Funny Face Camp

I was in a match with the additional goal of harvesting a flower. The killer caught me before I could find the flower but we past it on the way to the hook. After hooking me he backed up a little bit and then just stared at me. He was also standing very close to the flower. So there I am, hooked, face camped and looking at the flower I so very much want but can't get because I'm hooked.

I could have suicided since it seemed unlikely to end well. But in my opinion, that's dumb. If the killer is face camping me, he isn't stopping the other survivors. And if others try to rescue me, it can lead to interesting game play trying to get a difficult save.

Someone did try to save me. They were very hesitant once they saw the killer but didn't give up. They tested the killer several times, but the killer didn't react. Finally they just came for me and got me off the hook. We ran but I stopped a short distance and looked back. The killer still didn't move.

Thinking he might be AFK I circled around behind him and started harvesting the flower. I was very close to him, in the open, injured and grunting. Halfway through harvesting the killer started moving. The flower was my white wale, I wanted it so I didn't run. I just watched the killer look left and right, but never turn completely around to see me and take off running away from me.

I wondered how he didn't hear my grunts, but I got my flower. And I survived the match in the end. I suspect I may have successfully taken advantage of a bathroom break.

I don't understand why people give up. So often I see people DC as soon as they are downed, or refuse to struggle if they reach second phase first time hooked. It's not over yet. I find the games that started out poorly for me are the best wins.
