Auto aim = the new way of getting outplayed

I honestly don't know if this is just a thing in my games but I have noticed that auto aim has gotten pretty worse over the last weeks to a point where I miss a lot of deserved hits.

I recently had a game where a survivor vaulted over a pallet but the auto aim just let me hit the air instead of the survivor that was right in front of me.

It is also pretty bad around tight corners. I don't remember it being that bad in the past.

Anyone else noticed some issues with the auto aim? I am curious.


  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    No I am not. But it happens a lot more in my games than it used to in the past. It's really frustrating tbh.

  • Stibfa
    Stibfa Member Posts: 22

    Yup we all love auto-aim, I especially love it when I blink on a survivor and my swing just hits a barrel or a tree

  • legacyrisky
    legacyrisky Member Posts: 10

    ######### agree as a fellow nurse player even tho I'm only a p1 nurse

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    People seem to forget the purpose of aim-dressing (auto-aim). Its there to make the hit look right *from the survivors' point of view*, by moving the killer's camera before the hit is registered. Its not there to help killers or something. Its there to make the game more exciting for survivors by giving them a Omg-I-dodged-the-killers-attack-moments.

  • YerenaShadow
    YerenaShadow Member Posts: 6

    Omg yass i feel u!Almost everytime i am on the point of hitting a survivor,auto aim decides i should either hit the nearest obstacle or another survivor in my view,which is obviously harder to hit than the one i was chasing

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Thats a combination of aim-dressing, and broken hitboxes.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I have been having some eyebrow reasing misses latelly yes.

    Not completly sure if it's the aim assist or me just getting cheeky with my lunges

  • Zeromadcoil
    Zeromadcoil Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2020

    I've noticed a huge spike in the aim dressing screwing up my attacks. It makes 360 survivor plays nearly impossible to hit.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    It fails fundamentally on this level as well, since all you ever hear about are "BS hits" when we all have sub-40 pings and there was no visible lag all match.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    The issue is likely a result of latency, though improper coding might be involved.

    Melee attacks in most game use a hitbox or sensor cone. Within the hitbox/cone, a hitscan is cast upon using an attack to determine line of sight and no obstructions. After that, if nothing is in the way, the hit and damage is confirmed. When latency hops into the party, you have scenarios where you see your target in front of you while the target sees themselves out of the way. Both sets of data are sent to the dedicated server, which makes the decision if the attacker was successful.

    In the case of DbD, that sensor cone is ALWAYS there. It always "knows" if you are going to land an attack by pressing the STAB HIM STAB HIM NOW DROP EVERYTHING AND STAB HIM button. I'm not sure, but my guess is it is doing a hitscan check at all times so that when you press the button, the damage confirmation is faster and doesn't need to send out an initial hitscan check. I'm SUPER not sure about this, but that could potentially mean that older, obsolete hit data is being used by the server depending on latency issues and what have you.

    I am not trying to belittle you, and am being very genuine about this question: How are they broken?

    I know the hitboxes are pill shaped, and don't always follow animations correctly when performing an action (ex: vaulting). I also know they recently adjusted the hit boxes to be closer to the size of the models, and make them adjust for crouched action animations so the hitbox doesn't rest higher than the character models. Furthermore, based on some anecdotal intel (read: youtube videos), the hitbox of the characters seems to be attached primarily at the hips, which means that aiming at the waist is normally the best way to ensure the animation of the characters won't interfere with an accurate reading of the hitbox.

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    It isn't supposed to be auto aim, and its not really, the devs have said that it shouldn't cause you to get a hit you would've otherwise missed, they also said that one of the issues is they check for collision during it causing people to hit things other than the survivors, I understand your pain though, many times i've swung at a survivor right behind them and missed due to it, or hit a bush or tire stack.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited November 2020

    I can only primarily speak from killer's perpective, because it eliminates most of latency issues:

    Survivors's hitboxes disappear at random intervalls occassionally. I have had survivors SLOW VAULT right infront of my face, and hit the window frame. I have had survivors unhook infront of my face, aimed for the unhooker (perfect 180° BEHIND the unhooker) and hit the hooked survivor. I have had healing survivor with no hitbox. I have had 360ing survivor with no hitbox (aim-dressing even locked on their model, but no hit rewarded).

    Even if the survivor had a hitbox, it is rarely reflected correctly by the animation. I have hit survivors at pallets where I was like "No way this should have hit", and I also have missed survivors at pallets where my weapon litterally went through their model even in 1st person view. I am devotion level 10 ingame, I think I should know my lunge distances. Yet I am surprised on a daily base how inconsistent it is. At this point I just blindly lunge at every pallet now, because its basically a gamble at this point.

    Aim.dressing exeberates the problem, because it kicks in BEFORE the hit is registered. The devstream even showed a picture of the aim-dressing cone extending outwards further than the hitcone. This leads to alot of situation where aim-dressing thinks ""This is gonna be a hit", but by the time the hitcone comes in reach the requirements are no longer met (an objects in the way, or the survivor moved away).

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    I HATE auto aim/dressing with a passion on ps4, the worst thing about is there is zero point in having it in the game at all. To make hits look like they hit!?, it does the total opposite

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839
    edited November 2020

    Hmm. So let me preface anything else I say with "I am an amateur indie game dev". My primary job is normally animations, but I also work on level design and gameplay design. Number crunching and mechanics. Been doing it a while but by no means a pro.

    An issue I have come across in the past is hitboxes having stuttered movement in front of the character model. While the character model is moving, the hitbox moves a bit past it at times, and might jerk back and forth. This is normally a result of the core scripting of the game, and latency. In particular, the core scripting isn't well designed to make the animated character model follow the hitbox. The animated model is "anchored" to the hitbox, and basically follows it. In modern games, this isn't as much of an issue, but it DOES show up in slower paced games where small adjustments in position and movement mean more. Furthermore, I don't know the method that DbD uses to transition a hitbox from one side of a vault to another. It might sit on one side until halfway through the animation and then appear on the other. It might follow the animated model. It might wait until the beginning or end of an animation. I simply don't know.

    My point is, while I don't know how DbD handles their hitbox position in relation to the animated model, I would hazard to guess they are having issues with the character model correctly following the hitbox. On top of that, aim dressing might, for some reason, be aimed at the animated model and not the hitbox itself, while simultaneously sending hit requests/confirmations to the hitbox. This can result in the camera shifting out of position to the model while the hitbox is no longer in the sensor, resulting in a missed attack.

    I simply don't know for sure, but those are some ideas based on my limited experience. Regardless, the issue needs to be addressed.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    That is most likely it. Models and hitboxes being not synchronised well. I really wish the developers would get behind this core problem, instead of pumping out more rushed content.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    Yeah, and ps4 is full of talentless survivors with no looping skills who are red ranks only because they know how to scum the aim dressing. That's why I only play Spirit when the crossplay is off, since they can't 360 a phasing Spirit.

  • Brhoom
    Brhoom Member Posts: 241

    Killers complaining about unfair hits

    L M A O

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    I've had some snappy auto locks on every props in the game lately. I've also missed survivors right in front of me in the open a few times where my camera gets yanked slightly to side to a ghost apparently.

    It's definitely gotten worse suddenly.

    I'm starting to believe they shadow-nerfed the hit detection cone on non-lunge attacks, or there's some sort of shenaningans going on with desync.