) and then swing, you'll do a full lunge, but you'll still be lunging by the time Dead Hard is over.

    I don't know about using a controller (I played one game using a gamepad on PC as a joke to test out my Dual Sense PS5 controller and couldn't land a single hit) but on mouse and keyboard, you can curve reaaaal good. You can also look a bit further than you can actually turn, and don't forget that lunging will instantly turn you into whatever direction you're looking, in a straight line, so you can make some pretty wild turns that survivors have a lot of trouble dealing with. I went up against a survivor who said this "sounded like BS" after I explained it to him, because they also played Blight and thought the pretty basic attacks I was doing seemed impossible.

    Beyond that, it's really a lot of practice. You want to look at the environment more than the survivor themselves. What you can bounce off of is far more important than staring at the survivor, who compared to you is slow and easily caught. Distance means almost nothing against a Blight unless you can get to a good tile. I will happily break every pallet I come across because it doesn't matter how far you run, I can get across the map in 5 seconds. That's not to say don't look at survivors or let them run across the map, you just care about those things less.

    You will miss a lot. Even when you get really good you'll miss against really good survivors, but again, it doesn't really matter unless you just never land hits. You can recover so quickly and make up lost ground like it's nothing. And if one survivor is super hard to hit, you can either keep engaging to try and observe and adapt to how they dodge, or you can just drop chase and find someone else.

    I recommend taking Alchemist's Ring, as a successful lethal rush attack will refill all your tokens, but it also increases your natural power recovery speed. If you're having a lot of trouble quickly adjusting after a slam, a slam duration add-on can be a great beginner tool, as it buys you more time. As you get more experienced is becomes a hindrance, but it's great before you get to that point.

    Just keep attacking. Don't get discouraged and try to learn a little bit each time you miss. "Rank 1" Blights missing doesn't mean anything, because you can get to rank 1 with any killer and then use a different one. You can also get to rank 1 while being a potato, quite frankly. Watch Scott Jund, as he's the only Blight main streamer I can think of.

    Blight's tricky to play as, but he's not impossible. I might agree that he's harder than Nurse simply because his power can function completely differently based not just on each individual tile, but the RNG clutter that spawns in and around tiles. You have to observe every bit of the environment as you approach without wasting time, and be able to bounce off things and twitch-react to survivor movements instantly. But it's also super satisfying. Good luck!

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    I got both challenges first try

  • Member Posts: 47

    This only took me one try (and I don't have that much Blight play time), and I'd say the turning add-ons really help. It's a little map dependant, too much or too little clutter and you'll have a harder time.

    But if you really can't hit the lethal rushes, the only thing that's really going to help is practice. Once you can identify situations where it's an easy hit you'll be able to rack up the lethal rush hits for this challenge.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    Blight makes me literally throw up so I had to farm for this #########, was not fun

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I though this would have been hard but did it first try and noticed that i would have in a lot of my blight matches.

    Meanwhile getting 4 chainsaw hit as billy has been a nightmare. I don't think i ever want to play him again outside of challenges

  • Member Posts: 14,892

    „I got this first try“

    weird flex but okay...

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Ignore the snobs saying they got it on their 1st try, ATM the only helpful guide is the Scott Kind one. I'd Imagine the next tome will have something blight related aswell, so keep practicing and don't give up

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    It's not about being a snob, the OP seems to think that even "rank 1 Blights" have trouble getting this one. The point isn't to brag, but to point out that it's very possible and not to give up. Obviously if you don't play Blight, you're not gonna get it on your first try.

    Anyway, I figured I'd put my money where my mouth is. I don't have the time to make a full-blown guide like Scott, but I figured I'd record a match last night and upload it. I think I got a pretty good one. There's no commentary, but I think it shows off a lot of the strengths and weaknesses of Blight. There's lots of lethal rush hits, but plenty of misses. There's 2 flashlight saves (Blight is really good at making flashlight saves seem far less valuable) because I wasn't being careful. There's bumping into objects too many times and missing a hit because of it, there's the I-Can't-Move bug, all that kinda fun stuff. And no ruin/undying/tinkerer to worry about!

    I think if the OP watches it alongside something like Scott's guide, he can get a better grasp of how to approach different situations, and how not to approach different situations. I decided to run with a pretty powerful combo of Alchemist's Ring/Umbra salts for this one, which I definitely recommend if you just want to get the challenge out of the way ASAP.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Might as well take some time to learn it now because if these rift challenges stop you just wait till they have even higher numbers

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    In case the first video wasn't enough, here's another showing Blight as his maximum power. You might not be ready for this level of play but sometimes it's good to have something to look forward to. For some reason, my videos keep turning real dark when I upload them to Youtube despite not being anywhere near that dark natively. Weird.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    I personally didn't have trouble doing it, but I played a lot of blight during PTB and the first few days after release. I love him though he is a bit easy to dodge. I'd suggest using the turn add one if you're having trouble. Once you learn him if you intend to you won't really need them

  • Member Posts: 715

    Does this count? I love Blight and since his released I have been maining him. You just need to learn to drift and experience on how the survivors would move. This is my gameplay against a good SWF.

  • Member Posts: 462
    edited February 2021

    Thanks For this. Everyone talks about so many things but to me, missing attacks is the biggest problem. I hit right through them it seems. And sometimes I hit them offscreen but other times it won't. Seems inconsistent. But ill keep trying I guess. Shouldn't the devs address the controller vs mouse issue?

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