Why I'm never bringing cakes or streamers to Bloodhunt events...

JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

Seriously, I'm looking for fun matches where we can all get some BP and every match has been clickly clicky nonsense, get gens done asap, and burn survivor sided offerings. Like if people don't care about bonus BP cause the killer is being nice then I'm just gonna BBQ stack and Survivor Pudding every game. Might even play sweaty Freddy, Spirit, or Hag every game too....


  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    I've only had ONE killer be nice during this event. A Spirit wanting to get her gen challenge done.

    I've wasted so many petals and Y4 cakes... not wasting any more.

    If only we could end up in the same games together instead.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I've noticed that cakes and streamers seem to scream "this game will go fast". My friends and I joke now that cake offerings are someones way of apologizing for the complete lack of a match everyone is about to get.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I don't blame you for feeling this way. I'm seriously tired of wasting bloody party streamers and escape cakes just to get survivors that farm me and I die before the first gen gets done because this baby Meg wants to unhook me while the killer is still in the area.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731
    edited November 2020

    I never bring cakes or streamers, makes people play trash. Accounts stocked with them.

    I have been using the petals though, if the gen gets done fine and if it doesnt no big deal. I dont go out my way to target Halloween gens, just play normal.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    That's all I had while playing during this double bloodpoint event!! Nothing but Ebony Morris and slugging while there are more than 3 gens. I ABSOLUTELY hate running DS/UB but the only way I've been able to survive is using those perks. Makes me want to put the game on hold until the double bloodpoint event goes away

  • Jed
    Jed Member Posts: 254

    Well apparently I haven't come across any of you because almost nobody has offered anything in most of the games I've played during this event.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    Okay, so I'll shorten the tl;dr and say I only just re-downloaded DbD for Halloween which took longer than expected so I played from 5am till about 2pm local time because it was still October 31st EST time. Maybe because of my tiredness I got confused but I used up both cakes and streamers on a few killers and basically got nothing ie if I got 25k bp in the game I'd get an extra 25k bp Bloodhunt bp but nothing for the cake or steamer or soup etc. Seemed the same with envelopes and any other bonus bp sacrifice as survivor too.

    Someone on the PS4 community tried to convince me cakes only worked for SWF but that seems wrong.

    Basically, it seemed from my half asleep post game assessment of 7 hours of gaming BHVR set the event to just give Bloodhunt extra bp and ignore other extra bp sacrifices.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I'm burning maps as survivor this whole event for the simple reason there's been hard camping and tunneling 3 days straight. I can say I had 1 single nice killer, that was Blight playing normally (and that was before I've started burning maps).

    I do want points, but if the killer doesn't care and the survivors won't get points anyway (I had matches in which the survivor earning the most points just got 8k), then its better to be efficient.

    I was burning cakes in the beginning, but what was the point when the killer was the only one earning points from it?

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,806

    I'm not wasting cakes on a killer who wants to end the game super fast. If they are just interested in closing it out super quick I'm just gonna burn survivor only bp offerings, ######### them.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    The double BP is only on the base points for the match so it's like having full stacks of BBQ or WGLF every round. Some of us just want to bring offerings so everyone can get even more points but the way people have been playing during the event is just gross. Killers sweating their asses off, survivors rushing matches and escaping with barely over 10,000 points because they're bringing maps like ormond and strode along with Prove Thyself and Brand New Parts and making matches as short as possible.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    😕 I'm still confused, I'd check the total bp I'd get at the end of each trial and each time it'd just seem like all I got was the base bp and Bloodhunt bp, I should've tried to record it somehow but a few games multiple bp boosters would be used and results would still be base bp x2.

    Back in 4th Year event where I'd have games where 4 or 5 cakes would be used and I'd get 100-200k bp (I think most for me was 180k but others got 190ish+) it doesn't seem to be stacking bp bonus and I think the most I've gotten is 50-70k. I could be wrong.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    To the other point being made here about terrible player behavior, yeah I've been seeing it and it's kinda the reason I'm not playing right now and it kinda feels like a chore to play again/need to make myself play just to get the bonus bp.

    Co-survivors playing solo have been mindblowingly more selfish than I've ever seen in years of playing this game-there's been games where the killer gets 2-3 more kills than they deserve based on survivors not helping each other. And despite not wanting to be a DC baby the shameless tunneling eventually got to me and I DC'd my last game. It's double frustration on PS4, we're getting sporadic frame dropping like you wouldn't believe.

    DCing too-######### with all these level 20s just DCing whenever they're not having an easy game? As kiler I actually "teamed" with some survivors for the first time in forever because I pounded them too hard as Doc and after one DC'd, another got sacrificed and they still had 5 gens left the Bill approached me and put his med kit down like we did in the old days to show submission/respect so I let him and the other survivor do all gens, tried pointing out totems and let them escape. It takes so frigging long to be an "altruistic killer" though because you can't clearly communicate that you're hitting them to give them heal points or just need to hook em twice for your own points etc.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    I am that killer who farms if there are more than 2 bps and 1 4th aniv cake.

    Got way more bp than playing the game normally.

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    Wish there was a rating system of good, quality players on both sides, that would help enable them to play and que into each other.

    Something like overwatchs post game rating that would help promote healthy habits and punish those that are being unhealthy to the game state.

    I thought I was losing my marbles about my matches, but it seems that alot of people are going through this experience. I feel for you solo survivors getting facedcamp, and I feel for my brothers and sisters as killers who are getting stuck I the LARGEST maps with the quickest gens getting rushed lol. Oh man.

    I have only been playing for a month and a half now, to my experienced players on both sides: "is this behavior normal for these events?" "Is it going to get better afterwards?"

    Kind of getting bored :(

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I'm that kinda killer player, but I get bullied for stuff like that in most of my games so I'm taking a break. Maybe wait until the Hallowed event is over.

    It's hard to find anyone fun anymore on this game.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178
    edited November 2020

    The first match I played this Bloodhunt was a... Mori-ing, slugging killer.


  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    Yeah, I was warned Bloodhunt events tend to get the worst of the player base out although I did not think it'd be this bad. I had one, maybe two, nice Killers through the entirety of it.

    Other than that, trial I brought a cake or streamer, trial I was tunnelled hardcore, slugged or just blatantly targetted to the point I couldn't do anything. I had a Doctor say I was "toxic" because I ran him for four generators when he was so fixated with me instead of chasing anyone else -- I still made the least points because I didn't have a chance to do anything else and he face-camped me. And just now, I had a Nurse slug all the survivors at 5 generators for no good reason and we all died on first hook for that reason too. It's terrifying really.

    To all of you Killers that still played normally or wanted to farm, thank you for your efforts. They don't go unappreciated, but this event truly showed the face of how terrible this community really is.